I do not feel very good, I think it is a cold or the flu. This displeases me greatly. I think it's the fault of
(e:enknot) who did not save me any flu vaccine.
I was fine this morning, went to work on-site at a client's all morning and then all of a sudden I'm congested and cough-y. Sniffling too.
This is awesome.
just wait for 80085 so it can say BOOBS.
ahhh a car that has less than 40,000 on it... how quaint...
god-bless your sweet numerically palindromic soul
To be overtly ostentatious, Kilometres.
Let me make haste and say Kilometers, not your crazy imperial measurements...
Oh my god!!!! I never thought I would meet another member of the eagle-eyes-for-significant-odometer-readings club! I actually celebrated my odometer hitting 6666 :)
I blame Bill O'Reily!