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09/06/2007 13:03 #40969

My eye balls are poppin
Category: school
I am still not quite used to this whole sit on your bum allllllll day and read thing I've got going on. I guess maybe it's partially because today is an exquisite day and I know summer is running it's course and soon to be over and I am stuck sitting on my bum reading. Granted I could go outside on my porch and read, or even drive to a park somewhere but my attention wonders easily and I would start thinking about hiking or swimming or something that involves activity.

I am hoping this feeling of couped-upedness will cease when winter comes and I have an awesome excuse to stay under my electric blanket all day long. And of couse, I get summer vacation! I spent the majority of this summer serving ice cream to little kids who got to be at the pool all day...not that I would want to be at the pool with them, but you get the point.

Anyway, in case you haven't figured it out, I use (E:strip) as a temporary distraction from reading...I have been reading now for about 2 hours...the most awful book about liberal political feminism. Boooooooring! I can't tell if it is this particular author's writing style that drives me nuts (very academic, fairly abstract writing that does nothing but makes her sound smart and make me want to kill myself) or if it the content (which basically is making a case for universalism in an attempt to create equality through political consensus on human rights, or "capabilities" as she argues). Either way, I don't like reading her boring ass book and although I think she has a nice idea, I just don't think it would work when it comes right down to REALITY.

Sorry for that little outburst. Back to the joys of grad school.

09/05/2007 18:39 #40955

Killer Carpet
Category: driving
So on my way to school I was driving on 290 at a reasonable speed, perhaps 60mph. I saw the car in front of me swerve to the left and then, there, in the middle of the road was a giant piece of carpet. When I say giant I mean it took up the entire middle lane, which I happened to be driving in. The highway was fairly busy and at the precise moment I needed to swerve I could not because people were passing me on both sides, so I hit the breaks. I luckily stopped right before the carpet...I could have driven over it at a slower speed, but at that point I was already at a dead stop in the middle of the road.
So at first I was scared that I was going to get rear ended... and then that the person behind me would, which would then cause a pile up. Luckily, this did not happen. I got around the carpet finally, as did those behind me, but as I looked back, quite a long line had formed in the center lane as a result of this carpet.
I considered calling someone (who?) but before I got the chance I saw someone pull up to one of those cops sitting in between the median. I am hoping that they told those cops to go out their and risk their lives to pick up that piece of carpet, cause it sure as hell wasn't going to be me.

Moral of the story: Make sure your shit is tied down, strapped in, super glued to your bumper, whatever it takes to keep it attached to your vehicle AND watch out for killer carpet.
lizabeth - 09/07/07 02:48
Ooh, I also have a recent tale of near-accident on a busy highway due to insane debris in the road!

I was driving back to FL from VA on Labor Day, and right in the big mess of construction on I-95 around the SC/GA border, there was a desk right smack in the middle of the road!!

Luckily this was in a section with the orange pylons, not concrete barriers, on both sides of the road, so everyone had enough room to swerve.

People do need to learn that extra ropes and bungee cords are their friends. Stuff can't ever be tied down too securely.
fellyconnelly - 09/05/07 22:19
hehe you said 'killer carpet'

you are a pervert.

09/05/2007 10:47 #40943

Ok So
Category: feminism
I was in my Black Women and US History class yesterday and she had opened the course with a book called Black Feminist Thught. Basically from a very broad perspective it addresses the various interlocking oppression that women of color are faced with including but not limited to race, class, and gender. Now, keep in mind that within this class there are not only a wide variety of disciplines represented incluing History, Enlgish, Political Science, and me, Women's Studies, but there is also everyone from 2nd semester undergrad to almost done with their PhD. This makes things interesting to say the least.
Getting to the point, I was sitting next to a pretty, young, blonde haired blue eyed white girl during our discussion of this book. An it became quite obvious that she didn't get it. I can't say exactly what she said, but she basically said that she gets discriminated against and she is really white so why does race matter? I wanted so badly to sit down with her and have an extended discussion about white priveledge and whatnot but I just didn't have the time. I think, now, looking back I could have given some really good examples that perhaps would have made more sense than what I did say. Either way, when we were walking out of class I said to her, ya know its great to ask questions, and then let her say her little speal about how a lot of this stuff is over-arching and why its a question of race, and I said well, white women have talked for a long time with out talking about race and now it is black women's turn. This obviously doesn't even begin to touch the tip of the ice could I tell her that she was being so completely ignorant and that it was exactly that kind of thinking that marginalzes women of color from feminism and many other realms of academia, let alone social and instituional systems.
The point here is not to rant about some dumb white girl. The point is to say that I used to be her. When I first came to New Paltz and had a real, up close look at my own white privledge, my own racism, it was scary as hell and I wasn't exactly open minded about it. I wanted to be but there is something that tells us that its ok.
Alright, I am rambling.../anyway the thing is...the ONLY way to move beyond this kind of thinking is to talk about it, so I walked down the hall with this girl, trying to make some type of small coalition. Can I fully explain to her what it is like to be black and female? Hell no, and I have no intention of taking that voice from those women, but I can talk about what it means to be a white feminist in a racist world. Why we have to talk about color, about class, sexuality, ability, citizenship, the list goes on..SO if she will talk to me, I sure as hell am gonna talk back.
lauren - 09/06/07 10:29
correction: i meant "blatantly racist WHITE men"
lauren - 09/06/07 10:28
the thing that happened witht the vote was a very complex process. the big problem, in my opinion, was hypocrisy of (white) women saying they wanted the vote for "women" and as soon as black women wanted to be part of that category some white women were like, oh no, we didn't me you! There of course was a split and some women retained their "let the white women get the vote and then we will work on the blacks" and some of these white women even joined forces with blatantly racist black men in order to gain power, while other women stated that ALL women must have the vote.
And of course, to make things more complicated, their were issues about black men, immigrants, poor men, etc. that were not allowed to participate in suffrage.
Things are never black and white, pun intended.
james - 09/05/07 20:57
I know it wasn't a personal thing. I just wanted to clarify my position because I am a white male ^_^ This is all friendly and getting into the thick of discourse is super fun.

So fun I wanted to do it in person some time.
metalpeter - 09/05/07 19:57
First of all the Term Afro American is awe full and a bad term but that would be another rant on its own.

I understand what happened with the Blond and she isn't dumb at all. There is this thing that happens with some minorities or even clutureal group. They think that they are the only minority and look down on others. I have seen this so many times and it all ways amazes me. I think the best example I can give I was on a bus and this hispanic (or at least he looked that way) and this white guy made the typical cat jokes. See this guy thought it was funny to make fun of the vietamanese to bad the sterotype is about Chinese people what a fool. But what he didn't get is that the white guy would be saying stuff about him with his other buddies. I've seen other examples of things like this to.

What you said is right that when white women wanted rights they only fought for there own (white women). But to be honest that is a good thing. Yes there where men who wanted women to have the same rights and some who didn't. But if you tried to bring black women in then the fight would be almost impossible to win. Anyone who didn't think blacks where equal would now become an enemy instead of an a friend. And to be honest I bet a lot of those white women didn't care about blacks.

I had something I wanted to say about privlige but kinda forgot my point. The thing I don't like is that when people are priviliged it implies that people think that they didn't work hard to get to where they are. Yes often times they do step on people and do bad things but that doesn't mean that they didn't work hard.

I admit I'm not expert and just giving my thoughts from what I have seen personaly.
lauren - 09/05/07 19:38
Please don't take my comment as being directed toward you for any purpose other than responding to your comment. My intent was not to imply that you said that white gals aren't priveleged. I was simply compelled to expand on what I think was important to the overall. And trust me, history is far from my strong point, but out of respect for my discipline I have taken the time to get familiar with the history of women and the feminist movement.
james - 09/05/07 18:42
Oh! I wasn't saying white gals aren't privileged.

But, next time we are within talking distance we should discuss. You can school my ass as my knowledge of Feminism is mostly couched within historical interpretations.
lauren - 09/05/07 18:17
Uhm...should I talk about the black/white binary? Or perhaps the social construction or "race"? I don't know. I'll just respond to James.
I think it is a common reaction for women of color to be, uhh, put off by white women because white women feminists, for the most part and to put it lightly, ignored the issues that faced women of color. These white women talked about the proverbial "woman" as if their experience was the only one that existed. This resulted in many women of color rejecting feminism as a whole. Also, white women benefited not only from the skin color, but also their generally middle class station, as well as their ability to depend on and possibily share white men's power. Many white women were not willing to give up this access to power that they had or refused to acknowledge that they indeed had this form of power at all.
This is especially for you (e:james)
What blows my mind is people's lack of knowledge of the PAST. Feminism has gone through a huge amount of change is the last hundred years and so and people remain so ignorant to what it has become. Maybe, just maybe, if women's history was included in the canon of historical knowledge in this country, your everyday dick and jane would know a little more about these struggles and victories.
Do I digress? Probably.
janelle - 09/05/07 17:25
(e:Lauren), (e:James), you guys may not feel the same when you see me get into a knock down drag out fight with Drew over his male privileges! LOL. It's easy to SAY how it should be done, it doesn't always mean that I DO how it should be done.
joshua - 09/05/07 16:31
Interesting views. The thing about recognizing privilege is especially valid these days, since in our culture these days an affluent lifestyle is treated like an assumption and a birthright by certain people in our country.

Recognizing your privilege is one thing. Acknowledging that you have it good is very important. I think its sad that most people who have it absolutely fantastic probably wouldn't do well if it were all taken away.

White guilt plays an absolutely enormous role in our country - in particular with respect to politics and how white people address social issues. I think it has everything to do with white privilege because its the primary emotional reaction. There are people in our country who feel that their own personal well-being should be mitigated because of something they couldn't help, which is the fact that they were born a certain color. Some people mitigate their own well-being and do so of their own volition as a reaction to the race they were born as - this mindset is one that I'll never reconcile with.
ladycroft - 09/05/07 16:29
Have you by any chance read "Why are all the black kids sitting together in the cafeteria?"

Agreed James, 'African American' isn't an appropriate term.
james - 09/05/07 15:43
Drew, Janelle, you both give Christians a damn good name. Rock on my friends!

In a related and in some ways opposite situation, I was in a Latino/a Literature and History class once. I was one of three white folk in the class, the 30 other students being Latino/a or Black (I don't like African American as a term, separate rant). Well, a Latina woman in the class said that White women do not experience sexism. Siting the privileged life house wives of rich men experience on TV.

While white privlege lessened her discrimination and so blinded her to the relation between sexism and racism so too did this women's experience blinded her to the same.
lauren - 09/05/07 14:39
Oh wow, where to start? First off, I love you Drew! Really honestly, from meeting you in person to reading what you have to say here, I have a great deal of respect for you and what you do, and I think you are cool :) The same goes for you Janelle!
Moving on, I think guilt brings up a very interesting point. I think it is easy for (priveleged) people to say that they feel guilty, in some bizarre attempt to make their priveleges seemingly disappear, without actually losing them. I think what a lot of people have said in response to that is that they don't want sympathy, they want empathy. Sympathy, like Drew said, comes out of wanting to help or feeling bad for someone else because you are priveleged. But sympathy is limited because it allows, for example, the oppresor to maintain their position of power while perpetuating the oppressed's position by relegating them to someone who is in need of help. This gets us nowhere, however when you have empathy for someone you can acknowledge your priveledge and maintain your identity while simultaneously making an effort to deny that priveledge in order to understand and ultimatly empathize with the oppressed, which allows for transformation of these seemingly innate roles.

My apologies for ranting and writing in run on sentances. Perhaps you have guessed, I don't talk much until you get me going about feminist stuff. Obviously this conversation could go on forever, but for the sake of everyone's jobs and personal lives, I will cut it short.
janelle - 09/05/07 13:42
Tru' Dat (e:Jason)
jason - 09/05/07 13:38
Some people go through life never having experienced or witnessed any real discrimination first-hand. It does not make them stupid in and of itself, I think rather it makes them, how do I say this nicely, not too worldly.

Usually, discussions like this inevitably descend into strict ad hominem, because most people aren't prepared to separate emotions from logic, and I hope you can have a good discussion with her without anyone going off the deep end insulting the other.

Unfortunately, we're not yet at the point where race doesn't matter. We're making strides, and I don't think people should ever feel guilty about being white, black, or whatever, but people should be able to, at least in the academic sense, understand why race IS still relevant.
janelle - 09/05/07 12:48
I tend to get a little defensive about the privileges I have in life because I have had people act so blatantly mean to me about it - irregardless of my ability to recognize those privleges and irregardless of me caring about Christ's admonitions to put our privileges aside.

Sociology classes/discussions and befriending people in life who have lived substantially different lives than mine have probably had the most effect on me thinking about my privilegs and how to respond to it.

I think listening to her and gently asking her thoughtful questions in a very non-confrontational manner will get her mind slowly moving. Also, I think showing her that you accept her without affirming her beliefs is really important-even befriending her to some extent. I think slow-downs in progress on social issues happens when the two sides fail to see each other as human because they're on different sides of the fence on x,y,z issue.
drew - 09/05/07 11:49
I don't think its about guilt--it's about recognizing what you get that other people don't get. If you notice that, and you don't do anything about it, than you should feel guilty. Otherwise, if you are doing something positive, than guilt isn't helpful at all.

joshua - 09/05/07 11:40
White guilt is something that I honestly don't feel. That doesn't make me racist, either.
drew - 09/05/07 11:27
Good story. I, of course, am uber-privileged. Just about any category you can check, I've got. White, male, straight, middle-class, Christian--if only I were taller and/or prettier. Oh yeah, I also get to be a leader of a church.

The first temptation to reject is to use the privilege for our own personal gain. I think that's pretty easy to see, even if a whole lot of people don't do this.

More tricky is the temptation to use our privilege to do good. I can understand why some might do this, but I think it re-enforces the old ways. It's kinda like using violence, or the threat of it, to bring peace. It might seem necessary sometimes, but it doesn't really work in the long-run.

This is one of the reasons that I like Jesus (sorry to preach again, but I read your comment while writing next Sunday's sermon). As God, he had all privilege, and had it legitimately at that, but he put it all aside, to the point of dieing a criminal's death. And his movement goes on, despite the complete rejection of privilege.

Of course, Christians don't always do a great job of following our leader. Ok, we suck at it. But that's why I am doing what I am doing, because I believe that when we do, things will be totally different, and there won't be as many clueless white girls in your class.

Of course, am I using the privilege of my education/ordination to get this message across to the people in my congregation? Am I a hypocrite? Sometimes, I probably do slip into that, but my hope is that I can convey the message by living it more and preaching it less, even as I accept the job to preach it.

Just a window into the crazy and conflicted world I have, inspired by a good post. Now I need to get back to work.

09/04/2007 14:58 #40930

Category: school
I am putting of going to class. I have ONE class this week and I don't wanna go. Unfortunatly, these are the once a week gotta go cause I'm in Grad school now kinda classes. I didn't read one of the assignments either, although I did read the ENTIRE book that was required and as a result of my already existing feminist background, I think this should be sufficient.

Theory is like riding a bike. I thought that maybe somewhere between two years off of school and a "dead end" job at a gas station I would have lost the nack for interpreting and analyizing theory, but this is not the case. In fact, I have all of a sudden sort of regained a certain area of feminist consciousness that had been temporarily replaced with HGTV and Animal Planet. Not that these don't bring up some interesting starting places for theory as well! But that is another entry.

I have to go.

fellyconnelly - 09/04/07 20:14
sky captain and the world of angelina's hot ass before it became too skinny.
james - 09/04/07 19:19
I think you can miss one grad class a semester without feeling bad. I skipped one class to go see "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow" which was totally worth not talking about the Holocaust for three hours.

09/04/2007 11:19 #40926

For the record
Category: school
The party was fabulous I must say. I can't think of a better first estrip party to have attended. We do have pictures and some video and depending on the quality, we shall post them, and by we I mean Felly.

Grad school has started for me and I am already feeling slightly looney. I read a 300 page book in 3 days, which basically equated to 20 or so hours of reading. I like reading, don't get me wrong, but I would have much rather been at AmVets with Janelle and Drew yesterday, but instead I successfully gave myself a crook in the neck and a lame labor day. Luckily I only have 1 class this week, but as a result I have, surprise, extra reading to do.

Oh yes, and another note. Our friendly downstairs neightbor came upstairs with the premise of talking about the leak and had a look around apt. commenting on the kithcen, the square footage, etc and had a look a the bathroom as well. Well, after a while we decided to take a shower and low and behold, within less then five minutes of our shower there comes a tap tap tappin on our door. Needless to say we didn't answer cause we weren't uh appropriate for company. He came back later to inform us that yes, yes indeed it is still leaking, so who knows what they are going to have to do to fix that shit.

Today I will be reading some scholarly journals on the topic "What is a Disaster?"

lauren - 09/04/07 13:59
Do you have experience in some of these areas Drew? Perhaps Chewbacca's sister was the individual you were trying to impress from #1, and you were able to do so with you remarkable ability to laugh, drive, and pee all at the same time!
drew - 09/04/07 11:32
OOOh! OOOh! I know what a disaster is: How about.

1. A full cup of coffee, a long stretch of highway, no rest areas, leather seats, Mom's new car, a hilarious person on the radio, and somebody you want to impress sitting next to you.

2. Starting a war in Iran before you've finished the one you should not have started in Iraq, before you've finished the other one in Afghanistan.

3. A tape stuck in the car's tape deck, like, "put it in your mouth," and a long drive with your girlfriends Mom.

4. A fifty pounds of rancid milk in a forty pound bag.

5. A blind date with your best friend's sister: and your best friend is Chewbacca.

Maybe I'll add more later, but I've got to get back to work. Really, this should be a simple book, right?