jenks - 09/06/07 17:54 I used to have one of those erasers... I never knew it was for typewriters though. neat. Nice pix- thanks!
southernyankee - 09/05/07 22:02 Thanks! I took these on my lunch break yesterday.
The Giant red thing with blue fringe head is a replica of an old typewriter eraser. pretty neat.
lauren - 09/05/07 10:28 Loverly...I am especially fond of the drooping yellow flower and obviously don't know the name of it.
james - 09/04/07 22:55 Those are some lovely pictures. The doughnut sculpture with the blue tubes coming out looks like a statue they just installed outside the Albright Knox.
tinypliny - 09/04/07 21:59 Loving the pictures! Thanks. :)
09/04/2007 18:17 #40932
metro tales
I love riding in hot a** metro trains when it's 90 degrees outside & inside it's packed tighter than a can of expired sardines! mmmmm.yum!
gotta love the taste of B.O. as it enters your nasal passage & trickles down ur throat, waiting for you to swallow.
Besides all of that & it feeling like a horrible Monday - Today was excellent! Blue Skies. Sunny sunshine. Great for outdoor photos. I even ventured into a butterfly garden(pics l8tr).
08/31/2007 10:54 #40854
Happy Birthday Mike Visco-Disco! Category: birthday
Happy Birthday Mikey! May all of ur clebration wishes come true this year!
So have a few shots of tequila & Dance, Dance,Dance till u lose ur pants man!!!!!
Loveya Lots Mikey!
mike - 08/31/07 14:09 aww thanks Chamille! I'll miss you at the party like I always miss you!!
08/28/2007 20:28 #40790
It's Peanut Butter Terry Time Category: birthdays
Many have said a lot of wonderful things about (e:terry) : )
Probably because he's such a wonderful guy!
I miss him a lot : (
Whenever I see a Guy in an Emerald Green Shirt(like I swear I saw two standing next to each other on the Metro today) - I wish it were terrykins who would then turn around & let out a few chords of some hot new song (in his own rendition of course!)
I miss our commutes 2 work - even when he was mad because I made us l8 again! This list is long, but I know he knows that I miss him something mad...
I miss so much about this dude 'cause he rocks!
So I hope he has a BIG Birthday Blast! 'Cause its not a party without Terry, his 40 & some dancin' peeps!!!
Happy Birthday (e:Terry)! I miss ya buddy!!!
ForHugs-see here:
For Entertainment - see here: ((this cracks me up and made me late))
Happy Birthday Terrykins!
tinypliny - 08/28/07 22:36 Hilarious song. :) Reminds me of Alvin and the Chipmunks.
lilho - 08/28/07 21:32 I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
08/27/2007 13:32 #40755
I love dc Category: job
I am freakin' "McLovin" downtown DC again! Last week was super cloudy&dreary. Today it is 87-90 degrees & I am sitting outside enjoying the warmth & the beautiful sites (wash memorial) while taking a lunch break = )
The city is where its at - Barnes & Noble is across the street & there is free wifi 2 boot! Okay, I am melting now. gimme shade & a water feature & i'll be even better. All n all it beats working in the suburbs 4 the most part. I love people watching a city life.
southernyankee - 08/28/07 20:36 I heart Buffalo too (e:tinypliny) !
Especially Fall! I fall in love with the WNY region- head over heels upon Fall's arrival. I swear there is just something in the air that is alive (at least to me) when Fall comes in Buffalo.
The leaves, the smell, the cider, the people... It's happiness to me. Enjoy it!!!
jenks - 08/28/07 15:42 sigh, you make me miss DC! I love it too!
tinypliny - 08/27/07 23:33 and I love Buffalo. :) Totally gorgeous city!
I used to have one of those erasers... I never knew it was for typewriters though. neat. Nice pix- thanks!
Thanks! I took these on my lunch break yesterday.
The Giant red thing with blue fringe head is a replica of an old typewriter eraser. pretty neat.
Loverly...I am especially fond of the drooping yellow flower and obviously don't know the name of it.
Those are some lovely pictures. The doughnut sculpture with the blue tubes coming out looks like a statue they just installed outside the Albright Knox.
they are nice
Loving the pictures! Thanks. :)