It was wonderful to see everyone at the party last night! It was hard keeping my visit a secret but I wanted to surprise as many people as possible. I got to see the friendly faces I knew would be there, meet a few new faces, and a few faces I didn't expect to be there.
However, BOO on all you peeps who's faces weren't there!!!
I'm in the country a few more days so I'd like to do something. Maybe a peep dinner on Thursday? Does that sound good to anyone?
I really missed you all and it brought me a lot of joy to see you again, spend time with you, and I especially loved the hugs :)
Happy New Year estrip!
Ladycroft's Journal
My Podcast Link
01/01/2008 12:57 #42710
you all made me very happy12/30/2007 10:51 #42681
as 2008 rings inCategory: new year
On the eve of each new year we often reflect on our lives. As I do this dear e-strippers, I wish you joy that never ends and happiness with all your family and friends.
Where were you when 2007 began?
At PMT's in Ab Fab gear
Who were you with?
Where will you be when 2007 ends?
Whom will you be with when 2007 ends?
Was 2007 a good year for you?
Very. Probably the single most growing year of my life. I battled depression, graduated again, landed a dream job, bought a new car, traveled, and learned a lot about how strong I really am.
What was your favorite moment of the year?
Stepping on the plane in Buffalo that would start my journey to my new home. It was scary and exciting like I've never known before.
What was your least favorite moment of the year?
Being told I wasn't worth knowing.
Did you reach your New Year 2007 goals?
I crossed off almost everything on my list!
Did you fall in love in 2007?
Did you breakup with anyone in 2007?
Friends, yes.
Did you make any new friends in 2007?
What was your favorite month of 2007?
Did you travel outside of the US in 2007?
Canada, Qatar, Turkey and Greece
How many different states did you travel to in 2007?
Florida, Texas, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, West Virginia, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts.
Did you lose anybody close to you in 2007?
Did you miss anybody in the past year?
What was your favorite movie that you saw in 2007?
Death at a Funeral (it's hysterical)
What was your favorite song in 2007?
She's my ride home by Blue October
What was your favorite album in 2007?
Well, what I listened to the most was Black Parade by My Chemical Romance
What was your proudest moment of 2007?
Being offered a great job just 3 hours before graduation.
What was your most embarrassing moment of 2007?
Falling for a 'line' when I knew it was a lie.
If you could go back in time to any moment of 2007 and change something, what would it be?
I'd make sure I had more than 2 day's notice to pack up my life and move half way around the world!
What are your goals for 2008?
Visit family and friends around Europe
Paint my apartment
Get much better at guitar
Go camping in the desert
Go duning - weeee
Get open water SCUBA certified
Travel to Singapore, Cambodia, and China
Don't make assumptions
Always do my best
And try not to take things personally!
Where were you when 2007 began?
At PMT's in Ab Fab gear
Who were you with?
Where will you be when 2007 ends?
Whom will you be with when 2007 ends?
Was 2007 a good year for you?
Very. Probably the single most growing year of my life. I battled depression, graduated again, landed a dream job, bought a new car, traveled, and learned a lot about how strong I really am.
What was your favorite moment of the year?
Stepping on the plane in Buffalo that would start my journey to my new home. It was scary and exciting like I've never known before.
What was your least favorite moment of the year?
Being told I wasn't worth knowing.
Did you reach your New Year 2007 goals?
I crossed off almost everything on my list!
Did you fall in love in 2007?
Did you breakup with anyone in 2007?
Friends, yes.
Did you make any new friends in 2007?
What was your favorite month of 2007?
Did you travel outside of the US in 2007?
Canada, Qatar, Turkey and Greece
How many different states did you travel to in 2007?
Florida, Texas, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, West Virginia, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts.
Did you lose anybody close to you in 2007?
Did you miss anybody in the past year?
What was your favorite movie that you saw in 2007?
Death at a Funeral (it's hysterical)
What was your favorite song in 2007?
She's my ride home by Blue October
What was your favorite album in 2007?
Well, what I listened to the most was Black Parade by My Chemical Romance
What was your proudest moment of 2007?
Being offered a great job just 3 hours before graduation.
What was your most embarrassing moment of 2007?
Falling for a 'line' when I knew it was a lie.
If you could go back in time to any moment of 2007 and change something, what would it be?
I'd make sure I had more than 2 day's notice to pack up my life and move half way around the world!
What are your goals for 2008?
Visit family and friends around Europe
Paint my apartment
Get much better at guitar
Go camping in the desert
Go duning - weeee
Get open water SCUBA certified
Travel to Singapore, Cambodia, and China
Don't make assumptions
Always do my best
And try not to take things personally!
libertad - 12/31/07 14:02
Mike and I loved Death at a Funeral. His parents liked it too. I want to see it again. Um, I miss you!
Mike and I loved Death at a Funeral. His parents liked it too. I want to see it again. Um, I miss you!
metalpeter - 12/30/07 11:30
I Hope/wish that whoever you are with and where ever that is on New Years Eve that you have a good time. I was going to say that I wish your 2008 is better then 2007 was. With most people that had a good year that is often unrealistic and if that where to happen every year then life would hit a peak about say 40 and they might as well pack it in cause life would be over. My point is that I hope 2008 is a great year for you it sounds like 2007 was. If 2008 can be better then 2007 then that is a bonus and I would say the goal is to be better then 2007 and for you I hope it is. I also hope that nothing bad happens for you also and that 2008 is great for you. On a side note I can't believe someone said you weren't worth knowing. I can understand that people can sometimes not get along and have problems and say hurtful things and get really personal and nasty and cross lines that shouldn't be crossed be that is just to mean and nasty. I do like that you don't do resolutions, I don't do them either I'm guessing for different reasons. That being said I'm kinda doing two but I'm keeping them to my self since I won't stick to them anyways.
I wanted to say a couple things about music. I think KT Tunstall is a hottie or at least I did. That "Black Parade" CD is pretty good. I admit I only listened to it once but I do that with most of my CDs.
I had some other comment I was going to say but lost it somewhere. It was something about how at the last party I was talking to (e:Jason) (yes jason showed up for the pot luck) and I was telling him about how awesome you where at the Halloween Party at your house (yes over a year ago) [yeah old story] but I hadn't seen him in a long time. Hope 2008 is great and that you start it off with a good time.
I Hope/wish that whoever you are with and where ever that is on New Years Eve that you have a good time. I was going to say that I wish your 2008 is better then 2007 was. With most people that had a good year that is often unrealistic and if that where to happen every year then life would hit a peak about say 40 and they might as well pack it in cause life would be over. My point is that I hope 2008 is a great year for you it sounds like 2007 was. If 2008 can be better then 2007 then that is a bonus and I would say the goal is to be better then 2007 and for you I hope it is. I also hope that nothing bad happens for you also and that 2008 is great for you. On a side note I can't believe someone said you weren't worth knowing. I can understand that people can sometimes not get along and have problems and say hurtful things and get really personal and nasty and cross lines that shouldn't be crossed be that is just to mean and nasty. I do like that you don't do resolutions, I don't do them either I'm guessing for different reasons. That being said I'm kinda doing two but I'm keeping them to my self since I won't stick to them anyways.
I wanted to say a couple things about music. I think KT Tunstall is a hottie or at least I did. That "Black Parade" CD is pretty good. I admit I only listened to it once but I do that with most of my CDs.
I had some other comment I was going to say but lost it somewhere. It was something about how at the last party I was talking to (e:Jason) (yes jason showed up for the pot luck) and I was telling him about how awesome you where at the Halloween Party at your house (yes over a year ago) [yeah old story] but I hadn't seen him in a long time. Hope 2008 is great and that you start it off with a good time.
12/26/2007 09:15 #42648
happy christmasCategory: potpourri
Happy Christmas everyone! I hope you had a lovely time which ever way you spent it. Some of you may have received little gifts from me. My dad graciously played santa and made a few deliveries on my behalf. Much cheaper to send one package and buy my dad some gas than individual mailings.
Carey will be delivering my secret santa gift to the new year party. SO, dear secret santa - you can just give my gift to her at the party and she will give it to my parents who will send it along my way :)
Carey will be delivering my secret santa gift to the new year party. SO, dear secret santa - you can just give my gift to her at the party and she will give it to my parents who will send it along my way :)
leetee - 12/27/07 21:00
Is that who delivered? I actually wondered if you were in town (or country) because there were no postage markings on the packages!!
Thanks (e:Ladycroft) for the lovely gifts... and (e:MrLadycroftSr) for delivering!!
Is that who delivered? I actually wondered if you were in town (or country) because there were no postage markings on the packages!!
Thanks (e:Ladycroft) for the lovely gifts... and (e:MrLadycroftSr) for delivering!!
metalpeter - 12/26/07 17:41
I agree with mike. How awesome is it that she is doing the gift exchange all the way from Qatar (expression of saying not a real question to be answered). That being said I think it is pretty kick ass.
I agree with mike. How awesome is it that she is doing the gift exchange all the way from Qatar (expression of saying not a real question to be answered). That being said I think it is pretty kick ass.
mrmike - 12/26/07 09:27
Won't be quite the same as having your "absolutely fabulous" self there, but we'll make do. Happy new Year since you'll get that way in front of us.
Won't be quite the same as having your "absolutely fabulous" self there, but we'll make do. Happy new Year since you'll get that way in front of us.
12/19/2007 16:19 #42584
little chefCategory: potpourri
I have a mouse in my house. I found it quite ironic that I had just finished watching "Ratatouille" when I discovered him. I now call him Little Chef, though I doubt he'll start cooking for me. I have to go shower now and head for bed. Nighty-night.
mrmike - 12/19/07 16:28
If you feel your hair getting tugged, worry
If you feel your hair getting tugged, worry
12/17/2007 09:11 #42551
here she isCategory: transportation
My new car. The first car I've ever owned in the same decade it was made. In fact, it's still in the same year it was made! If you've known me in the last 15 years, you know I've kind of always driven a pile of shit held together with duct tape, bungee cords and bolts in wrong places. It feels grotesquely grown up to own such a new vehicle, but it was rather necessary in this place.

jenks - 12/18/07 23:00
mike - 12/18/07 00:32
awesome! congrats!
awesome! congrats!
museumchick - 12/17/07 20:40
sweet ride!
sweet ride!
theecarey - 12/17/07 18:46
utterly crazy :D You need to stick a piece of duct tape somewhere! and perhaps crank the heat up on your toes and sit at a stop light somewhere.. gotta keep those memories alive!
utterly crazy :D You need to stick a piece of duct tape somewhere! and perhaps crank the heat up on your toes and sit at a stop light somewhere.. gotta keep those memories alive!
leetee - 12/17/07 13:01
Congrats. Glad you're finally behind her wheel.
Let us know what you decide to call her. i don't suggest Navy Mouse... that sounds so wrong!
Congrats. Glad you're finally behind her wheel.
Let us know what you decide to call her. i don't suggest Navy Mouse... that sounds so wrong!
carolinian - 12/17/07 10:53
Is there a new nickname for Aqua Mouse's successor?
Is there a new nickname for Aqua Mouse's successor?
mrmike - 12/17/07 09:26
Very nice. I do wonder if you decide to keep it at the end of your posting there, how tough is it to arrange for it to follow you.
I think I want something like that for my next ride though
Very nice. I do wonder if you decide to keep it at the end of your posting there, how tough is it to arrange for it to follow you.
I think I want something like that for my next ride though
Sounds good. But we've spent most of our holiday money. Somewhere cheap?
Would definitely be up for a peep dinner before you head out -- Say the word, I'm in
It was great seeing you again. There are a few peeps that I thought might be there who where not (I won't say any names). Reason I won't is because I assume they had someplace else they had to be or had other commitments. Hopefully you will be able to see the people you didn't see. If something is going on Thursday I would like to be a part of it. I think that would be a good idea cause when you left you never did have time for a going away party do to the time constrants and all the stuff you had to do. On a side note I can't wait to see your pictures and in case I didn't say it last night Happy New Year.
I was actually unconvinced it was you for most of the evening. I kept wondering "who is this woman that keeps referring to herself as LadyCroft?"
But it was a pleasure seeing you again.
Thanks for making it out to the party!