I was a little bit nervous when I invited him over as I had been dabbling in a relationship with Drew Ludwig. But all was forgiven with a passionate kiss at the door:

We started out with some light conversation.
He likes cloudy Days

Oh, good! I like rainy days...this might work!

I can't propose to him on an empty stomach so I whipped up a turkey dinner for the two of us:

I like sailboats

Oh, shoot, not Joey. He hates sailboats, they don't pollute enough!

Oh, yeah, well, um, I like cars...they pollute a lot!

Moving onto pinball. I need to show Joey that living herw is full of pinball fun!

I sneak downstairs to change into a little special something to move in for the kill!

I nervously chatter about clothing accessories to relieve the tension of the moment.

Okay, time to test the waters with an intimate hug.

Good, good... moving in for a fiery kiss...oh, no a setback!

Shoot, I'm committed now. Suck it up and propose!

No, no! I did everything right...why doesn't he love me???

now wait a minute... if he wasn't down with the hot smoochin action, why would YOU want your next step to be forever?
I think it's a message from SIM land.... ;)
(LOOK at the chat window!!)
aww that is so sad! I want to play sims, it seems so fun!