Jim's Journal
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04/17/2007 19:18 #38933
Elmwood PanhandlerCategory: buffalo
I just noticed that Elmwood Panhandler was closing. I feel really bad for the owner - it was a cute little store and this was the best part of town to have it in. I've actually noticed a lot more vacancies on Elmwood this year then last, last year it was pretty much just the Utica-Hodge block that had multiple vacancies.

04/14/2007 21:15 #38890
Shameless Self PromotionCategory: photos
I started a photo blog:
Something a little bit purer then Flickr. I need to remember to post more often here, though, too.
Something a little bit purer then Flickr. I need to remember to post more often here, though, too.
jim - 04/14/07 21:53
The hawk flew over head at just the right moment, the first day that I was playing around with the new camera that (e:james) bought me for my birthday last year, it was just freaky good timing.
The hawk flew over head at just the right moment, the first day that I was playing around with the new camera that (e:james) bought me for my birthday last year, it was just freaky good timing.
theecarey - 04/14/07 21:29
ooh I recognize Sculpture park pics :)
nice job on capturing the hawk, too!!
ooh I recognize Sculpture park pics :)
nice job on capturing the hawk, too!!
jim - 04/14/07 21:24
You have to say that, mister terrible.
You have to say that, mister terrible.
james - 04/14/07 21:17
my eyes weep with color coordinated goodness.
my eyes weep with color coordinated goodness.
04/06/2007 17:02 #38776
Broadway Market 2007I'd never been there before, so went with (e:) james and we headed down. Very crowded, and very good pierogi. We did not manage to see a butter lamb, but I did get a few decent shots of the crowds.

matthew - 04/06/07 19:36
Cool Pics. I would go every easter as a child. I haven't been in quite some time.
Cool Pics. I would go every easter as a child. I haven't been in quite some time.
paul - 04/06/07 18:59
I think that could be overwhelming as I have an affinity for polish guys. Did you ever go to any of the dingus day events? One year we took (e:matthew) to a huge Dingus Day event and ironically he was allergic to the pussy willows.
I think that could be overwhelming as I have an affinity for polish guys. Did you ever go to any of the dingus day events? One year we took (e:matthew) to a huge Dingus Day event and ironically he was allergic to the pussy willows.
04/02/2007 13:13 #38719
Wohoo!So, I run a little photography group and a woman from San Diego stumbled across us, and ended up moving to Buffalo and buying a bar on Niagara that she's fixing up.
A reporter heard about it and wrote a front page story about her and us!
I'm so excited for her :) she's working so hard and really needs the publicity for her new bar.
A reporter heard about it and wrote a front page story about her and us!
I'm so excited for her :) she's working so hard and really needs the publicity for her new bar.
03/23/2007 22:53 #38599
James Turrell - Dark RoomHas anyone been to see this at the Albright Knox? It was fun to sit in the room and watch people come in and figure it out.

jim - 03/24/07 12:52
Not really a performance piece, but definitely more then a blue screen.
Not really a performance piece, but definitely more then a blue screen.
metalpeter - 03/24/07 11:54
In the picture all I can see is a blue screen. So I'm guessing that it is a performance piece and the people coming in to try to figure out what it is, is the art itself.
In the picture all I can see is a blue screen. So I'm guessing that it is a performance piece and the people coming in to try to figure out what it is, is the art itself.
(e:juliesam16) , maybe I had the wrong impression of the prices... maybe I've spent too much time at outlet stores and such to recognize reasonable retail prices when I see them. Your store definitely carried quality products as well.
Good luck to you and your husband as you move on, and I hope the good times in Buffalo outweigh all the rotten stuff about owning a business on Elmwood Ave.
Hi, I owned ELmwood Panhandler. Don't feel bad that I am closing, Jim. I am moving out of Buffalo for a job offer my husband just accepted. Business was good for me. As far as high prices, most customers wanted quality products, not temporary tools from China that you throw away and replace next year. My prices were right in line with Target and Wegmans and Premier and Williams-Sonoma. All of us sold that OXO spatula for the exact same price. I loved my one and a half years there on Elmwood. I had many great customers who became friends and I owe any success I had to them and their loyalty. I'll tell you though, I will not miss picking up all the trash, cleaning grafitti or cleaning up after being robbed last summer. All stores close for different reasons, some because of low sales, or because they just want something new, or because they want more time with their family. It's just like when people change jobs or their lives change, only we need to close a business.
I only went in there once, and didn't pay too much attention to prices- but is it really that much more than, say, williams-sonoma? I didn't think over-priced kitchen gadgets were that unusual. Not that it's GOOD, but it seems to happen a lot...
I feel badly, but then again people have to understand what their market is. When I complained to Talking Leaves about being all-Lib, all the time they explained that they're giving people on Elmwood what they want. Couldn't much argue with that.
Yeah man - I went there to buy a teapot. It was going to be a gift for (e:dragonlady7) so I fully expected to overpay for some trendy Le Creuset crap. They had One teapot. It was hideous and like $60, and if it were sentient it would have expected me to remodel my kitchen to match it. I asked if they had any other colors. They said they didn't have any other teapots. I walked out. My life is difficult enough without having a $60 French teapot sitting on my stove judging me every morning.
- Z
Then again, the gear is now 40% off - time to buy.
I saw this one coming long ago.
I like to shop city stores but I'm with (e:zobar) on this one... Panhandler was *really* expensive. A few months ago I went in intending to buy and was priced out of the market.
I was too shy to say such a thing...
Man, now that the Panhandler is closed, where will Buffalonians go for that killer combination of overpriced merchandise and limited selection?
- Z
Metalpeter, I think Hertel had or has a map like that, and I'm surprised I've never seen anything like that from the Forever Elmwood (although maybe I've just completely missed it).
I used to go in to Elmwood Panhandler and drool on their merchandise, but I don't think I ever bought more then an egg whisk.
I don't know what Happened Business wise. But I think one of the problems Elmwood has is that it is tough for an independent buisnes to be competive. I assume they sell pots and kitchen stuff. You have you big box places Target and then you have upscale places in the mall. Oh yeah and then there are so many places to shop online. It is tough you have to make your prices high so that you can make a good profit but not so high that you send people away.
I also think that a good Idea that might help more places stay open would be if every business on Elmwood Had a small publication and map and short little descripton of it. This publication would change when ever a shop moved or closed or a new one opened. They would be available in every store. One good reason for this is that when someone comes to the area they can see other places that they might not know are there. Maybe the phamplets could even be added to peoples bags when they buy something.
oh that sucks, was it open even a year? If cute high-end shops can't survive on elmwood, can they survive anywhere?