EDIT: original blog is located below, simply titled, Reagan Diaries. I added, "Conversations with Self pt1" originally written 8/29/07 and posted at www.myspace.com/marquiscut
I add it here for prosperity.
Conversations with Self pt1
"If the extent of my knowledge was limited strictly to formal education, than I would really know nothing at all". ~Carey, 1998
The thought came to me today, "(You) will go on a sabbatical".
But haven't I, essentially, been on one?
"Over the course of your life and more specifically in the past year, you have been to a lot of places, but it has been a few months since you have really pushed out the edges of your mind. And that is really where you want to go; that is where the experience is. Your initial sabbatical presented your freedom, this one, will reinforce it."
Well, what of these past few months, were they for naught?
"Everything serves to enhance your experience. There are no coincidences; there is a reason. There is no 'lost time'; not when you have been listening, observant, asking questions, feeling and knowing. Continue to probe deeply into subjects that intrigue you, bring you into your element; it is there that you will see yourself."
What's that last part about?
"Everyone has a picture in their head of who they are. They can see what they look like, what they are doing, what their surroundings look and feel like and generally what their life is like and how they would like it to be. That picture is a snap shot of something very real, yet how often is it far from what IS, today? Choices made bring people further or closer to that picture. However, you are there, but now seeking to go further, yes?"
Yes. Gratefully, yes.
"So go beyond what that picture is, and you will find your Self. Contemplate what your wants and needs are; enlist your five senses to assist you in seeing all that is you and all that you want it to Be. What you come up with is your new picture. That is what this is all about."
So, I need quiet time to reflect, gather information, and figure out my next "picture"?
"Yes, you've got it. Now what are you going to do with it, Carey??"
I'm going to listen carefully and allow myself to bring forth all that is me. Eek! There is so much to learn, to see, to experience! I have questions that I must not be afraid to ask. I need to figure out why I know and feel the things I do. How is it that I have known things, seen the connections, when I have yet to encounter the material, the experiences? And when I have, nothing feels novel, exactly. So much has made sense to me for a long time now; over three decades, really.
Now I sit here and think about my earliest remembered experiences.
"Ah very good, you know what this is, yes?"
I thought to say, this is the transition to my sabbatical, but there is more to it than that. This is.. everything..
More and more I probe deeper, searching for new beacons of information and connection. I seek to expand my current schema. To actively pursue the understanding of how people are just beginning to gravitate towards certain subjects yet I have felt has been a deep part of me.. always. I intend to one day be able to articulate those "things" as originally as possible as I hold no desire to "regurgitate" what is currently available to readers, yet I also know for certain that no words are needed; that is just how it is. However, as with people before me, I too, will try to share all that is.
I would like to find a physically quiet spot to engage in some concentrated thinking, researching, reading, writing, learning and unlearning. My home is quiet, clean and peaceful, however, a change in environment would be beneficial, creatively speaking. I'm not particular on where, as long as I can concentrate. I prefer somewhere that I can both stretch my legs and my mind. If trails or a swimming spot are readily available, then that would be ideal. Oh, and a Hot Spot for laptop-internet use. My mind is just swirling with thoughts and ideas; its imperative that I clarify some of it.
That may have seemed an odd style to write a blog. Have you ever asked yourself a question then quietly an answer comes to mind? For those that have experienced this, it shows that you are comfortable in asking those questions. Sometimes we don't want to know the answers, so we never ask the question. Yet when you listen carefully, you will provide your own insight to the questions and concerns you may have. For those that have never heard the feedback, just practice listening real close. Its there...
Read to write, write to seek, seek to understand.
original blog, "Reagan Diaries"
Keeping it simple.
An excerpt*from Ronald Reagan's recently published diaries:
"A moment I've been dreading. George(Bush senior) brought his ne're-do-well son around this morning and asked me to find the kid a job. Not the political one(Jeb) who lives in Florida. The one who hangs around here all the time looking shiftless. This so-called kid is already almost 40 and has never had a real job. Maybe I'll call Kinsley over at The New Republic and see if they'll hire him as a contributing editor or something. That looks like easy work."
- This is floating around. Anyone see it? I havent checked for source yet.
yeah the lolcats stuff can be funny, but the lingo just kills me. it's too much. Like funny once- but taken too far.
September rocks!
Mine is the 17th
and yes, I see all sorts of grammatical tragedies (ok, guilty to a degree) where they shouldn't be. In texts and IMs, ok. Conversation and blog/email/comments- no!
(e:ladycroft) I received your email; I will respond when I get back from camping. It was too good to just write a few words at you! hahahahaa, OH MY!
string theory...love it. i think we talk about that most the more drunk we get :)
i dig that bag...might have to purchase. i mean i stand out enough in this country anyway, what difference would that make? haha.
Nobody talks in lolcats for real, do they??? That would hurt my heart.
I do love a good lolcat, though. :D
And that cassette bag is awesome. (*ahem* my birthday is coming up in like, 21 days, just FYI...)