First of all the way I upload the pics it dosn't put them in numerical order when you do multiple pics but from looking at the pictures you get the general idea. Also sorry if there is red eye. That is one thing I don't like about my camera even with the red eye setting you still will get some of it. If you don't like how you look in the picture sorry. The thing with the Pictures I take is that there is usaly a few people in them and sometimes people in the background. I know there is one picture of (e:Lilho) that I put up my mistake I was suposed to turn it the other way so when you see that one do it in your mind. I had a good time and as one of the other (e:peeps) said it was a mellow or maybe calm party but still fun. It was nice to see some new faces there, or at least people who I hadn't met before.. I will admit I could have and should have been more social but oh well. I decided to post these today and download what ever pictures I take at the parade on sunday or monday. I think it is awesome that some peeps are getting togather to go to the parade. I think I won't be in those numbers that I'm just going to go with my sister but we shall see. I'm guessiing I may skip Jackdaw as well, but I'll find out later. Ok Here are the pictures.
metalpeter - 03/18/07 10:48 Ok a few things. I'm glad (e:ingrid) came also (e:imk) I'm sure you will have a chance to meet her again. The Mayflower is on my way home so I figured I'd try and take a picture of it. With my camera at least taking pictures in the snow is tricky with snow in the air the flash hits them and makes them bright instead of the object behind it. If you turn the flash off then you wind up capturing the picture and get that orange color. One thing I havn't tried is red eye that is when there are two flashes I wonder what that would do. But I think that is what causes (e:carolinian)'s view that the house looks like outer space because the snow kinda look like stars. I think my next post my include pictures of the parade I'm going to later. Oh yeah yesterday after I went to world of wheels I saw (e:Paul)(e:lilho) and (e:brit) on my way home. I may put up some of those pictures as well with a link to my webshots page.
james - 03/18/07 01:18 Well done. I didn't even see you take those photos. If I ever need someone to assassinate the Shogun, you are the ninja for the job.
joshua - 03/17/07 23:37 Terry was grabbing some lilho sideboob!@!!!
carolinian - 03/17/07 23:06 Once again, (e:metalpeter), I must commend you for your hard work in preserving the rich history of estrip debauchery for all to see.
Kudos aside, this is gonna sound kinda weird, but when I saw the first picture in the series, I somehow mistook the black of the night as outer space and the falling snow as stars, so it looked the entire house was in outer space. And I gotta say, 24 Linwood looks really cool in outer space. If you look at the first picture of the set, and you squint your eyes while doing so, you'll see what I'm talking about.
Any photoshop gurus up for the job of converting my brain's gross distortion of truth into a really cool picture and posting it on (e:strip)?
mrmike - 03/17/07 22:22 aw crap, looks like fun. I'm such a loser
imk2 - 03/17/07 19:28 awww, it looks like such a good time. i wanted to meet (e:ingrid). i'm glad she came!
03/17/2007 11:27 #38496
No pictures Yet
So I had a good time at Matt's party it looked like everyone else did to. I thought it was awesome that two people made him two gluten free deserts. It was a good relaxed time. I got to meet a few (e:peeps) I havn't before and that was preaty cool. Again I should have been more social. All I said to Hilda aka (e:ingrid) was you don't look like your picture. But what should have followed was but like in your picture you are cute. That being said I still had a good time. I'm not sure when i will put up pictures since I have World of Wheels to go to today and then the parade on sunday but Maybe later today. It was great to see some peeps I havn't seen in some time. Hope everyone has a great St. Pats and rest of the weekend.
museumchick - 03/17/07 14:40 It was really nice meeting you:). I hope I will see you again sometime soon.
03/16/2007 18:19 #38493
800 St. Matts Category: 800
First of allHappy Birthday Matt!!!!
I will be there tonight Having a good time. This is officaly I guess my 800th post. I wanted to wait to have something deep to say. But all I can say is that wow that is a lot of posts. But I wonder is the 800 a big deal or is it really breaking 800 so maybe the next post should be the big deal. I figured my next post would be pictures. That is when ever I have time to put up pictures I havn't taken yet. So I figured I would just make 800 a regular post. I don't really want to talk about how a taco bell comerical has a lion on one of the adds and one lion says to the other looks good and the other one says the man or the taco. I admit that I'm surprised that it hasn't offendend anyone who is stright to call and complain about it. I'm also suprised that they havn't got mail from gays who are offendend. Or maybe if they have they have said they don't care cause all there adds are funny. What got me thinking about this is how someone I know, who I won't say was fliping chanels and found LOGO and got allupset. It isn't a pay chanel and is bounced off a statilate and anyone with one can pick it up. I think it is on most systems and is owned by MTV. It isn't a pay chanel so it can't be graffic, but this friend of mine was so upset they they are going to block it. Maybe it is just me but that is going to far, even if you don't approve. I just wish people wouldn't get so mad about stuff that they personaly disagree with. I think that often in general people belive that there beliefs are right and that anyone who disagrees with them are wrong. I will admit I do slip into that myself and don't even realise it. I'm not saying that you should change or ideas but you should be able to understand that just cause you have differant ideas then someone else that dosn't make them crazzy: cause if it does then you are out of your mind also.
Wow I got off on a tangent sorry about that. Hopefully i'll see some of you peeps tonight. For those that I don't have a great weekend and have a nice Holiday and stay safe.
metalpeter - 03/17/07 11:15 Yeah it is funny How I assumed it was a gay Joke. But I assumed that cause on one other ad a lion refers to one of the girls in the tent as sour cream. But maybe it also had to do with the lions tone and thinking it was a funny ad. In any event I still think those are a funny line of comericals.
I think Ajay you have a good theory and it does make sense. I don't like to throw the word Hate around cause it really is a strong word that isn't allways right. Just because someone is mad dosn't mean it is hate. But I think hate and fealing one is superior to another is a factor in why people get so angry at oposing views.
As for why people get upset at others who don't share their beliefs, I have a theory.
I think only those who are very insecure about their own beliefs get upset at those who don't share their beliefs. People who are secure don't give a rats ass for what others think.
Case in point: those who truly understand a religion are very tolerant of others; the ones who have a negligible or shallow grasp are the ones who are viciously intolerant.
Same with this gay-bashing. Men who are insecure in their own orientation have the biggest problem with gays.
Pot smoking? Same deal. Those who are weak and prone to addictive urges scream bloody murder about the evils of pot smoking.
jenks - 03/16/07 19:43 I always thought the lion meant the guy looked good to EAT, not in a sexual way... never thought of it as a gay thing... hehe kinda funny to think of it that way though.
03/15/2007 18:40 #38476
Busy Up coming weekend Category: holiday
I admit that this weekend will be so busy that I can't remember when Hockey and LAX are on. I know the Bandits play away on saturday afternoon and the sabres are on tonight and friday but I doubt I will see either game. Tonight I will check in on the sabres but I will be watching the Duke game. I will admit that I'm about the only person who likes both Duke and UNC but that is because I'm not from the Carolinas. Oh yeah that reminds me there is no such place as Carolina anymore. There is south and north or the carolinas but to say I've got carolina on my mind dosn't make any sense. My understanding is that if you are from that area you can only like one of those teams and not both. Ok back to my point. On friday Is st. Mats and i will be there drinking and taking pictures and seeing if any crazyness breaks out, should be a great time. Then on Saturday I'm going to hopefully remember to buy a ticket for Spamalot, I should really rent Search for the holy Grail and watch it also some time soon. I also have to go to that Car show they have at the convention center, it looks like it will be preaty cool. Then there is spring cleaning at my mother house that I'm not sure how I got rangled into. Sunday of course is the parade. When I last checked I was going with my sis and one of her friends but not sure. Not sure if I will but I may go see Jackdaw after the parade at club w on Delaware somewhere near the chip strip. If you go to you can get their concert dates I think they play sometime and Place on Friday and saturday but don't remember when. I am hopefully going to get to watch some more of the NCAA's over the weekend, if I get to see some of the sabres that would be cool to.
03/12/2007 20:03 #38435
This Film has not yet been rated Category: movies
I kinda wanted to talk about perspective and how it really effeacts how we each view things. But I'll just say that it is a big factor when we are to watch documetaries. Out own personal view is going to shape the way we look at the material that is presented. I know a reall documentary is just the presenation of facts and everything that happens is shown and it isn't aimed to leed us anywhare. That being said I think it is good to allways think about well how did they get this camera here and also is this an unbaised view or are they trying to convey something. It is allways good to wonder if they left out certain things to get there point across. That being said i saw a movie that anyone who is a fan of independnt movies, or even big hollywood blockbusters should see. It is called this film is not yet rated. It is about how films get rated and how the MPAA isn't really a good system or maybe even that they sord of censor films. Or at least that is what I get from it. In any event it is preaty interesting. I havn't listened to the comentary yet but I look foreward to it. I guess my favorite part is hearing from Kevin Smith. I admit I'm a big fan of his. Ok off to watch House and 24. I wonder how they come up with the TV rating maybe I should look into that.
Ok a few things. I'm glad (e:ingrid) came also (e:imk) I'm sure you will have a chance to meet her again. The Mayflower is on my way home so I figured I'd try and take a picture of it. With my camera at least taking pictures in the snow is tricky with snow in the air the flash hits them and makes them bright instead of the object behind it. If you turn the flash off then you wind up capturing the picture and get that orange color. One thing I havn't tried is red eye that is when there are two flashes I wonder what that would do. But I think that is what causes (e:carolinian)'s view that the house looks like outer space because the snow kinda look like stars. I think my next post my include pictures of the parade I'm going to later. Oh yeah yesterday after I went to world of wheels I saw (e:Paul) (e:lilho) and (e:brit) on my way home. I may put up some of those pictures as well with a link to my webshots page.
Well done. I didn't even see you take those photos. If I ever need someone to assassinate the Shogun, you are the ninja for the job.
Terry was grabbing some lilho sideboob!@!!!
Once again, (e:metalpeter), I must commend you for your hard work in preserving the rich history of estrip debauchery for all to see.
Kudos aside, this is gonna sound kinda weird, but when I saw the first picture in the series, I somehow mistook the black of the night as outer space and the falling snow as stars, so it looked the entire house was in outer space. And I gotta say, 24 Linwood looks really cool in outer space. If you look at the first picture of the set, and you squint your eyes while doing so, you'll see what I'm talking about.
Any photoshop gurus up for the job of converting my brain's gross distortion of truth into a really cool picture and posting it on (e:strip)?
aw crap, looks like fun. I'm such a loser
awww, it looks like such a good time. i wanted to meet (e:ingrid). i'm glad she came!