Stupid Rite Aid in Buffalo, NY for like the third time since they took over have had our checks come late. We didn't get them today cuz of some problem. With eckerd they used to send them earlier in the week but we couldn't get them til friday so that made sure we always had them by Friday but RiteAid in Buffalo, NY doesn't do that and now for like the third time in 6 months I have no check today. This is despite working like 10 million hours to help out cuz of this whole stupid ridiculous transition to a shitty company with shitty computers and shitty everything. Let's see lets take away your sick days, lets take away overtime, lets take away vacation time, and lets not send your checks. Oh and lets take away any sense of like we trust you by hvaing to check everythign you do every second. And then lets not send you your check even on time. But you know what , we also want you to report if any unions come around cuz they are bad people and are gonna take away all that we already get (which is nothing!). Rite Aid in Buffalo New York hates unions. Rite Aid in Buffalo New York tries to convince everyone how bad they are and make us watch tihngs and read emails about how unions just take our money and get us nothing in return. Rite Aid in Buffalo New York is the biggest union buster since Sam Walton! I am prolly gonna be fired if they even saw I mentioned unions, they seriously have tons of emails all the time about watch out for unions, report eveyrthing you see to the hotline. It is like i working for freakin WalMart. Oh Eckerd why did you have to leave!
P.S. I know I could sign up for direct deposit but I refuse cuz they want us to and so I don't out of spite which I know just hurts me but still.
Mike's Journal
My Podcast Link
02/01/2008 15:21 #43136
Rite Aid is Shit- Buffalo Style01/31/2008 21:26 #43119
Queen FabiolaOMG there is an ex queen of the Belgians. (she married the king but when he died his younger brother became king and his wife queen) but she is still called Queen Fabiola. What kind of better life is there than being a queen and having the name Fabiola!!!!!!!

She's the little fabulous one in the middle in gray!

She's the little fabulous one in the middle in gray!
01/28/2008 23:00 #43073
I am mean to old ladies now!So it has happened. RiteAid has broken me. The old ladies that ocme to my store love me and i do tons of stuff for them. Like this one lady only let me cash her out cuz she counts out her change and has me fill out a check for the rest when she buys her candy and 2 cases of beer every week. Another lady brings in like any paper work she ever gets or junk mail for me to go over and make sure it isn't importnat. Another lady just likes to stay and chat.
BUT NOT ANYMORE!! We got this stupid new Rite Aid computer system that is so slwo and dumb and stupid and does not let you take care of customers that like I am chained to a computer being angry for 12 hours a day! So like the lady i always cash out came in and i made her wait for like 35 minutes for me to cash her out cuz i was so busy and awash in problems and then i told her I cna't cash her out anymore and unless ehw ants to wait she is gonna have to let the girl who cashiers cash her out! I felt horrible!
Then the lady came in with this paperwork she needed to fill out for her insurance and I helped kinda but was short and mean about it and you could tell she felt bad aobut it but so did I! But seriousl y the wait time was like an hour at that piont (as compared to our old average of about 10 minutes)! And i was stressed.
I wokred like 60 hours last week and will rpolly do tons this week too cuz it is so carzy!!!!So word to the wise, don't go to the old Eckerd that is now Rite Aid in Kenmore for a few months until it settles down or else you will run into an angry angry clerk named MIke Visco with four service stars on his name badge. Do you think they will take away my award stars now that I am mean to old people! THEY CAN'T!!!!!!!! I hate what it is doing to me> I seriuly have no concern for people anyhmore czu i am too stressed at work. noone does. We used to apologize and stuff when things weren't ready or were wrong or wahtever now we are just like "Shut up whore! You'll get your drugs when you get them and you are gonna smile about it or I'm gonna smack you!" UGH!
BUT NOT ANYMORE!! We got this stupid new Rite Aid computer system that is so slwo and dumb and stupid and does not let you take care of customers that like I am chained to a computer being angry for 12 hours a day! So like the lady i always cash out came in and i made her wait for like 35 minutes for me to cash her out cuz i was so busy and awash in problems and then i told her I cna't cash her out anymore and unless ehw ants to wait she is gonna have to let the girl who cashiers cash her out! I felt horrible!
Then the lady came in with this paperwork she needed to fill out for her insurance and I helped kinda but was short and mean about it and you could tell she felt bad aobut it but so did I! But seriousl y the wait time was like an hour at that piont (as compared to our old average of about 10 minutes)! And i was stressed.
I wokred like 60 hours last week and will rpolly do tons this week too cuz it is so carzy!!!!So word to the wise, don't go to the old Eckerd that is now Rite Aid in Kenmore for a few months until it settles down or else you will run into an angry angry clerk named MIke Visco with four service stars on his name badge. Do you think they will take away my award stars now that I am mean to old people! THEY CAN'T!!!!!!!! I hate what it is doing to me> I seriuly have no concern for people anyhmore czu i am too stressed at work. noone does. We used to apologize and stuff when things weren't ready or were wrong or wahtever now we are just like "Shut up whore! You'll get your drugs when you get them and you are gonna smile about it or I'm gonna smack you!" UGH!
01/21/2008 23:24 #42982
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAULSo it is a little early cuz I am off to bed, but happy birthday Paul. I don't know if the day can be better than this one, having tea with plastic alice in wonderland figurines but I hope it comes close at least.


mrdeadlier - 01/23/08 14:19
Is that a Members Only jacket? ;)
Is that a Members Only jacket? ;)
metalpeter - 01/22/08 17:10
Happy Birthday. That is kinda scary but that picture looks like I have seen it before. I haven't seen that movie in so long the only part I remember is the Chesire cat.
Happy Birthday. That is kinda scary but that picture looks like I have seen it before. I haven't seen that movie in so long the only part I remember is the Chesire cat.
ladycroft - 01/22/08 13:56
that is fucking scary!
that is fucking scary!
joshua - 01/22/08 12:33
Wow - happy birthday Paul!
Wow - happy birthday Paul!
paul - 01/22/08 00:09
Thanks mike. I totally remember that day!
Thanks mike. I totally remember that day!
01/21/2008 20:56 #42980
What I've BecomeWork and life have been quite stressful lately. I just have been down in the dumps and like come home from work super stressed and it doesn't really go up from there. I tihnk a big part is not having a car stilll because then I am trapped here since it is winter and cold where usually I would at least run up to Target or something for some retail therapy (my favoirte kind of therapy) . I really need to get on this car thing soon.
Anywho, so today i literally came home from work, put on a sweat suit , at dinner and laid on the couch for like two hours and since then have read and wrote email and now am gonna read a book and go to bed soon. I hate this. I do not want to become someone who sits in a sweat suit (i seriuosly think this might be the first time in my life that i have worn sweat pants and a sweat shirt at the same time like a full sweat suit) and lies on the couch. Ugh! i need a new life..
Anywho, so today i literally came home from work, put on a sweat suit , at dinner and laid on the couch for like two hours and since then have read and wrote email and now am gonna read a book and go to bed soon. I hate this. I do not want to become someone who sits in a sweat suit (i seriuosly think this might be the first time in my life that i have worn sweat pants and a sweat shirt at the same time like a full sweat suit) and lies on the couch. Ugh! i need a new life..
hodown - 01/22/08 13:26
Mike you are not allowed to become the sweat suite dude. I'm not allowing it. If you continue this behavior I'm coming to buffalo for an intervention.
Mike you are not allowed to become the sweat suite dude. I'm not allowing it. If you continue this behavior I'm coming to buffalo for an intervention.
libertad - 01/21/08 22:44
This is the biggest crock of shit that I have ever read.
This is the biggest crock of shit that I have ever read.
leetee - 01/21/08 22:10
THings will get better. Gather girlfriends and go on a shopping spree.. with them as the taxi service! :)
THings will get better. Gather girlfriends and go on a shopping spree.. with them as the taxi service! :)
Check out the pic of Britney in this article. It's the 6th one from the bottom.
Britney Spears Supports Rite Aid!!!!!!
What is better is that if you type rite aid shit into google it comes up as number one. Without even mentioning Buffalo.
Toyota also provides benefits to same sex couples!
Jason, Toyota and other Japanese car manufacturers provide benefits to their workers without being forced to do so by unions. If companies would provide good work environments, unions wouldn't be an issue.
Ok, mike. So I just typed "Rite Aid Buffalo Union" into google, and your post is the number one entry... I haven't read this yet, but paul seems freaked out by it. I'll be sure to as soon as I get home though.
i am not the biggest union person as some of you know, but frankly companies need to provide some benefit and in response to jason, you know what else had a really great competitive advantage, southern plantation in the old south, noone else could grow crops as cheaply ro quickly, that doesn't make it good.
Ya unions suck, lol. Look how much I suffer doing union work.
Anyone know what Toyota's competitive advantages are?
Mike- that blows. I once worked for Rite Aid as well and I totally back up your assesment of how shitty they treat their employees. You need a Workers Revolution!! Or a stiff drink. Either one..
It's companies like this that define why America is not competitive in the global marketplace. The business running smoothly should receive a higher priority than bullshit corporate politics and indoctrination videos.
When and if you're ready to quit or be fired from Rite Aide, give all your co-workers information to whatever union is trying to unionize Rite Aid. That'll really make Rite Aid lose it when employees start reporting they're getting home visits from unions.
Oh, and if you want to be snippy with your union obsessed management, tell them that the best way to avoid unions is to have fair pay and good working conditions.
I'm not pro-union for most of human services because so much of what determines our work conditions and pay is the state, not the agencies. I would be sent to these trainings on "What happens when a union comes to your agency" trainings and they were so ridiculously over the top and untrue of how unions operate. My brother has been a union organize so I've gotten an inside on the good and bad of the union.