So OMG i realized why I hate science today. it is all busy work. Like the school part at least is all busywork. Like every experiment you do and every formula you figure out , they already know the answer, you are just repeating what someone else has done. Like all the labs are just like do this this and this to get this. And all the homeowrk is like draw these molecules which we know how to draw and see if you are right. There is no like tihking on your own or doing your own thing. i suppose if you get to the point of doing your own research then it is different or soemtihng. BUUUT science classes in school are so dumb and busy work.
Sociology and communications on the other hand allowed you to come up with your own ideas and thoughts and look at things and have to decide what you thought they meant with no necessarily set right and wrong answer. YOu couldn't take the class and just read the book and buy the solution manual and that is all you needed. I guess i hate that about science. A LOT
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09/25/2007 21:59 #41328
Science is busy work09/24/2007 22:12 #41299
here's my ticket anne FOR REALThanks so much for the help anne! here is a photo of my ticket. After numerous tries I think it the photo is showing up now. See towards the bottom the date affirmed says 8/22/07 but at the top it says 09/22/07.

paul - 09/24/07 22:20
Hm, i dont think that worked mike. Try resizing it first.
Hm, i dont think that worked mike. Try resizing it first.
09/23/2007 23:14 #41279
Need Some Info on Traffic TicketsOn a ticket you get for say alledgedly going through a red light, what does the date affirmed on the bottom of the ticket mean? On the top it says like date of incident but on bottom it says like date affirmed by the police officers signature. On mine the date affirmed says 8/22/07 but the supposed offense was 9/22/07, I tihnk that it might be an error, and ground for dismissal? Anyonw know?
anne - 09/24/07 10:47
I called my dad and he's going to figure out what the situation is, but he might need to actually look at the ticket to see what exactly it says. Can you like take a picture of it and post it?
I called my dad and he's going to figure out what the situation is, but he might need to actually look at the ticket to see what exactly it says. Can you like take a picture of it and post it?
anne - 09/24/07 10:40
It very well could be grounds for dismissal. That's something my dad (an attorney as you know) always told me, if ANYTHING is inaccurate on a ticket, it could be dismissed.
It very well could be grounds for dismissal. That's something my dad (an attorney as you know) always told me, if ANYTHING is inaccurate on a ticket, it could be dismissed.
kookcity2000 - 09/23/07 23:57
probably not grounds for dismissal
plead not guilty and go to the court date.
The City doesn't let you plead down for speeding tickets so maybe its the same for running a red? Anyways if the officer doesn't show yer scott free
probably not grounds for dismissal
plead not guilty and go to the court date.
The City doesn't let you plead down for speeding tickets so maybe its the same for running a red? Anyways if the officer doesn't show yer scott free
09/23/2007 13:01 #41266
STUPID terminal, Stupid BlogtoberfestI didn't even want to go to stupid blogtoberfest. But of course I go, and it is freakin' octoberfest which was stupid and not somewhere I would realyl want to be. I hate german and polish food generally except once or twice a year. The terminal is not rehabbed in any noticeable fashion since I went there illegally when I was 12. It's lucky there is that big hole in the hall where there used to be a door or seomthing so you could go right outside to the port a potties. So to top off going to dumb blogtoberfest which who even made that up as it was clearly not any kind of blog fest. Then on the wy aout of the god forsaken terminal I am at a red light and it turns green and I turn onlyly to only slam into two motrocyclsts, which ended up being two polic cars and igot pulled over. I GUESS THE LIGHT WAS GREEN FOR THE OTHER POEPLE< LIKE IT WAS A FIVE WAY STOP AND i thought it was for me but it wasn't. SO NOW I HAVE A 200 DOLLAR TICKET!!!! I am never celebrating blogging again in any discerible fashion and or that stupid terminal. It looks like it should be in the middle of Iraq, like what is the plan even if they save it. What is gonna be there? You can never heat it, or that is a frekain environmental disaster if you do! And it is around nothing. I mnow there are events there now but like if it was actually refurbished it would be so costly i don't tink you could still have the events like that. Grrr. i hat everything right nwo!
tinypliny - 09/22/11 00:13
LOL, somehow your blog seems more hilarious than ever before.
LOL, somehow your blog seems more hilarious than ever before.
mike - 09/21/11 23:53
to answer your question nearly 4 years later: it was illegal because it was closed up and boarded up and dangerous and falling like basically how it is now except cooler
to answer your question nearly 4 years later: it was illegal because it was closed up and boarded up and dangerous and falling like basically how it is now except cooler
tinypliny - 09/26/07 00:50
Why is it illegal to be at the terminal if you are 12? Is it some kind of a themed club or something similar? Confused. Or is it because of heating issues?
Why is it illegal to be at the terminal if you are 12? Is it some kind of a themed club or something similar? Confused. Or is it because of heating issues?
09/22/2007 14:56 #41250
Could I look crazier?As I am at a red light on elmwood and maybe West Delevan I realize I am singing at the top of my lungs "What a feeling" while smoking a fake candy cigarette. And YES all my windows are open. I really could not have looked cooler!
OMG so many things are coming up. The week of like October 11 is gonna be the craziest ever. (e:lilho) and (e:southernyankee) will be in town and it is also the last week (e:beast), one of my best friends for the last 13 years, will be in town befroe getting married and moving to Scotland for at minimum two years but prolly longer if not forever! And I have my PCAT's which pretty decide my whole future as a pharmacist. How am I gonna do it all!?!? Most likely with a lot of class as always, haha!
OMG so many things are coming up. The week of like October 11 is gonna be the craziest ever. (e:lilho) and (e:southernyankee) will be in town and it is also the last week (e:beast), one of my best friends for the last 13 years, will be in town befroe getting married and moving to Scotland for at minimum two years but prolly longer if not forever! And I have my PCAT's which pretty decide my whole future as a pharmacist. How am I gonna do it all!?!? Most likely with a lot of class as always, haha!
fellyconnelly - 09/23/07 12:07
I have had those occasions where i have forgotten that my windows are down. crazy times i say...
I have had those occasions where i have forgotten that my windows are down. crazy times i say...
tinypliny - 09/22/07 21:54
\m/ Good Luck!! \m/
\m/ Good Luck!! \m/
I think that is being somewhat unfair to Science.
No subject stands a chance of being liked if the curriculum is designed by depraved shrunken pedants who are out-of-touch with reality.