For interested
(e:strip)pers -- this event/series is open to the public.
5th Annual Human Rights Student Conference
March 20th through March 22nd
Canisius College, in the Richard E. Winter Student Center
This conference is an opportunity for students, professors and community members of Western New York to gather and exchange information about international human rights issues. This year's conference includes presentations on conflict diamonds, child soldiers, torture, the rights of women and the veil, human rights abuses in Kashmir, poverty and race, and the situation in Darfur. We also have a keynote speaker this year from Mauritania.
Tuesday March 20
The Human Rights Dinner with guests from the WNY refugee community. Catered by Kabab & Curry. The dinner is free, but we will be accepting donations for Journey's End Refugee Services.
Grupp Fireside Lounge, Student Center, 6:00 pm
Wednesday March 21
Student Presentations on international human rights issues, 5:30 pm.
The presentations will be followed by a screening of "Sometimes in April," a film about the Rwandan genocide at 7:00 pm.
Regis South, Student Center. Snacks and beverages will be served.
Thursday, March 22
Student Presentations will begin at 5:30 pm followed by our
keynote speaker at 7:00 pm,
Abdarahmane Wone, the North American Communications Director for the African Liberation Forces of Mauritania (FLAM) and a speaker for the American Anti-Slavery Group (AASG), speaking on "
Repression & Modern-Day Slavery in Africa: A Perspective from Mauritania." Regis South, Student Center. Snacks and beverages will be served.
Please RSVP (or direct your specific inquiries) to
I know this is oversimplifying, but is buffalo really that stupid that it thinks a fishing store is going to solve all our problems? I must be missing something b/c I don't get it.
With an every growing number of cities trying to economically rebuild themselves by focusing on retail and tourism, it will only be a matter of time before our entire economy is based on tourists visiting other tourists.
The sad part is that the city acts like Bass Pro is the key to big turn around, the magic silver bullet to cure downtown woes. What the leaders seem to forget that in the nieghborhoods that are working like Elmwood or Hertel is that it's lots of little things that work together. Sucks that we seem to give away the store to make the store happen, especially one with a parking garage. My dad has a roughly 40 year old copy of the Buffalo News with the headline "Waterfront ready to take off." The news never did say when exactly....
The funny thing is on the Artvoice poll I voted Bass Pro the biggest pipe dream if I remember correctly. It would be so funny if they won that award and still wound up coming here. What I don't like about the deal is that the way I read it, we lose the AUD. The other buildings we lose no big deal but the AUD should be used for something.