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02/29/2008 20:03 #43512

Category: good times
For (e:jim) and (e:james)!

okay so i cannot find the hasselhoff sweet caroline video that i'm absolutely positive that i've seen (can't even find a mention of its existance!) so here is a couple backups that might prove interesting!

hooked on a feeling....

and secret agent man!

ladycroft - 03/01/08 02:14
The Hasselhof! I was just watching SpongeBob Squarepants the other day :)
james - 02/29/08 20:49



02/29/2008 08:44 #43505

p to the r to the o to the c to the....
Category: randomo
procrastination: me sitting here when i should probably be on my way to work at my aunt's warehouse...

Today the mailperson should be delivering my latest netflix dvd... this one is one that (e:lauren) is not really interested in at all...

SNL the Best of Cheri Oteri!

Okay i have been looking to watch this for a long time. it has been on the back of my mind and BAM there it is staring at me in my recommended section of my Netflix account... so why not?


And then hopefully tonight i will be able to begin painting. day off.

ok ok ok fine i'll go get dressed and head off to work. BOO!
fellyconnelly - 02/29/08 15:57
sorry guys i love cheri oteri... but mostly due to her role in 'scary movie'

i'm watching the dvd tonight... i'll keep you posted!!!
mike - 02/29/08 14:28
cheri oteri reminds me of janet snyder the Kiss 98.5 morning personality. But i do think she was relaly funny in some skits!! like the lady with all the drugs in her purse i think she was a bus driver or something?!? loved it
joshua - 02/29/08 13:53
Ouch... lol. (e:drew) that is scathing but I agree. I personally thought a few of the other ladies on the show were funnier than her, but that is just me. What did you think about the DVD felly?
drew - 02/29/08 11:46
How long is that DVD? 10 minutes? Seriously, looking off into the corner got old fast.

I think they should call the DVD: "Thank God I got in sketches with Will Farrel."
joshua - 02/29/08 09:32
I thought you were going to spell proctology. Silly me!

02/28/2008 09:54 #43493

an actual post
Category: randomo
ah yes another pointless post by yours truly...

in a week and a half (e:lauren) and i will be heading on down to new paltz again for vacation. i love my vacation weekends in new paltz. Sometimes, however, it is difficult to deal with the crazies that are my friends. but i guess then there is always the joy of driving home!

i have a fat $20 bill and a stack of cookies to the first person who wants to come over and fill up the kitties food bowl while we are gone. simple job and i'll be taking resumes throughout the week.

whatelse... letssseeee here... ooo i got an easel! i'm very excited for this - and i intend to start painting again soon! (e:jbeatty) actually inspired me to do so after commenting on my paintings at (e:lauren)'s party....i'm waiting really for a moment when i'm not working, or watching my programs or breakdancing or....etc...

speaking of breakdancing... i have a week and a half to get myself to a position where i can show a few moves to my friends when i go visit. i don't feel confident in my ability to spin around on my back...

also - we watched a big lesbian movie the other day. it was about a young catholic school girl who had a crush on her teacher. she kept tormenting her teacher.. hitting on her... hittin on her... teacher is all like.. nooooooo no nonono and then finally gives in.

and then the teacher gets arrested.

end movie.


but the funny part was the outtakes in the part where the student sends the teacher flowers. Instead of the card reading some sort of cute little lovey poetry it read something like 'hey wanna have lesbian sex in the rectory' or something like that... i cracked up laughing...
fellyconnelly - 02/29/08 08:40
awesome guys... i know (e:janelle) did it last time and it was sooo very much appreciated! cookies!
drew - 02/28/08 10:14
(e:janelle) and I feed cats all the time. I think we can do it again.

02/25/2008 14:52 #43456

party with the guests
What a weekend....

Saturday nights battle rocked! we had a damn good time and followed it up with a trip to Roxy's. Good times for all! i danced, though poorly i believe....

Sunday i took my out of town guest out to see buffalo. Really this consisted of walking up and down elmwood and then driving around downtown and then sitting in Dunkin Donuts for several hours. It was good times... up all night introducing her to the Harry Potter movies. I only showed her one, but i think that is sufficient to hook her... hehe i'm evil.

Dropped her off this morning at the airport.

Now i am sitting at work. bored out of my mind because though i've been here since 10 i have only sold a headset. This is also my loooooong day as i'm here till 830. did i mention that i've been up since 6? boo. is it seriously only 3? I am only halfway through my day at work... seriously... boooooo!

i'm hoping for lots of business around the 4-6 time when people are getting out of work. i need to find someplace to take a nap.

02/23/2008 10:21 #43433

oh friday into saturday
Category: good times
(e:drew) you have my asian noodles in the back of your truck!

had a good time irritating all the ladies who wanted our parking spaces.

got a hair cut

picked up friend from airport.

had one beer and got a headache from it...

watched a 3 hour movie about victorian lesbians. had that chick who played umbridge in harry potter. it made my stomach hurtlooking at her.

at work now... weeeeehoo!

tonight is the battle people! then we are going out to roxy's if anyone is interested.
drew - 02/23/08 14:19
are you sure? I thought you carried them away. You are welcome to come by and help yourself if they are there.