It makes me smile that one of the evening noises I now associate with living on Lexington is the sound of the grocery store carts being pushed up and down the street by individuals sorting through people's recycling bin. Blends right in with the crickets.
I make my angry face, however, at the college students who stayed up until 4am last night drinking and talking loud on their front porch waking me up several times through out the night. I guess I'm becoming one of those old cranks who likes to be well rested before work.
Janelle's Journal
My Podcast Link
08/28/2007 21:55 #40793
The sounds of Tuesday nightCategory: house
08/27/2007 19:35 #40763
As promised......Category: pets
Bad Cat, Fat Cat and Devious Dog.
Also known as Tatanka, Nealie and Buckley.

Anyone want the bad cat? No really, bad cat is just a nick name, she doesn't really terrorize the house....<shifty eyes>
Also known as Tatanka, Nealie and Buckley.

Anyone want the bad cat? No really, bad cat is just a nick name, she doesn't really terrorize the house....<shifty eyes>
fellyconnelly - 08/27/07 22:48
holy laser eyes batman!
our bad black cat likes to perch on unsuspecting shoulders with every claw of his fuzzy little paws.
holy laser eyes batman!
our bad black cat likes to perch on unsuspecting shoulders with every claw of his fuzzy little paws.
tinypliny - 08/27/07 22:18
...and that is why cats and dogs are a distinctly different species. A case in point is their different responses to the photographic flash. While the members of the feline family generally disinter their demonic ocular powers, the canine lot just close their eyes and take the moment to reflect on their lives.
...and that is why cats and dogs are a distinctly different species. A case in point is their different responses to the photographic flash. While the members of the feline family generally disinter their demonic ocular powers, the canine lot just close their eyes and take the moment to reflect on their lives.
janelle - 08/27/07 21:28
Seriously, (e:Libertad). We're at 265. Feel free to knock or say hello if you see us!
Seriously, (e:Libertad). We're at 265. Feel free to knock or say hello if you see us!
janelle - 08/27/07 21:21
Kewl, so neighbor (e:Libertad) do you want to be neighborly and rescue us from our state of beerlessness?
Kewl, so neighbor (e:Libertad) do you want to be neighborly and rescue us from our state of beerlessness?
libertad - 08/27/07 21:09
I want bad cat! Except he would eat my rabbit and my rabbit eats me out of house and home already, but he is worth it. btw I live on the same street as you.
I want bad cat! Except he would eat my rabbit and my rabbit eats me out of house and home already, but he is worth it. btw I live on the same street as you.
lauren - 08/27/07 20:13
Awww, your bad cat looks like (one of two of) our bad cats, laser eyes and all!
Awww, your bad cat looks like (one of two of) our bad cats, laser eyes and all!
theecarey - 08/27/07 19:42
This is really a great pic with them standing there as if in a line up. Which one is guilty? I say not Bad Cat, as it looks like Bad Cat has laser death-ray-soul eating capabilities.And probably opposable thumbs. *niiiice kitty*
This is really a great pic with them standing there as if in a line up. Which one is guilty? I say not Bad Cat, as it looks like Bad Cat has laser death-ray-soul eating capabilities.And probably opposable thumbs. *niiiice kitty*
08/27/2007 19:32 #40762
My friends from PittsburghCategory: life
The weekend before last I took my Pittsburgh MR/DD friends and their staff into our home and out and about for the weekend.
We went to The Anchor Bar which they loved, because, well, they love eating, and they really love eating fried things.
The next day we took them to the zoo. I hate to poo on my new city, but the Buffalo Zoo...really not so fabulous. But I understand that they have big plans for the future so I'm looking forward to that.
Jim, Marianne, Patty, Nelson, Patrick and Dennis in the Elephant House:

Marianne was the bravest of all and fed a cracker to the Giraffes. By the way, it costs a fricking dollar to feed a cracker to a giraffe, but you gotta charge that when you're building a new elephant house, I suppose.

Nelson, myself and Dennis on the carousel. Nelson's my buddy and wanted to share a horse with me, but I told him that Drew would be jealous so he would need to ride his own horse.

I also took them to the American side of the falls. I thought the American side was really nice, but people are always doggin' it!
I really love this view:

The whole crew at the falls:

Everyone picked out cheapy souveneirs and the ladies got hats that said "Cutie" and "Foxie"!

Patrick loved our dog, but Nelson would screach, "Son of a Bitch" if our dog even looked at him sideways!

All in all good time. Next year, I want everyone to get passports and secure permissions from guardians and then I'll take the whole crew to the Big City in Toronto!
We went to The Anchor Bar which they loved, because, well, they love eating, and they really love eating fried things.
The next day we took them to the zoo. I hate to poo on my new city, but the Buffalo Zoo...really not so fabulous. But I understand that they have big plans for the future so I'm looking forward to that.
Jim, Marianne, Patty, Nelson, Patrick and Dennis in the Elephant House:

Marianne was the bravest of all and fed a cracker to the Giraffes. By the way, it costs a fricking dollar to feed a cracker to a giraffe, but you gotta charge that when you're building a new elephant house, I suppose.

Nelson, myself and Dennis on the carousel. Nelson's my buddy and wanted to share a horse with me, but I told him that Drew would be jealous so he would need to ride his own horse.

I also took them to the American side of the falls. I thought the American side was really nice, but people are always doggin' it!
I really love this view:

The whole crew at the falls:

Everyone picked out cheapy souveneirs and the ladies got hats that said "Cutie" and "Foxie"!

Patrick loved our dog, but Nelson would screach, "Son of a Bitch" if our dog even looked at him sideways!

All in all good time. Next year, I want everyone to get passports and secure permissions from guardians and then I'll take the whole crew to the Big City in Toronto!
08/26/2007 18:27 #40739
Weekend MusingsCategory: life
Really nice weekend. Totally enjoyed meeting several fellow (e:peeps) at the bars on Friday night. People were a little bit different than I imagined, which made for fun to compare the online persona to the real thing in my head throughout the night.
Saturday me and some menly men helped two people move out of their third floor apartments into a third floor apartment together. It needs a little work, but seeing as she makes a living doing set/props design, I'm pretty sure that her place will be fabulous by the time she's done.
In the afternoon, I went down to the church to assist with the handing out of free lemonade. It was amazing how snotty some people were about saying no to free lemonade. A simple no thanks should suffice, yes? But a highlight was meeting (e:leetee) !
Sunday morning I woke up to the aching of my muscles screaming at me for all the third floor moving on Saturday. I willed myself out of bed and off to church where I played a piece on clarinet for the worship service. It was well received so I had a pleasant stroking of the ego today! The afternoon involved some good loving followed by Gilmore Girls on the couch. Now I gotta go because my husband just brought me a plate of pierogies with peas swimming in a white cheesy sauce.
Saturday me and some menly men helped two people move out of their third floor apartments into a third floor apartment together. It needs a little work, but seeing as she makes a living doing set/props design, I'm pretty sure that her place will be fabulous by the time she's done.
In the afternoon, I went down to the church to assist with the handing out of free lemonade. It was amazing how snotty some people were about saying no to free lemonade. A simple no thanks should suffice, yes? But a highlight was meeting (e:leetee) !
Sunday morning I woke up to the aching of my muscles screaming at me for all the third floor moving on Saturday. I willed myself out of bed and off to church where I played a piece on clarinet for the worship service. It was well received so I had a pleasant stroking of the ego today! The afternoon involved some good loving followed by Gilmore Girls on the couch. Now I gotta go because my husband just brought me a plate of pierogies with peas swimming in a white cheesy sauce.
leetee - 08/27/07 08:47
awe, thanks. Was great meeting you and (e:Drew) too. When we arrived, i saw people in front of the church, and based on outfit, i guessed who was (e:Drew). :)
awe, thanks. Was great meeting you and (e:Drew) too. When we arrived, i saw people in front of the church, and based on outfit, i guessed who was (e:Drew). :)
janelle - 08/26/07 21:53
Quite the opposite, felly. You were pleasant and fun. Can't wait til we meet again =)
Quite the opposite, felly. You were pleasant and fun. Can't wait til we meet again =)
fellyconnelly - 08/26/07 21:17
great meeting you the other night! pardon me if i was drunk and/or obnoxious...
great meeting you the other night! pardon me if i was drunk and/or obnoxious...
tinypliny - 08/26/07 19:24
Damn, I missed your lemonade and the clarinet concert. I am always missing things... I just had to finish some stuff I was dragging on and on from last week and got done only at 4:15. :/
Damn, I missed your lemonade and the clarinet concert. I am always missing things... I just had to finish some stuff I was dragging on and on from last week and got done only at 4:15. :/
08/24/2007 20:20 #40716
The minister's wife....Category: church
is busting out her stuff at church on sunday. Come see me play clarinet at church service this Sunday!
tinypliny - 08/24/07 21:25
Coool :)
Coool :)
I dunno, if you think what you're hearing is a gunshot, I wouldn't be surprised depending on where you live.
LOL - so that's what it is -- the metallic grating sounds on Tuesdays! I assumed it was the sound of some special cleaners that the city had hired to scrape the gunk off the streets. It did seem odd to me that they would do it before the garbage day rather than after it. Nevermind that the whole idea was atrocious. My brain doesn't think logically, quite often.
Yeah, I am an old crone already. I wake up to every small thud and creak all through the night. Sometimes, I think I hear gunshots in the middle of the night. Some people told me it might be just backfiring from old cars. Who knows...