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10/05/2007 11:31 #41505

prabhu deva's my benny lava, ooh yea
this is especially for (e:felly). i am very sick and needed prabhu's magical-ness for my wellbeing-ness.

lauren - 10/08/07 11:10
Indeed, both of us were laughing out loud...not too many things can do that these days :)
fellyconnelly - 10/07/07 12:30
oh and please feel better!
fellyconnelly - 10/07/07 12:30
i have not laughed this hard in a while!
thank you SO much for this!!!!

09/25/2007 12:29 #41316

Sexy Girl
i had friends over two nights ago. This was the menu:

Apple and pear salad with feta, olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing
Sabudana wada's with cilantro, green chillies and yogurt dip
Plaintain chips (store bought, Goya)
Chicken kababs
Eggplants and peanut curry
Jeera rice

Dessert - Vanilla icecream with mango sauce with a hint of mint.

Much laughter, conversation and wine later, we came up with a tentative business plan. It involves my unlicensed amazingly good masseuse friend, another super duper baker friend and me in a joint venture. Picture this: Our gentle customer would be greeted with a spice infused light tea while he/she/insert gender bender signifier waits. Then the relaxing hour long massage, after which you sat down to a home cooked south Indian lunch, which would be healthful and tasty, and rounded off your day at our place with one of my baker friend's creation. Oh ya and also you could, only if you want, buy homemade lip balm.

The experience best exemplified in the poster for our yet unnamed place:


See, you first start with gentle massage in bed as depicted in figure 1a, then some more gentle choking action after the ingestion of food and desert as in figure 1b. and finally you emerge feeling fresh and sexy as in figure 1c. - you, my gentle customer, are Sexy Girl.

We also cater. Thank you come again.
james - 09/25/07 14:01
no way Lauren! That is when it got really good!
lauren - 09/25/07 12:50
Haha! You know it sounded so good until you said "gentle choking" :)

09/24/2007 09:18 #41284

Guess the Lyrics
felly: this should be easy for you, judging from your love of the hindi film.
the most imaginative lyrics will win a special price

fellyconnelly - 09/24/07 11:30
LC you are SO LUCKY!!!
ladycroft - 09/24/07 11:14
hahaha! omg this is all i see on tv! every music video looks something like this. either 1 guy and 1 girl, or dance squads of like 50 people doing these moves. it's so very entertaining!
fellyconnelly - 09/24/07 10:41
how did he not get grass stains on his fine white pants??? that man is a master of stain resistance!

09/19/2007 19:52 #41199

i have work i do not want to do so, i will reintroduce myself into this space and leave you all with something to think about.


Indeed, who will be the victim tonight?

lauren - 09/20/07 11:08
Hi! I always come here when I don't want to do my work :) It is a nice little distraction.
fellyconnelly - 09/20/07 08:54
i think that the real victim is that unitard she is wearing!
orchidiamond - 09/19/07 21:47
thats fantastic!

06/16/2006 00:16 #21168

eeef you cum tommorrow...its too late
Category: time

libertad, thanks for asking where the hell i was. truth is there is absolutely nothing hapening in my life. nothing. but i can offer you this song i absolutely love. it is by this sufi singer Abida Parvin. She makes me cry.

or you can listen/watch to this, another favourite...,

where this great kannada (south indian language) actor Rajkumar sings about the vagaries of time, love and their intricate intersections.

great stuff this...It would probably also interest my readers (yes, the both of you) to know that Bangalore, Karnataka from where Dr. Rajkumar hails witnessed something that few outside of India will ever understand when he passed away. More info here

libertad - 09/20/07 18:16
Welcome back. It has been so long, I thought you were deported or sent to Syria for torture.