I forgot to have a s'more.
- (e:ladycroft) (ofcourse), (e:decoyisryan) , (e:kangarooboi) , (e:Kaerains), (not that she ever post anymore *kicks*) (e:metalpeter) , (e:mrmike) , (e:soma) , (e:paul) , (e:terry) , (e:matthew) , (e:lilho) , (e:mike) , (e:kookcity2000) , (e:vincent) , (e:carolinian) , (e:chico) , I'm sure (e:salvatore) was around somewhere..
Sitting around a bonfire, even if its already plenty toasty out is always a nice atmosphere. Especially when I snag a super comfy lounge chair. Thanks to those who offered to buy a time share even if they did not have cash on hand. ;)
I hope I am finally coming off of a bout of insomnia. Hitting an all night low of exactly one hour of sleep, after several days of close to the same, I finally fell asleep a couple of times this afternoon. I actually dreampt too, which was nice and so very needful. I feel like I could fall back to sleep now...
My apartment has been stuffy too- hanging in at 87 degrees. It would probably bother me more if I was actually able to sleep and the stuffiness was just disruptive, but this is annoyingly straight up insomnia and my brain is way too active. There is a whole process going into and coming out of this stage. ho hum.
Its just after 8pm and I am working on an iced coffee to consume, so that may screw with a decent bedtime, but damn, I don't want to be groggy the rest of the evening- as exciting Sundays tend to be...
heh, forgot to hit "publish".. two hours later..
seriously. who dreams that their tattoo 'falls off' and then it really happens to her friend!?
It was a good time at both fires. It was weird how the party was segregated into 3 areas The dance floor, House/Porch, and the Firepits. I went out on the porch to take a picture and there was no one I knew. That being said there was a person that I did recongnize but that I don't actully know. I couldn't tell what the Tattoo on her arm was. I don't know her face from hooking up or anything but she has worked a few places I have shoped at and been at a few concerts I have been to so I'm sure I'll see her around. I have this term called FF or FF's called Familar Face that is someone who you don't know but you have seen them around town or at other events, at some events there are a lot of them. Oh yeah it was nice to actully have something to say to You for once.