After getting back from Vegas I immediately went to work on that 9PM-5AM shift missing NYE @ PMT's. I was grateful for my getting the time off to sneak out to Vegas for one interesting time and to come back with the same amount of $ as I did when I left.
Tuesday, we were short handed and actually more so since the guy I was working with was still hungover from NYE. He seemed a bit more out of it then just being hungover but after working my ase off I just came home and crashed. I woke up this morning all thirsty, then my nose started to run...Great I'm sick.
Went into work again today and was again shorthanded and sick. The person that I filled in for NYE calls in and asks to speak with the head boss, she's going on disability due to some accident that she had 3 months ago. Her back was fine when I heard that she went out to the Chip Strip for NYE. Also keep in mind that she also called off on X-Mas. The whole reason why she's working in my department is for the hope that one day she will become a poker dealer. You have to realize that these guys bring home $60K which if the individual did GROSS $100K a year, is roughtly what they would take home after taxes. There really isn't any movement for that job. Making that kind of $ is just insane in Western New York for someone without a bachlors let alone a Masters or Two of them. We had about 5 or 6 quit and head out to Vegas for the W.S.O.P. and the one's that did get jobs out there all applied for their jobs back here. I suppose that out there there is a glut of dealers and two the cost of living was just unbalanced as compared to here. Basicaly what I'm saying if that is what you want you have a better shot of getting that job while being inside the organisation than walking from outside. She just has said that it is, "taking too long." Well Duh!
A pretty uneventful blah bad day until I go out to my car. A ticket is there but I just can't figure out what it's for at all. I parked my car after 6am so that couldn't be it and I was within the boundries of any posted sign. Then a further inspection of the ticket, EXPIRED REGISTRATION!!! and the best part is I let it lapse since August! So I call my Dad to figure out if it came in the mail and I just forgot to fix it on my car. He told me to go to the DMV, Nope, nothing and no. So knowning how this town works I go immediately to the Public Safety building and pay the thing a $50 fine a.s.a.p. Niagara Falls is notorious for throwing people in jail for outstanding tickets. The D.M.V is open late until 6:30 PM so I head down there and with little fanfare I renew my registration, cost $52.50. So I'm out $102.50 but to be honest it is my fault for letting all of that slide for so long.
Where I am now. I'm sick with my head stuffed up and just a bit annoyed that my schedule may be totally screwed up due to this individual playing the system. So I may have to do something drastic but the positive side is I have a nice rainy day fund and this may give me the reason to pick up more classes and get myself in a better position sooner than I imagined. The word was they were going to change my schedule around anways [not in a good way mind you] but this gives me a bit of a justified reason to pull the cord. That is what you get for having a descent work ethic where I am currently. Others just have that entitlement mentality right from the week that they are hired, despite the fact that you were there since day 1.
OK time to hopefully get some rest and clear my head.
On more intriguing note there was this show on Sundance tonight. It's called One Punk Under God. It's a documentary about Jay Baker

the son on Jim and Tammy Faye-Baker of the PTL and Heritage USA scandal back in the 80's. It's quite interesting to say the least and has me hooked already on the piolt. Pretty wild stuff.
On another note my favorite Band The Twilight Singers are going to be on Jimmy Kimmel tonight. Too bad my body is not agreeing with my, so I'm just going to DVR it.
Wow. It sounds like a weeklong bachelor party.
So what's your scorecard so far (i.e. you vs. the house)?