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05/29/2007 00:21 #39439

The wet splash of purge
Ah yes, that feel!

Ten minutes ago I deleted my LiveJournal account. Dear fat baby christ, thank you for splashing that muse up against my skull.

LJ used to be awesome. I had a ton of friends on that had amusing little lives that I enjoyed from afar. Or people who are actually afar and so it is tough to directly communicate. But as the maw of progress ate Lj and zombie MySpace rose from the dead my friends were disappearing. Instead of scores of lovely little snippets of lives akin, I had people close to strangers. People I had never met. People who kept a photo blog of their bowel movements (content deleted. Flush)

baby, finish your drink. Let's get out of here.

So, I just deleted it. The good friends I can keep in touch with. The others? Well, there is a whole universe full of other.

The brightest spot in those whole event is that what ever horrid pastiche I called a journal will not reincarnate itself as a MySpace abortion. Nope. That path which begins with good blogging intentions, which is paved with an eye on the human experience in the personal, can lead only to a dead end of "ZOMG My MoM iS sUcH a BiTcH!!! LOLZ OMG WTF!!1!" And frankly, I take comfort in knowing that when I too die, my remains shall be riddled with worms, and not excessive exclamation points.

good night
jenks - 05/30/07 00:10
have you seen that cell phone commercial where the little girl is talking to her mom in texts? mom's like "who are you texting so much" and she's like "OMG it's NBD, just my BFF" I am a big dork and still use full words and punctuation in texts, even though it's a PITA. I hate "u" and "r" and "ur" in texts. hate hate it.
fellyconnelly - 05/29/07 19:03
i have a problem with periods. i could construct an entire essay and have several periods interspace every sentance. it is so hard for me not to do this right now as i write this. i also don't capitalize.
james - 05/29/07 16:33
Joshua: I caught myself saying that once. "L-O-L" and quickly threw my hands over my mouth like pandora trying to shove pestilence and war back into that box. The exception might be saying ROFLMAO or something equally long and ungainly.

Jenks: Beware of those with grammar that is too good. They are just players trying to get their eloquent tongues down between your unsuspecting nethers!

I have used my one exclamation point. And so must retire.
jenks - 05/29/07 16:14
I had a high school english teacher who flat out said (with contempt) that any more than one exclamation point is a sign of immaturity. But i agree with you- proper use of a semi-colon gets you points. Big points in my book. Proper grammar is dead sexy! ;)
joshua - 05/29/07 15:15
We mock it openly by referring to it as "LAWL" - you know, what it sounds like when people actually phoenetically speak out "LOL" as if its a word without saying el! oh! el!.
james - 05/29/07 15:08
Jenks: I firmly believe that everyone should have an exclamation point quota. It is an over used punctuation mark. However, if you can properly use a semicolon you get a few extra.

Felly: LOLs are apart of the acceptable online lexicon. I am cool with using them. But then, like the exclamation point, there are those who use them way too often. Please, think of the following dialog not so much a peek into the fascinating private world of my mind, but a morality play.

Job: Oh Lord, why do you take my children when I give you praise, salt my fields when I give you supplication, blight my skin when I give you thanks?


thank you, I hope that was instructive.
Enjoy the LJ purge.
fellyconnelly - 05/29/07 14:15
HA - I used to LOL all the time until I got yelled at. A lot. Now I see how insipidly wrong it is, and therefore I tend to reserve all 'lol's for the people who are mostly computer retarded. Like 98% of my family.

also - you have inspired me and I'm going to leave estrip in three minutes to delete my lj. death to the LJ.
jenks - 05/29/07 10:18
heh, a favorite i saw one, making fun of excessive exclamations, was "OMG! I can't believe it!!!!11!1!!one!!eleven!!1!"

05/22/2007 23:33 #39382

The weepy teet of god
(e:Jim) and I are busy moving accross town this week. As such, I am cranky and no fun to be around. The only way I am tolerable when moving is if I get good and drunk. And I as I am making about a dozen car trips between the old place and the new I can't get good and drunk which makes me bad and angry.

I will post back here some time in the future. In the meantime I have a litter of wine that is screaming for me to drink it dead.

mike - 05/29/07 00:37
i hope the moving is going good (you are prolly almost done as this is a late post to a weekold journal). But don't forget to come to (e:lilho)'s party and you can get good and drunk there...
joshua - 05/23/07 16:42
Keep your head up - do whatever you need to in order to make the move easy, or at least tolerable. I see you planned ahead. =D
fellyconnelly - 05/23/07 11:43
i could probably open my own moving company from the number of times i have moved around this stupid town. i feel as though i could pack a 1 bedroom apartment into a vw bug and still have room for a passenger at this point.
james - 05/23/07 10:51
Thank you for your sympathy everyone as well as the cruel mark of your editors pen. Though today I did move 20 lbs of cat litter, still fresh and in the box. We don't keep old litter or anything.

I know, liter. But since I was writing a 'feel bad for me' post I would put an extra crucifix in my liter. Hung with care.

leetee: I thank you greatly for your offer. At this point though I am just shooting grain alcohol directly into my veins as to avoid lifting a bottle.

Paul: We are at 744 Ashland in the upper flat. You and your's have an open invitation to dinner if you think you can stand the hilariously excessive amount of pet hair floating about. ((e:Jim)) shall post photos for sure.

Felly: Oh, I did that twice three years ago. Even if I hated Buffalo I would stay here forever just to avoid a long ass move again. Thankfully Buffalo is awesome.

Now if you will excuse me all, I have a bottle of everclear and an IV drip to contend with.
fellyconnelly - 05/23/07 10:36
eep moving.
at least you are moving across town and not across the state!
also i keep picturing a litter box full of wine and it kinda is making me not feel so good..
paul - 05/23/07 09:35
Where did you guys end up moving to?
leetee - 05/23/07 09:34
Lordy, i hate moving too. You have my sympathies.

We had some old (who the hell knows how old it is!!) Port at the estate sale no one was interested in... you want that to join your litter?

Good luck Jim & James!
jenks - 05/23/07 09:05
i think a litter of wine sounds even better than a liter. ;) I want one.

05/18/2007 14:02 #39333

A woman? No, she was a Lady.
How to do this?

Ballpipe has such an indelible mark on my human meat brain that I am not sure what to do. Once, while at a lovely dinner at my boss' home, with her husband and two children (who are in their 20's) I was made to tell the tail of ballpipe. Much to my chagrin. But, just as my relationship with these people had to move on, so does this little journal. So I want to talk to you about pussy.

I parked my car in the lot and was rolling up my windows when I noticed her, an absolute vision, an avatar of the very goddess worshiped in the cult of womanhood. She was in her car, windows rolled down with the spring winds cooling her Artimisian body, and on her cellphone.

She was screaming

About her pussy.

To a very large and very captive audience. A dozen people. Standing outside looking and smiling, on their cigarette break but not smoking.

You see, when you sleep with someone else's boyfriend without knowing it you are in a very bad position. How were you to know, you were just getting your rocks off. You were slighted woman, lady. You and the girlfriend should get together to beat the shit out of that boyfriend of hers to teach him to sleep around.

But that is not what you did.

"Ya bitch, i knew he was your boyfriend. But that was after he licked my pussy. That was after he fucked my pussy."

This is a familiar strategy, used not just in dealing with the girlfriend of the man you just had sex with, but used also in martial combat.

Ghengis Khan called it his Chou She Yu or "Strategy of the dragon's thousand sun pussy"

It was immortalized by the poet John Keats with his seminal "Ode to a Grecian Urn of Pussy"

And now, the loving arms of momma pussy have again aided her children. By giving me something to talk about other than some very soar testicles.

good night
fellyconnelly - 05/19/07 16:50
you are absolutely hilarious. Though there was no spittage of drink, I still am quite amused by your entries.

05/17/2007 11:48 #39318


If you, dear reader, recall, I mentioned a sport me and my best friend Joe invented many years ago when I was too good for drugs and drink and preferred violence (consensual only, of course). Super Danger Future Ball was a fun and good game that went from something like football but way more dangerous with no protective equipment to just beat the shit out of each other with bamboo stakes bound together by duct tape and blood. And as it passed, I couldn't help but think, thank god that was over.

But it wasn't

Years later, I went to a party at my friends place at SUNY Purchase. SUNY Purchase is a great place if you want to do a lot of drugs, drink, and get an art degree. Or in my case, do a lot of drugs, and drink with people getting art degrees. The party was at a condo style apartment on campus. Half a dozen people crammed into a three bedroom apartment, and none of them gay; which is a shame because that could really work out well/horribly for them. A few yards away from their building was a construction site with dozens of new such buildings in various states of construction and vandalism. Well, with construction materials around let me just start off the equation, and then elaborate on the solution.

a debilitating amount of cheap liquor + six foot copper pipe = Ball pipe.

Ready for it? Get a shot of something resembling cleaning fluid, cause this is going to be a bumpy ride.

Ball pipe is played with two drunk people and said pipe. Each player grabs one end of the pipe and wedges it into their balls. Yes, their balls. Then, the two players walk towards each other until someone gives up or the pipe bends.

and yes, it can bend.

For a time, I was a particularly fearsome ballpipe player. I participated in the first game of bare ballpipe. That is, no pants to cushion the crushing pain of ballpipe. I never gave up a game, bending each pipe bare or otherwise.

But a gentleman by the name of Don is the ultimate ballpipe champion. And in eons in the future there will be whole civilizations built around worship of Don.

He suffered grievous injury while playing the first game of streetpipe. This is played with a non-regulation ballpipe, this one found in a construction site in suburban Connecticut. The pipe went through Don's pants and through Don's scrotum, leading to a trip to the hospital and a number of stitches.

Don, I salute you and your streetpipe cohort Dan. You are both heroes and enoble all who hear your story.

so (e:peeps), can you resist playing ballpipe at the next drunken gathering you are at? I know I fight hard to resist it. I can't walk through the plumbing section of home depot without feeling the most joyous of pain.

Donbless you all.
fellyconnelly - 05/19/07 16:17
i reserved comment of the new journal entry about pussy until i read this one....

um... not that i have balls to worry about, but remind me not to come and get drunk with you.
jacob - 05/18/07 05:35
...I have no response to that.
mike - 05/17/07 18:42
that is one of the most insane things I have ever heard! I love it!
jason - 05/17/07 15:38
James, you have raised your own level of posting excellence yet again. Ballpipe, HA!

05/15/2007 21:01 #39298

To celebrate.
As you know, Jerry Falwell is dead and all is right with the world.

To celebrate here is a video of a demonic possessed little girl wrestling Japanese men.

I can't think of a more appropriate way to remember him. Other than a giant, wet shit.
joshua - 05/17/07 14:17
Fair enough - I completely agree that he polluted the discourse, and the 9/11 and Katrina things were absolutely shocking and hateful. I had to come back to leave another comment because talking about Jerry Falwell made me wonder why guys such as Jim Wallis have been less successful organizing more rational Christians into a voting block. The obvious answer is that the uberchristians are far more alarmed with social change and its "moral detriment to society" then Wallis' ilk are.

My hangup with organized religion is that its about being convinced that you are right and everyone else is wrong. I don't believe that Buddhists, or people otherwise unexposed to christianity, are condemned to hell by default. When Mr. Falwell met is maker, I seriously doubt the big man said, "Way to stick it to them gays, Jerry!"
james - 05/16/07 19:11
Joshua: No, he isn't Mao and he isn't Hitler. He did however pollute the national discourse for 30 years. He made it OK to organize and hate fags. The past two decades we have seen a decline in violent crimes across the country with the exception of those motivated by homophobia. We can thank Falwell in part because he organized and united what were isolated groups of ass holes. I am not glad that Jerry the human being is dead, I am glad that he as a mouthpiece of bigotry is dead. I did not know him on a personal level, but I am sure glad that he is gone on a national level.

Jason: No, it isn't an end to bigotry, but is the end of a force which organized and normalized that bigotry.

And Kerry sucked. Bush was riding high on a number of issues and Kerry's middle of the road crap didn't work. Kerry just didn't have an edge on a number of issues which were Bush's babies. It wasn't the policies. THe people who voted for Bush aren't typically people who benefit from his policies. But man, do they hate the gays and do they hate abortion. And that is how he won. Kerry certainly wasn't two term material anyway, so I am glad the Dems can clean house in '08 and the Republicans can take Jesus out of their ass and become a party with meaningful policy again.
jason - 05/16/07 13:27
Jerry was only one bigot, a drop in the bucket. I really doubt there are too many people in the USA who aren't bigots in some form or another. Falwell lives on in everyone who ever took to heart the BS he said about gays, and that's only a fraction of the total bigots in the USA. His death does nothing to end bigotry in this country, so I guess I don't understand what the champagne popping is about.

Phelps is of note to nobody except for people in the media who have designs of accusing every last Christian of being exactly like him, which perfectly explains why people like Michael Moore even bring it up. Nobody gives a shit. The guy's "church" consists of his family, and a couple of close friends. He is not as dangerous as Falwell because Falwell actually had a significant following, and a financially successful operation.

Now - as far as the political stuff is concerned - how shitty and unpalatable must the Democrats really be, if they can barely scrape by a majority going against one of the most unpopular Administrations and Congresses in recent memory? If everybody so loved the far-left agenda of John Kerry he's be in the office instead of Dub. The whole situation is a mess because the parties feel like they HAVE TO be extremists. That's where the money comes from.
joshua - 05/16/07 13:03
He was a bigot and I have always felt that it is hypocritical to complain about the imposition of social standards they don't agree with, yet turn around and desire to impose their own vision of morality.

I'm not particularly happy or sad that he's dead, although its particularly disturbing to find glee in someone elses passing. He was an asshole, but he wasn't Hitler or Mao. He was a radical in the same vein as many other radicals in our history, from both sides of the political spectrum. The dark side of the 1st Amendment is in our Jerry Falwells, and on the flipside, absolute fucking morons like Ward Churchill. Not many (perhaps none at all) were as influential as him. He was the first to take an unorganized segment of our culture and turn it into a dominant voting block - that in and of itself is a lesson in political organization that people are going to copy for a long time.
fellyconnelly - 05/16/07 12:49
oh man i love that part.... i would upload that as my user sound, but I have a feeling that would somehow be taken the wrong way...

and i do have to say that sometimes violence against uppity women is neccessary... (KIDDING!)
james - 05/16/07 12:43
I haven't seen that in years. I love it when Phelps says "oh mercy, here come the fags." He sounds like a grandfather, senile and confused.

Well, there are many, many ass holes to fill in for Falwell and Phelps and others. The largest church in washington state is run by a 30 something who preaches about the use of violence against fags, pro-choice folk, and uppity women.

such fun
fellyconnelly - 05/16/07 12:32
haha awesome videos...

I also just realized that I have lumped Falwell and Fred Phelps into one big asshole of a person. interesting. Hopefully Phelps will kick the ol bucket too...

that being said... you should check out this
wherein Michael Moore goes after Fred Phelps and it is hilarious.
james - 05/16/07 10:30
Well, the current political majority is Democrat. This country has had its majority of voters registered so since the good ol' days of FDR. Jerry we can thank though for radicalizing the republican party, bringing it way out of whack with th economic and political issues that matter to their constituency and instead working on the social ones.

Jerry has made a long career out of being an asshole.

Remember the tellatubies? Those giant puppets that danced or something in a kids TV program. Jerry called one of them the agent of the homosexual agenda to recrtuit god fearing children into a life of sodomy.

Jerry blamed 9/11 on feminists and homosexuals

Jerry called Hurricane Katrina god's judgment on a vice ridden city.

It is unclear why anyone would give this bloated fat carcass air time, as some exotic medical condition makes his mouth unable to spew anything but vile shit.

Jerry helped form "The moral majority" a group who wanted to put people in high ranking political jobs who would hate women, minorities, the homos, etc. And they were instrumental in getting Ronald Reagan elected.

So, I will take your warning about demon possession to heart. I am already lining my apartment with a ring of sage and salt.
jacob - 05/16/07 04:03
Ok, this may sound ignorant, but I had to google Jerry Falwell. And I can't say whether I care if he's dead. Tho, it seems that we can thank him for the current political majority. I guess what I'm saying is that you maybe able to exorcise the demon, but it can just come back in another body.

Only in Japan would they have a demon in WWF, or whatever their acronym is. Sweet vids.