Happy Christmas everyone! I hope you had a lovely time which ever way you spent it. Some of you may have received little gifts from me. My dad graciously played santa and made a few deliveries on my behalf. Much cheaper to send one package and buy my dad some gas than individual mailings.
Carey will be delivering my secret santa gift to the new year party. SO, dear secret santa - you can just give my gift to her at the party and she will give it to my parents who will send it along my way :)
Ladycroft's Journal
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12/26/2007 09:15 #42648
happy christmasCategory: potpourri
12/19/2007 16:19 #42584
little chefCategory: potpourri
I have a mouse in my house. I found it quite ironic that I had just finished watching "Ratatouille" when I discovered him. I now call him Little Chef, though I doubt he'll start cooking for me. I have to go shower now and head for bed. Nighty-night.
mrmike - 12/19/07 16:28
If you feel your hair getting tugged, worry
If you feel your hair getting tugged, worry
12/17/2007 09:11 #42551
here she isCategory: transportation
My new car. The first car I've ever owned in the same decade it was made. In fact, it's still in the same year it was made! If you've known me in the last 15 years, you know I've kind of always driven a pile of shit held together with duct tape, bungee cords and bolts in wrong places. It feels grotesquely grown up to own such a new vehicle, but it was rather necessary in this place.

jenks - 12/18/07 23:00
mike - 12/18/07 00:32
awesome! congrats!
awesome! congrats!
museumchick - 12/17/07 20:40
sweet ride!
sweet ride!
theecarey - 12/17/07 18:46
utterly crazy :D You need to stick a piece of duct tape somewhere! and perhaps crank the heat up on your toes and sit at a stop light somewhere.. gotta keep those memories alive!
utterly crazy :D You need to stick a piece of duct tape somewhere! and perhaps crank the heat up on your toes and sit at a stop light somewhere.. gotta keep those memories alive!
leetee - 12/17/07 13:01
Congrats. Glad you're finally behind her wheel.
Let us know what you decide to call her. i don't suggest Navy Mouse... that sounds so wrong!
Congrats. Glad you're finally behind her wheel.
Let us know what you decide to call her. i don't suggest Navy Mouse... that sounds so wrong!
carolinian - 12/17/07 10:53
Is there a new nickname for Aqua Mouse's successor?
Is there a new nickname for Aqua Mouse's successor?
mrmike - 12/17/07 09:26
Very nice. I do wonder if you decide to keep it at the end of your posting there, how tough is it to arrange for it to follow you.
I think I want something like that for my next ride though
Very nice. I do wonder if you decide to keep it at the end of your posting there, how tough is it to arrange for it to follow you.
I think I want something like that for my next ride though
12/09/2007 16:58 #42450
pleasure to meet youCategory: potpourri
I made a friend tonight. A real honest to God we can hang out and have fun kind of friend. A friend NOT affiliated in any way with work. It has been such a struggle to meet people because there aren't any social venues for doing so. Finally I got my foot in the door and met a normal, down to earth guy. Where you meet one you begin to meet others. Eventually I will have a circuit of friends outside of my co-workers and that is something I really need right now. It makes me very happy.
metalpeter - 12/10/07 17:20
Ah cool. Yeah I sort of assumed that you had a couple all ready from outside of school, I guess I was wrong but now I will be correct very soon. Hopefully that circle grows at a good pace.
Ah cool. Yeah I sort of assumed that you had a couple all ready from outside of school, I guess I was wrong but now I will be correct very soon. Hopefully that circle grows at a good pace.
hodown - 12/10/07 11:19
yea for friends! they are so important. im happy for you :)
yea for friends! they are so important. im happy for you :)
leetee - 12/10/07 09:53
Happy to hear it!
Like (e:James) (really, (e:James)? That surprises me, you don't seem the shy sort), i find it very difficult to make friends in new places. Yes, one can meet people, but making friends is that last step i have never been very good at.
You, on the other hand, have always seemed to make friends easily... so i thought you already had the (e:Ladycroft) fan club overseas chapter in full swing.
You're a good egg, and i hope the friendship you just made blossoms into a whole network of solid, lifelong friendships! :)
Happy to hear it!
Like (e:James) (really, (e:James)? That surprises me, you don't seem the shy sort), i find it very difficult to make friends in new places. Yes, one can meet people, but making friends is that last step i have never been very good at.
You, on the other hand, have always seemed to make friends easily... so i thought you already had the (e:Ladycroft) fan club overseas chapter in full swing.
You're a good egg, and i hope the friendship you just made blossoms into a whole network of solid, lifelong friendships! :)
jason - 12/10/07 08:48
Good for you!
Good for you!
mike - 12/09/07 23:33
that is why i will never leave buffalo.
that is why i will never leave buffalo.
jenks - 12/09/07 23:18
yay! that's awesome. And you're totally right- once you meet that first person, the rest just sort of falls into place. I'm happy for you.
yay! that's awesome. And you're totally right- once you meet that first person, the rest just sort of falls into place. I'm happy for you.
james - 12/09/07 19:12
congrats. Every time I moved to a strange, new city I found it very difficult to meet people. I can't imagine what that is like in your situation.
congrats. Every time I moved to a strange, new city I found it very difficult to meet people. I can't imagine what that is like in your situation.
12/05/2007 17:15 #42407
random bitsCategory: potpourri
It's hard to transfer registration of a vehicle when the government thinks your dead - my life plays out like a sitcom, truly.
Although many people have told me so, I've only recently accepted the fact that I often don't give myself enough credit.
My hair is noticeably longer today - ironically 5 people asked me if I just got my haircut.
I make really amazing cookies- I think this statement counts as giving myself credit.
Veronika Decides to Die is turning out to be one of the greatest books I've ever read.
Although many people have told me so, I've only recently accepted the fact that I often don't give myself enough credit.
My hair is noticeably longer today - ironically 5 people asked me if I just got my haircut.
I make really amazing cookies- I think this statement counts as giving myself credit.
Veronika Decides to Die is turning out to be one of the greatest books I've ever read.
metalpeter - 12/08/07 19:16
This morning after a very intense dream that felt real, that I can't get into here, don't worry it had nothing to do with you I woke up and had a thought. I think the person who you looked like in one of the pictures where you kinda had shoulder length hair was Bones. She is also know as Temperance on the show bones. Most of the time you two don't look anything at all alike. But there was a shot of her from the Christmas episode that looks like one of the pictures from your trip. I have to admit my memory is kinda sketchy so I'm not 100% sure if I'm correct about that. It is weird that I would see someone and think they looked like you in a certain picture and not be able to really remember who it was.
This morning after a very intense dream that felt real, that I can't get into here, don't worry it had nothing to do with you I woke up and had a thought. I think the person who you looked like in one of the pictures where you kinda had shoulder length hair was Bones. She is also know as Temperance on the show bones. Most of the time you two don't look anything at all alike. But there was a shot of her from the Christmas episode that looks like one of the pictures from your trip. I have to admit my memory is kinda sketchy so I'm not 100% sure if I'm correct about that. It is weird that I would see someone and think they looked like you in a certain picture and not be able to really remember who it was.
ladycroft - 12/07/07 04:49
i'm curious to know who it was...
i'm curious to know who it was...
metalpeter - 12/05/07 18:54
This is going to sound stupid but I saw someone on TV or was it a movie (see I can't remember so why am i talking about it) and thought You looked a lot like them in one of your travel pictures, If I could only remember who it was. The person was famous but other then that I have no clue, sorry. The thing is about Cookies is as long as you like them, then they are good. The reason I say that is some people like them hard, crunchy, soft or supersoft. That being said I'm sure they where great cookies.
This is going to sound stupid but I saw someone on TV or was it a movie (see I can't remember so why am i talking about it) and thought You looked a lot like them in one of your travel pictures, If I could only remember who it was. The person was famous but other then that I have no clue, sorry. The thing is about Cookies is as long as you like them, then they are good. The reason I say that is some people like them hard, crunchy, soft or supersoft. That being said I'm sure they where great cookies.
Is that who delivered? I actually wondered if you were in town (or country) because there were no postage markings on the packages!!
Thanks (e:Ladycroft) for the lovely gifts... and (e:MrLadycroftSr) for delivering!!
I agree with mike. How awesome is it that she is doing the gift exchange all the way from Qatar (expression of saying not a real question to be answered). That being said I think it is pretty kick ass.
Won't be quite the same as having your "absolutely fabulous" self there, but we'll make do. Happy new Year since you'll get that way in front of us.