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05/27/2007 22:23 #39428

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we are dog sitting, Fudgie for a friend who watched our cat while we were out of town. Fudgie got into the cat food and also ate all of his dog treats while we were not looking so he's had the shits all last night and today.

Ain't nothing else in the world like the east coast sunrise
Dang! I married a good looking man. How did that happen?

fellyconnelly - 05/28/07 00:38
fudgie is a very pretty puppy!

05/18/2007 17:28 #39334

blah hahaha
Robin down south,
got teef in her mouf.
wanna go home,
and see ya so long.
long time no see,
well how about me.
gonna get on 95,
till we arrive,
in a lil' walk up flat,
where my sweetiepie is at.

05/04/2007 01:33 #39150

out the window
I planted a few flowers.

The sunrise is better than the sunset.

I made a shitty animation...

I'm bored.

04/05/2007 04:07 #38754

Can't sleep rambles
Yes it is past 3am...
and I actually woke up early today...
and went on a job interview of all things.
If I got the job I'd be making motion graphics for streaming videos, the content being educational and medical.

Wouldn't it be amazing if I finally go a job? I have my doubts... but I hope so.

I survived a weekend visit to Buffalo without getting too wasted. I wanted to do two things, meet Soyeon and Hans' baby, lil' Eva G. (one of B-lo's newest residents) and meet Carolee Schneemann (WIKIPEDIA - Carolee Schneemann) . I met both... missions accomplished.


Eva is a little doll who I'm sure will grow up to be a German/Korean (AKA American) goddess. I suspect that Eva will look like her Mama and behave like her Daddy.
Now I consider myself to be a fairly attractive woman but just look how the baby Eva outshines the baby Robin... She makes me look like Pizza-the-hut.
(I blame my Daddy for not having the photography talent Hans does.)


About Carolee Schneemann... There is a retrospective up at CEPA until April 30th. In the basement gallery you will find her more erotic works including the film Fuses. I love that film.
Fuses is basically Schneemann filming herself and her then boyfriend making sweet love. In 1967 not many women had taken matters into their own hands like that. I think it's different from pornography because... it's beautiful... it seems real... like they know and care for each other and also because their is defiantly a mutual pleasure going on rather that a fake orgasm scream while some man pounds away until explosion.

so, Tony introduced me to Carolee for a minute. He told her I'd run off and gotten married so I pointed out Casey. He was over in the corner talking to Sean, one of the guys who runs CEPA. I'd introduced them with hopes that Sean would give Casey some solid advice on how to get grants for his magazine .
so I pointed Casey out and told Tony and Carolee that Casey just got his non-profit status for his magazine. Carolee then said "so you've chosen to live in poverty for the rest of your life." I think that's funny. She also talked about her film being shown without permission, which reminded be what a jerk that film teacher I had at ACA was. He was. The bastard never gave me my tape back.. when I specifically asked for it back... fucking Emory cuntman.

onto a stupid thing

The other day I was sitting on the toilet putting in my contact lens. There is a mirror right on the door in front of the bowl. So I sat there, took a piss and put in my eyes. Then I wiped, stood up and flushed. Right as I flushed I heard a click sound. I looked down and my glasses had fallen into the bowl. I stuck my hand down as fast as I could but low and behold, I flushed my glasses down the toilet. I stuck my hand in there far as it'd go but no luck. I got a coat hanger and felt around but the glasses were gone.

I'm going to stop writing because as funny as that may be it still pisses me off. They were new glasses and they were not only beautiful but useful.

lilho - 04/05/07 20:31
those glasses were tre tre chic!
paul - 04/05/07 09:56
Sorry we missed you. Ironically, we were stuck in the Atlanta airport. Oh, eva is so cute. OMG, that is so sad about your glasses. I had no idea they were even flushable?

03/29/2007 12:23 #38677

so... Casey and me are driving up tomorrow. We are going to stay in Liz's apt. She is going to Disneyland. I'm excited to see little Eva and to meet Soyeon's mom... even though neither one speak English and I don't speak baby or Korean.
I watched this stupid TV program on the function of vision last night. Some man made these goggles that turn vision upside down. Apparently when you wear them you have to relearn how to control your hands and body. It reminded me of backing up a car... It makes you have sympathy for babies because... hell, they have to learn to use their bodies.
On Saturday I want to go to CEPA to see Carolee Schneemann's work.

james - 03/29/07 13:47
I was stuck in the home of a friend with his parents while he went off to do something horrid for several hours. Alone with people I have never met and who only spoke Korean. We were able to bond by making fun of how North Koreans talk... I don't know how it happened exactly but it worked out.

Sure, it isn't much for a practical strategy, but it is something to help.