So I have like two weeks to find a new car before the rental runs out...great! Anywho I kinda want an SUV now, like I won't get one but seriuosly if you saw my car and then read the damage to her car, there is no comparison! Mine is smashed to shreds and hers is not nearly as broken, I mean she drove it away, mine couldn't be driven 10 feet. I for sure would have died in the accident. WIth eveyrone else having one I would totally feel safer in one. I won't get one I'm sure but I would feel safer!
Mike's Journal
My Podcast Link
12/21/2007 17:35 #42612
Time For A New Car12/20/2007 17:14 #42601
MY CAR IS TOTALED - DWI STYLEYEAH! It's true, Merry Christmas Mike , here is your car scattered across the intersection of Lexington and Elmwood!!! Thanks Santa! So last night around 10:30 , i am leaving and go to get in my car when what do I see...A HUGE WRECK OF A MESS OF A CAR! Seriuosly like the whole truk is smushed up or not attached to the car anymore, the back windowm is completely shattered and the front of the car is completely bent up!!! GREAT!!!! As I get to my car the police are arriving, here is what witnesses said happened,
Well first they asked me if anyone was after me because it seemed like the person hit me on purpose cuz they rammed my car so many times. And i started to go through my head everyone who I have wronged but I couldn't think of anyone who would do that, but thenI realized I had an estrip bumper sticker and I thought "does someone hate estrip" ...well anywho it turns out it wasn;'t a personal vendetta but a drunk driver....and here is what happened
they witness said they saw the SUV turning from Lexington onto Elmwood and it smashed right into the back of my car which was parked on Elmwood, which then smashed my car into the car parked in front of me and then that hit the car in front of that!!!!! And I guess my car got shoved under the car in front and then was attached to the SUV so she kept going back and forth trying to get my car off!!! And hit it like 4 times! So even though all this happened and there were witnesses , SHE JUST DROVE AWAY! Luckily the people had the liscence plate and the polic officer said they caught here a few blocks down luckily! That makes one COMPLETELY TOTALLED CAR! (e:paul) and (e:libertad) have pictures which I hope they post soon. Luckily (e:libertad) was there to knock some common sense inot me and get me to take everything out of the car and pack it up to be towed!!!!!
I tried calling my parents because the tow guy wanted to know if I should have it towed but I figured my dad had a guy, cuz he always has a guy in situations like that but MY HOUSE LINE WAS BUSY, cuz they were tlaking to (e:pual) WHICH SREIUOSLY THEY NEVER TALK! What are the chances that that is exactly when they were talking. Eventurally I talked to (e:paul) who came to take me home and I got ahold of my dad who said to let the tow truck take it. My insurance companies computers were down so I had to call again this morning to report it cuz last night they just wrote it on paper or seomtihng.
I went and got a rental car today which I have to pya like $5 a day for cuz the insurance doesn't cover all of it but her insurance will be reimbursing me hoepfu.lly! no actualyl they will be, i will make them!!
I freakin loved that car though, it had everything and every amenity, I am sure I will not get enough money for it to find another car like that!!! I am so pissed! I only had it for three months and had to get it becuase my last car was totalled by a drunk driver over the summer!!!!!!!!!!!! GRRRR!!!!
And according to enterprise , insurance companies usually allow you to have a rental for 5 dyas, so that gives me from now until Christmas to find a car! Um no i cna't do that that first you crazies! Hopeully they will extend it when I call tomororw. I don't even have the money yet, they won't know til the report on saturday what I will get so then that leaves me what sunday and christmas eve to get a car!?!?"!
I will never get a car like my last one prolly , it was so nice. WE called the dealer where I got it but he said he didn't have any more like it but he will look for me!!!
UGH! THis sucks! So end of the story is I didn't finish my chrismatas cards last night so a very limited amount of people are gettin gthem and they will be very late!
WHY ME!?! seriuslly i want my car back! You stupid whore! Why did you hit my car! I hate yoU! I can't wait to get the police report! What if it is someone I know, that would be insane!!!!
P.S. in the whole debacle I lost two tihngs, my aunt had given me a like cross thing for protection in the car and my mom had given me this kind of the road key chain which i kept in the change thing. Well i oculdn't find either cuz the whole little drawer/change thing flew open and stuff was everywhere mixed with debris and shattered glass I didn't relally want to dig through!
Here are some pics from the scene - added by (e:paul)

Well first they asked me if anyone was after me because it seemed like the person hit me on purpose cuz they rammed my car so many times. And i started to go through my head everyone who I have wronged but I couldn't think of anyone who would do that, but thenI realized I had an estrip bumper sticker and I thought "does someone hate estrip" ...well anywho it turns out it wasn;'t a personal vendetta but a drunk driver....and here is what happened
they witness said they saw the SUV turning from Lexington onto Elmwood and it smashed right into the back of my car which was parked on Elmwood, which then smashed my car into the car parked in front of me and then that hit the car in front of that!!!!! And I guess my car got shoved under the car in front and then was attached to the SUV so she kept going back and forth trying to get my car off!!! And hit it like 4 times! So even though all this happened and there were witnesses , SHE JUST DROVE AWAY! Luckily the people had the liscence plate and the polic officer said they caught here a few blocks down luckily! That makes one COMPLETELY TOTALLED CAR! (e:paul) and (e:libertad) have pictures which I hope they post soon. Luckily (e:libertad) was there to knock some common sense inot me and get me to take everything out of the car and pack it up to be towed!!!!!
I tried calling my parents because the tow guy wanted to know if I should have it towed but I figured my dad had a guy, cuz he always has a guy in situations like that but MY HOUSE LINE WAS BUSY, cuz they were tlaking to (e:pual) WHICH SREIUOSLY THEY NEVER TALK! What are the chances that that is exactly when they were talking. Eventurally I talked to (e:paul) who came to take me home and I got ahold of my dad who said to let the tow truck take it. My insurance companies computers were down so I had to call again this morning to report it cuz last night they just wrote it on paper or seomtihng.
I went and got a rental car today which I have to pya like $5 a day for cuz the insurance doesn't cover all of it but her insurance will be reimbursing me hoepfu.lly! no actualyl they will be, i will make them!!
I freakin loved that car though, it had everything and every amenity, I am sure I will not get enough money for it to find another car like that!!! I am so pissed! I only had it for three months and had to get it becuase my last car was totalled by a drunk driver over the summer!!!!!!!!!!!! GRRRR!!!!
And according to enterprise , insurance companies usually allow you to have a rental for 5 dyas, so that gives me from now until Christmas to find a car! Um no i cna't do that that first you crazies! Hopeully they will extend it when I call tomororw. I don't even have the money yet, they won't know til the report on saturday what I will get so then that leaves me what sunday and christmas eve to get a car!?!?"!
I will never get a car like my last one prolly , it was so nice. WE called the dealer where I got it but he said he didn't have any more like it but he will look for me!!!
UGH! THis sucks! So end of the story is I didn't finish my chrismatas cards last night so a very limited amount of people are gettin gthem and they will be very late!
WHY ME!?! seriuslly i want my car back! You stupid whore! Why did you hit my car! I hate yoU! I can't wait to get the police report! What if it is someone I know, that would be insane!!!!
P.S. in the whole debacle I lost two tihngs, my aunt had given me a like cross thing for protection in the car and my mom had given me this kind of the road key chain which i kept in the change thing. Well i oculdn't find either cuz the whole little drawer/change thing flew open and stuff was everywhere mixed with debris and shattered glass I didn't relally want to dig through!
Here are some pics from the scene - added by (e:paul)

jenks - 12/22/07 19:10
wow.... that super sucks. Like everyone said, I'm glad you weren't hurt. But yeah, I would be so so so so pissed, and she should have to search the ends of the earth to find you the exact same car. At least there is NO WAY insurance can try to play the "well this is your fault" game.
wow.... that super sucks. Like everyone said, I'm glad you weren't hurt. But yeah, I would be so so so so pissed, and she should have to search the ends of the earth to find you the exact same car. At least there is NO WAY insurance can try to play the "well this is your fault" game.
fellyconnelly - 12/21/07 11:26
that is so damn crazy! what a crazy bitch!
that is so damn crazy! what a crazy bitch!
hodown - 12/21/07 11:06
Holy crap Mike. That's so insane. I can't believe about the whole stuck under the car and dragged it part. Who does that? Seriously? Yeah when you find out the persons name broadcast that shit. I hope Santa is extra nice to you this year to make up for it!
Holy crap Mike. That's so insane. I can't believe about the whole stuck under the car and dragged it part. Who does that? Seriously? Yeah when you find out the persons name broadcast that shit. I hope Santa is extra nice to you this year to make up for it!
lilho - 12/20/07 22:43
im am sorry. that bitch needs to go down. i hope this lets us all know that suvs and drunk are bad news!
im am sorry. that bitch needs to go down. i hope this lets us all know that suvs and drunk are bad news!
libertad - 12/20/07 22:42
Why were you on Elmwood and Lexinton?
Why were you on Elmwood and Lexinton?
mrmike - 12/20/07 21:49
Sorry, Mike. I went through something similar along Ashland and Anderson. Nothing about it doesn't suck, but if it had to happen, least you weren't in it.
Sorry, Mike. I went through something similar along Ashland and Anderson. Nothing about it doesn't suck, but if it had to happen, least you weren't in it.
jason - 12/20/07 21:37
I'm really sorry to hear about this, Mike.
Why do people get behind the wheel when they are fucking smashed? Why? She could have killed someone.
Let's hope she isn't allowed to drive for a long, long time.
I'm really sorry to hear about this, Mike.
Why do people get behind the wheel when they are fucking smashed? Why? She could have killed someone.
Let's hope she isn't allowed to drive for a long, long time.
imk2 - 12/20/07 20:08
holy shit! make sure you post her name after you get the police report so that we all can see if we know her.
holy shit! make sure you post her name after you get the police report so that we all can see if we know her.
jim - 12/20/07 19:52
Sorry, Mike!
Sorry, Mike!
james - 12/20/07 19:45
On the bright side, you weren't in the car.
On the bright side, you weren't in the car.
metalpeter - 12/20/07 18:39
In many cultures and belief systems people think objects protect them sometimes it is a cross, dragon, or even pentagram. Maybe that cross worked maybe you didn't get in the car for some reason. If you think being in a car is bad could you imagine if the car got hit and you where getting into it. In any event be glad it was only the car and not you. Maybe this will be a chance to try out some other kind of car.
In many cultures and belief systems people think objects protect them sometimes it is a cross, dragon, or even pentagram. Maybe that cross worked maybe you didn't get in the car for some reason. If you think being in a car is bad could you imagine if the car got hit and you where getting into it. In any event be glad it was only the car and not you. Maybe this will be a chance to try out some other kind of car.
brit - 12/20/07 18:26
i mean their karma babe, not yours!
i mean their karma babe, not yours!
brit - 12/20/07 18:24
Oh my god Mike.....uhhhhhhh!!!! That is so fucked up. Karma Though dude, what goes around and all...
Oh my god Mike.....uhhhhhhh!!!! That is so fucked up. Karma Though dude, what goes around and all...
carolinian - 12/20/07 17:50
I've been there and had my car totalled (albeit by a sober driver). I know how much it sucks. Especially since my old car was inherited, which meant that I had no payments on it. At least you weren't in the card when it happened and you're still alive, so maybe in some strange way your protection worked. Good luck on finding a new car.
I've been there and had my car totalled (albeit by a sober driver). I know how much it sucks. Especially since my old car was inherited, which meant that I had no payments on it. At least you weren't in the card when it happened and you're still alive, so maybe in some strange way your protection worked. Good luck on finding a new car.
12/19/2007 17:59 #42586
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESSICA!12/17/2007 23:11 #42563
Christmas Cards Oh Christmas CardsI love making christmas cards but am way behind the ball this year. I am just at the "Oh crap" where do I keep everyone's address stage which is the first step for me. I like to address the envelopes first and then make the cards after. For some reason it feels better that way. Like i never throw out/cross out old addresses so I have no idea which address is right and s othen I have to check with everyone. And then where are everyone else's saddresses? I sent them last year, i must have written it down somewhere. ugh! Anyway, I also still don't have a great idea for the cards! Here's hoping they come out seruiolsy makes me so nervous wanting them to be perfect. I also found out I DO NOT know how to do caligraphy. Seriosly, each address looks completley differnt and many look like they were written by a parkinson's patient more than in a caligraphy style. Eh , hopefully they will be at people's houses by like a day or two after christmas!
jenks - 12/18/07 23:11
well mike even if i don't make the list this year, i LOVED your card last year. :)
I haven't done my cards yet either. Am starting to think it's not going to happen.
well mike even if i don't make the list this year, i LOVED your card last year. :)
I haven't done my cards yet either. Am starting to think it's not going to happen.
12/16/2007 17:30 #42542
Oh Eckerd Parties and Funeral HomesSo as always Eckerd get togethers some how break down into some kind of insanity, be it videotapped strip beer pong random coworker make outs or whatever. Well last night after a start at Malone's (a classy Kenmore local drinking establishment) , lets just say the night ended with some hide and seek in a funeral home and a fake wake. That is all I can say about that right now, but interesting night with my eckerd peeps as always!
Today I planned on doing so muhc since it is so crappy out. Like decorate the tree, make my chritsmas cards, walk to work and do some of the ten million hours of computer training we need to do. So now it is 5:30 and I have done none but I am about to eat for like the 10 tenth time. Hopefully I will start on the cards right after that and now my om is home ows we can decorate the tree! YAY!
Today I planned on doing so muhc since it is so crappy out. Like decorate the tree, make my chritsmas cards, walk to work and do some of the ten million hours of computer training we need to do. So now it is 5:30 and I have done none but I am about to eat for like the 10 tenth time. Hopefully I will start on the cards right after that and now my om is home ows we can decorate the tree! YAY!
vincent - 12/17/07 23:37
Malone's...That place is legendary
Malone's...That place is legendary
Good luck finding new wheels, (e:Mike)! I know it sucks right now... but maybe... your dream ride has been waiting for you and now is the time for you to find her! :)
Ya, seriously with mike driving it. Not to mention gas is only going to be more expensive.
Oh c'mon (e:lib) - I had a great rental this week. Chrysler Pacifica. It got 21 mpg - thats not bad! Plus, don't forget - Jeep Wranglers may have a center of gravity that is slightly too high but they have rollbars built in. I don't know about you but that certainly puts my mind at ease. =D
We are done if you get an SUV. I'm not getting in that thing. They are dangerous anyways cause they always roll over.