I'm looking to pick up a back up storage device. bad things can happen when you don't-- and it needs to be done regularly! I have a load of crap on various disks and such, but it becomes bulky and redundant; and not really safe in the long run. I want to be able to schedule back up, adding incrementally as I go. So yeh, thats on my wish list.
Also am sniffing around purchasing a new desk top. My needs are not being met with a laptop, although, I can't live without one of those either. Just need different stuff for different needs. My current desk top serves as the hub for mobility with my laptops. It is approximately 9 years old- a gateway dinosaur that has been really good to me and I have no intentions of ditching it-- but I do need something updated, that can multi task and have enormous amount of storage, etc. My intention for old desk top is to do something fun with it-- make it a server; make it connect every other computer together-- keep it part of the 'family'. My hands have been inside its tower too many times to abandon it completely. I have ideas, just not sure which i will follow through on.
I also need a new monitor for that desk top. The current one is crackling-- probably a lot of dust deep inside. Dust is a culprit of many malfunction. Keep all of it clean, clean it inside and out.. and your comp will be happy. Your comp might not be dead.. just dirty.
As for a new desk top, I entertain thoughts of building from scratch- something I always said I would do when I was ready for a new desktop. Or do I purchase from factory? The prices are pretty decent now- -although, the more I look, the more discerning and greedy I get, upping the price well over what it rightly should be for a desk top. Now that CompUSA is closed, where do i go to buy my parts?? I like to be somewhere that i can stand in front of the physical parts and drool while I contemplate all that goes into the end product. I began searching for pther places to go, with out much luck. Any ideas??
Computer stores where are you????
if I buy factory-- Gateway (eMachines ?)has always served me very very very well. Not sure what has changed over time, but I'd consider going to them to see what they have to offer.
Dell , HP , Acer (I don't know anything about this brand) and emachine seems to be the immediate PC companies.
I'm still skeptical of Windows Vista
24 inch screen monitors are neat.
And so, thats where I am at. Ooh, the replacement ac adapter power cord I recently ordered for my Toshiba Tecra came in-- laptop is working, so far so good. yay! no jack soldering for me!
and damn, if I don't need to learn more about my Cingular 8125 PocketPC Ive been real lazy on getting a few things going on that. Atleast I am now remembering that if I don't have an actual notepad and pen to write with, I have my PocketPC notepad and sytlus-- although my writing kinda sucks with it..
one of my book shipments came in, The Elegant Universe by Brian Green. I know I have read parts of it before, but don't have it in my posession. Now I do!
Have I mentioned how freakin great, Discipline by Paco Ahlgren is? I really need to do a more formal write up, since I will just otherwise keep yammering about it, without saying anything about it.
Hurray, almost Friday!
Theecarey's Journal
My Podcast Link
08/23/2007 23:29 #40700
Dental Floss of the Computer WorldCategory: nerd
08/21/2007 23:18 #40668
DisciplineDiscipline Amok
I'm back in book-eating mode; I was kinda concerned there for awhile, not being able to sit down and focus on the pages before me. Sure Ive been busy with little down time, but normally I would slip into a book whenever I had the chance. So thats all behind me. In the last two weeks, I have done some catching up. A previous mention of Jen Lancaster's, "Bright Lights, Big Ass: A self Indulgent Surly Ex Sorority Girls Guide to Why It Often Sucks in the City or Who Are These Idiots and Why Do They All Live Next Door to Me?" was just what I needed to start off getting through the pile of books waiting to be read. Followed by "What the Bleep Do We Know", then Paco Ahlgren's, " DISCIPLINE " (fucking fantastic!!- write up later), and now just finishing up, Jim Al-Khaili's"Quantum, a Guide for the Perplexed". A run to Barnes and Noble last night provided me with another physics book ("Reinventing Physics from the Bottom Down") and Kate Chopins anthology, "The Awakening" (19th century writer), not that I intend to read her anytime soon.
My laptop needs an ac adapter. I finally ordered one, as the continual fraying of the cord (even with electrical tape) was hindering the ability to use the computer. I ordered it off of Amazon. I rarely ever shop online, even though it is the ideal environment if I have to shop. Anyway, with it being Amazon, and me being the big (albeit cute) nerd that I am, I eagerly accessed the book portion of the site. Oh how easy it to click! click! click! to the shopping cart. Amazon stock should rise in direct proportion to my purchases this week. :-O It was difficult to slow myself down and stay within a reasonable limit. Book binging is an area that I am not disciplined in. So yeh, I'll be just finishing off my current pile when the books come in sometime next week.
Besides needing an AC adapter.. I wonder if I will need a jack as well? I am all gung ho for opening up the laptop, ripping out the old jack and soldering in a new one.. but.. BUT.. not sure if I trust myself to get it done correctly- as in, not frying the motherboard or melting something integral to the function of the unit. Well, I feel that I could do it, and it would be fun to try, but since there is little (or no) room for error, I don't feel inclined to risk it. Atleast not on *my* laptop, haha.SO I must refrain from this DYI. I'll know more what needs to be done once I get the AC adapter in my possession.
Temps are rising again-- hope to get more swimming in before the season is officially over. Ive been doing a lot of landscaping/house fixing/ laborious activities. Swimming is a nice balance- I think it wears me out above the other activities and I enjoy it most. Friday should prove to be a good day to go! The fall is my favorite time of year, but summer can hang on for a while longer.
I still have pics to post-- but not until I get my laptop up and running again. Although Im back to reading mode-- havent felt much up for writing lately. My passions ebb and flows..
I'm back in book-eating mode; I was kinda concerned there for awhile, not being able to sit down and focus on the pages before me. Sure Ive been busy with little down time, but normally I would slip into a book whenever I had the chance. So thats all behind me. In the last two weeks, I have done some catching up. A previous mention of Jen Lancaster's, "Bright Lights, Big Ass: A self Indulgent Surly Ex Sorority Girls Guide to Why It Often Sucks in the City or Who Are These Idiots and Why Do They All Live Next Door to Me?" was just what I needed to start off getting through the pile of books waiting to be read. Followed by "What the Bleep Do We Know", then Paco Ahlgren's, " DISCIPLINE " (fucking fantastic!!- write up later), and now just finishing up, Jim Al-Khaili's"Quantum, a Guide for the Perplexed". A run to Barnes and Noble last night provided me with another physics book ("Reinventing Physics from the Bottom Down") and Kate Chopins anthology, "The Awakening" (19th century writer), not that I intend to read her anytime soon.
My laptop needs an ac adapter. I finally ordered one, as the continual fraying of the cord (even with electrical tape) was hindering the ability to use the computer. I ordered it off of Amazon. I rarely ever shop online, even though it is the ideal environment if I have to shop. Anyway, with it being Amazon, and me being the big (albeit cute) nerd that I am, I eagerly accessed the book portion of the site. Oh how easy it to click! click! click! to the shopping cart. Amazon stock should rise in direct proportion to my purchases this week. :-O It was difficult to slow myself down and stay within a reasonable limit. Book binging is an area that I am not disciplined in. So yeh, I'll be just finishing off my current pile when the books come in sometime next week.
Besides needing an AC adapter.. I wonder if I will need a jack as well? I am all gung ho for opening up the laptop, ripping out the old jack and soldering in a new one.. but.. BUT.. not sure if I trust myself to get it done correctly- as in, not frying the motherboard or melting something integral to the function of the unit. Well, I feel that I could do it, and it would be fun to try, but since there is little (or no) room for error, I don't feel inclined to risk it. Atleast not on *my* laptop, haha.SO I must refrain from this DYI. I'll know more what needs to be done once I get the AC adapter in my possession.
Temps are rising again-- hope to get more swimming in before the season is officially over. Ive been doing a lot of landscaping/house fixing/ laborious activities. Swimming is a nice balance- I think it wears me out above the other activities and I enjoy it most. Friday should prove to be a good day to go! The fall is my favorite time of year, but summer can hang on for a while longer.
I still have pics to post-- but not until I get my laptop up and running again. Although Im back to reading mode-- havent felt much up for writing lately. My passions ebb and flows..
museumchick - 08/22/07 00:12
The physics books sound quite interesting... actually, all of those books do. I'm looking forward to seeing your new pictures!
The physics books sound quite interesting... actually, all of those books do. I'm looking forward to seeing your new pictures!
08/22/2007 19:53 #40679
Old and New, Now and ThenI'm sure most of you have noticed that Halloween stuff is emerging everywhere as of late. Its the best "holiday" ever- but as with everything, let it arrive when its meant to, not pushed at us months before. I was just getting over, "back to school supplies" in the beginning of July, then the onslaught of Halloween goods.. but today, I saw aisles of.. CHRISTMAS decorations and wrapping paper! WHHHHHYYYY???!!!!!!!
My bank is in Lockport, I needed to run out there today for that and other errands, so I also stopped at Starbucks to waste some time. It was rather crowded and after chatting with the Baristas for a bit, I still had 20 mins to kill. A Dollar Tree is located immediately behind Starbucks, so I wandered over there. Thats when I was hit with Halloween goods (again, shock is now over), but when I rounded the end of those asiles, I was propelled into the aforementioned Christmas garb. eh..
Nothing humored me in that store (other than a Mabelline lip gloss), so I made my way back out and instead took the long way to the other side of town (trip down memory lane, more or less) for my "appointment".-- ok, so I ordered a pizza from Pizza Oven, something I haven't had in probably a decade. Their pizza has a unique sweetness and texture to it. Its just as I remembered. And I ordered it as I always had done before-- green sweet peppers and onions. Yum!
Since I have sat down at the computer, within 10 minutes, through email, I heard from 3 people from my long ago past. Its weird, funny and disturbing all at the same time. I mean, it shouldn't surprise me with this little thing called the internet and all, especially when I am easily found on Myspace-- which is why I have it to begin with, I know all but two people in real life-- but it always surprises me who comes out of the woodwork and finds me. Some people its been several years; but its nice to know (for the most part) who's been curious and stuff. oh, THEN my phone rang. There is a reason I don't answer unless I know the number on the caller ID. Anyway, as I usually have been documenting here over time, "stalkerdude" called again. Its been several months since the last call. but now THREE YEARS since last encounter. gah! No message as usual, which is good- but this time his name came up on caller ID. For those that call me at home, know that my messages are usually something not in my voice-- don't want to encourage this guy to call and actually hear me. And since it had been quite awhile, I was just thinking of changing it to me saying the message. So thats that..
Also have so many thoughts flowing through my head that I really wish it could all come out without me having to write it-- my fingers can't possibly keep up, and it flows so well in my mind-- but sitting to type it out gets all scrambled. Know what I mean?? But it'll come out.. just need to get into that mode-- that writers element.. Its like its brilliant in my head, but will I be able to get it out and have the same feeling, presence and understanding emerge as elegantly and effortlessly?
PS Ladycroft- thanks for thinking/knowing that I would "get" that quote. It also made me think of all of our conversations over the years-- from the time of us being little girls through the dorky teen years to the girl/woman we are now and have yet to become. Those profound convos are cherished always. And damn if we weren't on to something!
pk, lets see of i can get into my element..
Iced triple orange mocha latte. check.
Laptop- not preferred one, also old and clunky but working. check.
Belly satisfied, no need for eat breaks. Check.
Nighttime, but not too late to emerge into writing world. check.
Mind agitated and ready to release thoughts.. check!
pss. I crack up over those "clearasil gives you confidence" commercials.
Night peeps!
My bank is in Lockport, I needed to run out there today for that and other errands, so I also stopped at Starbucks to waste some time. It was rather crowded and after chatting with the Baristas for a bit, I still had 20 mins to kill. A Dollar Tree is located immediately behind Starbucks, so I wandered over there. Thats when I was hit with Halloween goods (again, shock is now over), but when I rounded the end of those asiles, I was propelled into the aforementioned Christmas garb. eh..
Nothing humored me in that store (other than a Mabelline lip gloss), so I made my way back out and instead took the long way to the other side of town (trip down memory lane, more or less) for my "appointment".-- ok, so I ordered a pizza from Pizza Oven, something I haven't had in probably a decade. Their pizza has a unique sweetness and texture to it. Its just as I remembered. And I ordered it as I always had done before-- green sweet peppers and onions. Yum!
Since I have sat down at the computer, within 10 minutes, through email, I heard from 3 people from my long ago past. Its weird, funny and disturbing all at the same time. I mean, it shouldn't surprise me with this little thing called the internet and all, especially when I am easily found on Myspace-- which is why I have it to begin with, I know all but two people in real life-- but it always surprises me who comes out of the woodwork and finds me. Some people its been several years; but its nice to know (for the most part) who's been curious and stuff. oh, THEN my phone rang. There is a reason I don't answer unless I know the number on the caller ID. Anyway, as I usually have been documenting here over time, "stalkerdude" called again. Its been several months since the last call. but now THREE YEARS since last encounter. gah! No message as usual, which is good- but this time his name came up on caller ID. For those that call me at home, know that my messages are usually something not in my voice-- don't want to encourage this guy to call and actually hear me. And since it had been quite awhile, I was just thinking of changing it to me saying the message. So thats that..
Also have so many thoughts flowing through my head that I really wish it could all come out without me having to write it-- my fingers can't possibly keep up, and it flows so well in my mind-- but sitting to type it out gets all scrambled. Know what I mean?? But it'll come out.. just need to get into that mode-- that writers element.. Its like its brilliant in my head, but will I be able to get it out and have the same feeling, presence and understanding emerge as elegantly and effortlessly?
PS Ladycroft- thanks for thinking/knowing that I would "get" that quote. It also made me think of all of our conversations over the years-- from the time of us being little girls through the dorky teen years to the girl/woman we are now and have yet to become. Those profound convos are cherished always. And damn if we weren't on to something!
pk, lets see of i can get into my element..
Iced triple orange mocha latte. check.
Laptop- not preferred one, also old and clunky but working. check.
Belly satisfied, no need for eat breaks. Check.
Nighttime, but not too late to emerge into writing world. check.
Mind agitated and ready to release thoughts.. check!
pss. I crack up over those "clearasil gives you confidence" commercials.
Night peeps!
paul - 08/22/07 21:41
Christmas wrapping. That is ridiculous.
Christmas wrapping. That is ridiculous.
metalpeter - 08/22/07 20:53
I just wanted to add that I don't know if it would really work or not but I wonder if that software you can get to write what you say would work. I have heard there are some glitches with it, but hey it is an idea. I know it is to complicated for me but hey maybe it would work for you. The Halloween stuff is really to early. I can understand costumes cause sometimes they can be expensive at say a costume shop but lets get the Back to school stuff done first. But sometimes you can get Candy Cheaper in those big bags.
I just wanted to add that I don't know if it would really work or not but I wonder if that software you can get to write what you say would work. I have heard there are some glitches with it, but hey it is an idea. I know it is to complicated for me but hey maybe it would work for you. The Halloween stuff is really to early. I can understand costumes cause sometimes they can be expensive at say a costume shop but lets get the Back to school stuff done first. But sometimes you can get Candy Cheaper in those big bags.
08/14/2007 22:05 #40548
returnedjeez I have a lot to catch up on. That is what happens when you neglect to read up on everyones business here by leaving for a few days. Seriously, there are so many posts to try to read! Glad its been busy around here :)
Trip to Esopus/Kingston was pleasant. Love the area my Unc lives in. Right in the Shaupeneak mountain trails area. Took some pics and all that jazz, will eventually post as long as they fit the size for the site. Not sure what size/res I took them at. My new hikers are super comfy, but also super heavy. I felt like I was dragging my feet at times, but I like them, so its fine.
Now I'm just settling back in from the trip. Always good to be home. Cats stuck to me like velcro- they are kinda needy, especially after Ive been gone for a bit. Yeh, so.. unpacking, putting things away (yuck), cleaning up in general. Very boring day overall. On the plus, I listened to newest Tegan and Sara I picked up yesterday on a Target run while I worked on the after-trip chores. Added a bounce to my step.
Yet my little trip to Target cost waaaaaaay more than I intended. I went in *just* for cat litter. and then saw some cat toys (furry mice, lazer thingy).. and then some CDs ...and then..
uh huh..
then I saw that all seasons of Smallville are on sale...
I rarely go into stores, and when I do, I am in then out as quickly as possible. I don't know what was up with me at Target.
So off to bed early-- early and long day tomorrow.
Trip to Esopus/Kingston was pleasant. Love the area my Unc lives in. Right in the Shaupeneak mountain trails area. Took some pics and all that jazz, will eventually post as long as they fit the size for the site. Not sure what size/res I took them at. My new hikers are super comfy, but also super heavy. I felt like I was dragging my feet at times, but I like them, so its fine.
Now I'm just settling back in from the trip. Always good to be home. Cats stuck to me like velcro- they are kinda needy, especially after Ive been gone for a bit. Yeh, so.. unpacking, putting things away (yuck), cleaning up in general. Very boring day overall. On the plus, I listened to newest Tegan and Sara I picked up yesterday on a Target run while I worked on the after-trip chores. Added a bounce to my step.
Yet my little trip to Target cost waaaaaaay more than I intended. I went in *just* for cat litter. and then saw some cat toys (furry mice, lazer thingy).. and then some CDs ...and then..
uh huh..
then I saw that all seasons of Smallville are on sale...
I rarely go into stores, and when I do, I am in then out as quickly as possible. I don't know what was up with me at Target.
So off to bed early-- early and long day tomorrow.
fellyconnelly - 08/15/07 12:51
okay so i didn't see your comment till now. i am a slacker. but i hope that you maaged to find lots of fun esopus things to do...
i miss the hudson valley. so very much...
okay so i didn't see your comment till now. i am a slacker. but i hope that you maaged to find lots of fun esopus things to do...
i miss the hudson valley. so very much...
metalpeter - 08/15/07 09:02
I was going to say because Target has so much stuff. Its like you go in for one thing you need and see all this other stuff that would be cool or music and CDs you never bought and then all this house stuff oh and then food also.
I was going to say because Target has so much stuff. Its like you go in for one thing you need and see all this other stuff that would be cool or music and CDs you never bought and then all this house stuff oh and then food also.
ladycroft - 08/15/07 03:41
it's because you had to pull double duty since i don't have a target here!
it's because you had to pull double duty since i don't have a target here!
mrmike - 08/14/07 22:16
Welcome home -- and the art fest was great
Welcome home -- and the art fest was great
mike - 08/14/07 22:11
I love target but I always end up buying / spending way more than I plan. They just have so much good stuff!!!
I love target but I always end up buying / spending way more than I plan. They just have so much good stuff!!!
08/05/2007 23:40 #40396
Lewiston Arts Festival and Esopus tripCategory: travel
There is so much going on this coming weekend! I wont be taking part in any of it, as most likely I will be heading out for the weekend to Esopus, NY to my uncle and aunts country home. It located right on the Hudson river. Its gorgeous and surrounded by woodlands and water. I hope to have some quiet time to go off and explore the surroundings with my camera.
I know we'll have a party one night and a Hudson River cruise the other. And who knows what in between. Perhaps a jaunt around Woodstock or Kingston. I thought of heading into the city for a few days as well, as their city home is just over an hour away. I need to make more definite plans for sometime in the near future. Right now, I have a project that needs to be finished, so being gone longer than a weekend isn't doable at the moment. Maybe the following week :)
I am tempted to not go anywhere this weekend, but I also need to get away and its always great to see my uncles and aunt. They are on the top ten coolest, worldly, intelligent, fashionable people I know.
And I could seriously drive to NYC, right? Their place is located on 79th, which the parkway (9A) is pretty much right there. Not that I would drive around once I am there. Half the fun is walking around, the other half is jumping on and off the subway. Its a conversation to have with them this weekend. Not that I have a car that will make it there., Not that I have a car that will make it to the end of my driveway, haha. Not that I would rent one, because all I would be doing is using it to get there, and that would be way too expensive when there are other means. I don't mind the bus nor the train; as long as I have my iPod and the ability to doze off for a bit. I've never bothered with a plane, even though it usually costs the same anytime Ive looked. Its just the hassle.. but hey, I can try that sometime as well. All I know is that I am itching to wander about, meet up with friends, re stock my coffee and tea supply and eat breakfast at my favorite little diner. Not to forget living off of H&H bagels (open 24/7, always warm, fresh and Right around the corner from my uncle & aunts. (YUM!) and picking up yummy tidbits at Zabars. And whatever else I feel like doing; I need my fix!
Ok, enough of that.
There wont be ANY "which way to parrot bay" margarita yard chotchky signs.
180 artists or so in areas of ceramics, drawing, graphics, printmaking, fiber, glass, metal, mixed media, painting, photography, sculpture, watercolor, wood, jewlery. Also a handful of food vendors and Music!
I also enjoy the WNY Chalk Walk Competition, which runs concurrently with the Arts Festival, located within the same area. This year it is Van Gogh themed. Kenmore East, Grand Island, Lewiston Porter (of course), St Josephs, Buffalo Academy for Visual and Performing Arts, Niagara Falls, Starpoint, Tonawanda, Niagara Catholic and Depew) are all participants.
10-5 (or 6?) on Sat and Sunday.
so yeh, I am bummed over that one. I always find out the stats before hand, and I did this then forgot I was going to be out of town. Last year I didn't go because I was scrambling with finishing up school.
Anyway--go. Its a short drive from B-lo. 190 N over Grand Island Bridge, exit 24.. sure there are directions in that link above.
I don't think there was anything else. I don't want to know if there is!
I will be enjoying myself across the state surrounding by this:
(taken from Esopus site):
* 40 Square Miles
* Population of 9,500
* Bordered on 3 sides by water
o 10 Miles of Hudson River Shoreline to the East
o Rondout Creek to the North
o Walkill River to the West
* Lush Woodlands and Sparkling Lakes

I know we'll have a party one night and a Hudson River cruise the other. And who knows what in between. Perhaps a jaunt around Woodstock or Kingston. I thought of heading into the city for a few days as well, as their city home is just over an hour away. I need to make more definite plans for sometime in the near future. Right now, I have a project that needs to be finished, so being gone longer than a weekend isn't doable at the moment. Maybe the following week :)
I am tempted to not go anywhere this weekend, but I also need to get away and its always great to see my uncles and aunt. They are on the top ten coolest, worldly, intelligent, fashionable people I know.
And I could seriously drive to NYC, right? Their place is located on 79th, which the parkway (9A) is pretty much right there. Not that I would drive around once I am there. Half the fun is walking around, the other half is jumping on and off the subway. Its a conversation to have with them this weekend. Not that I have a car that will make it there., Not that I have a car that will make it to the end of my driveway, haha. Not that I would rent one, because all I would be doing is using it to get there, and that would be way too expensive when there are other means. I don't mind the bus nor the train; as long as I have my iPod and the ability to doze off for a bit. I've never bothered with a plane, even though it usually costs the same anytime Ive looked. Its just the hassle.. but hey, I can try that sometime as well. All I know is that I am itching to wander about, meet up with friends, re stock my coffee and tea supply and eat breakfast at my favorite little diner. Not to forget living off of H&H bagels (open 24/7, always warm, fresh and Right around the corner from my uncle & aunts. (YUM!) and picking up yummy tidbits at Zabars. And whatever else I feel like doing; I need my fix!
Ok, enough of that.
- What I will be missing, is the Lewiston Arts Festival. GO THERE if you want something to do-- and if you feel like there was something missing from the Allentown Art festival.. like ART, then yeh, you can check it out here.
(sorry Allentown, you've disappointed me these past few years.. )
There wont be ANY "which way to parrot bay" margarita yard chotchky signs.
180 artists or so in areas of ceramics, drawing, graphics, printmaking, fiber, glass, metal, mixed media, painting, photography, sculpture, watercolor, wood, jewlery. Also a handful of food vendors and Music!
I also enjoy the WNY Chalk Walk Competition, which runs concurrently with the Arts Festival, located within the same area. This year it is Van Gogh themed. Kenmore East, Grand Island, Lewiston Porter (of course), St Josephs, Buffalo Academy for Visual and Performing Arts, Niagara Falls, Starpoint, Tonawanda, Niagara Catholic and Depew) are all participants.
10-5 (or 6?) on Sat and Sunday.
so yeh, I am bummed over that one. I always find out the stats before hand, and I did this then forgot I was going to be out of town. Last year I didn't go because I was scrambling with finishing up school.
Anyway--go. Its a short drive from B-lo. 190 N over Grand Island Bridge, exit 24.. sure there are directions in that link above.
- also missing a book sale (ok, I can get over that one, but I EAT books, I can always use more more more) Also baked goods and chinese auction.
- "Leap Frogs" to land at Fort Niagara Youngstown-- Uh huh- 15 man group parachute team comprised of US Navy SEAL and SWCC commandos (mmmmm going commando, perhaps?! please?!) They do all sorts of really neat stuff at jumping out at 12,500 ft. Then they make themselves available to the public for questions and sign autographs. (damn damn damn) This is Friday mid morning. I think they will also be at Niagara Falls air show.
- Artillery demonstration at military fortification (not fornication, Carey). Not so much a fan of the weapon stuff, but since I'm from this history rich area (Y-town), its neat to see and listen to stuff that I had absolutely.no.interest. in as a kid.
- Youngstown friday night summer concert-- Custode and Prarisi-- Jazz and Swing music. I dig it!
I don't think there was anything else. I don't want to know if there is!
I will be enjoying myself across the state surrounding by this:
(taken from Esopus site):
* 40 Square Miles
* Population of 9,500
* Bordered on 3 sides by water
o 10 Miles of Hudson River Shoreline to the East
o Rondout Creek to the North
o Walkill River to the West
* Lush Woodlands and Sparkling Lakes

theecarey - 08/07/07 12:49
small world, indeed! anything I should check out?
small world, indeed! anything I should check out?
mrmike - 08/06/07 08:52
Psyched for the Lewiston Art Fest as it actually has art. Thought I missed it when I first started reading your journal, but I think me and my youthful sidekick may just have to partake.
Psyched for the Lewiston Art Fest as it actually has art. Thought I missed it when I first started reading your journal, but I think me and my youthful sidekick may just have to partake.
fellyconnelly - 08/06/07 00:08
esopus! i used to live there! what a small world!
esopus! i used to live there! what a small world!
mmmm Dr C with a British accent. I'm sold.
tell me more...
i gotta tell ya about the drchlorine look a like! it's fucking scary how much he looks like him. i'd almost be suspect if he didn't have a british accent.
end of story!