With the team's sucess I haven't been able to get as many tickets as I have in the past. So when I end up going to the game against my native Toronto Maple Leafs on Thursday it may be the only game that I end up attending. So with that in mind the other ticket that I possess became quite a stressful problem. So in regards to my nature of being someone who thinks way too much I ended up doing something that probaly should not have done.
So I ended up posting a CL ad to see if there were any takers for a guy with a extra 200 level ticket. Well the responses I got freaked me out. I consider myself about above average in regards to attractiveness but I was shocked to see what kind of pepple resonded and what they had in mind for me. Talk about leverage and parlaying material things into an interesting date. It made me think of that Good Charlotte lyric, "Girls don't like boys, girls like cars and money..."
I am taking a friend of mine that I owe a favor/makeup event for having to bail on her back in October during that snow hurricane.
Now my only problem is not getting too depressed as Toronto gets beat for the upteenth time @ HSBC ;-/
Vincent's Journal
My Podcast Link
01/09/2007 10:28 #37603
Sabres TicketCategory: hockey
01/06/2007 18:49 #37559
last nightCategory: going out
Being that most of my friends still think I'm out in Vegas I had no plans last night. So when my Ex called and expressed an interest in doing something I jumped at the opportunity. In discussing on where to go we decided upon Faherty's, since she hates Allen St. It was the first time in the place for me and to be honest I really didn't feel it. Other than having Stella on tap and the impression of the bartenders knowing how to mix a mean drink [saw this one bartender mix a bad ass long island ice tea] I'm not sure I can get into that place. If it was warmer and the garage doors were open or if we had arrived earlier when a game was on it may have been different. Then again I was craving the Pink last night but couldn't get down there due to my deal. I swear I'm a better boyfriend when we are not together then I was when we actually were a couple.
The highlight of the night was actually towards then end. After we decided to leave I just had to get a jumbo dog from Louies. As we were waiting for our late night fuel I noticed a mid-ninties town car pull up and a distinguished gentleman make his way inside Louies. It was Lance Diamond and he ended up sitting next to up up front in the row of stools in the front window. Naturally he was in good spirits, and we had quite a good conversation about his gigs. Since I work with his sister we discussed the casino and the shows that he plays there on Friday's. The sore subject on how screwed up that place is and how they set him up for failure in those Wednesday shows @ Hush came into being. I did laugh at his smooth talk at my ex L* in trying to get us back together, but Lance it is not happening for a reason! Still it was the best part of the night was to hang out with him. Now if I knew he was playing last night I would have hit the Elmwood Lounge instead of Faherty's when I was exploring thing to do.
When I DRVed Jimmy Kimmel the other night I ended up recording the new show "In Case of Emergency"
I must say it is some pretty funny, interesting stuff hitting home. John Favreau directed the piolt and for some reason I am always going to love that guy just because of the movie "Swingers." If you ever want to know why people should wait at least a couple of days before calling after getting the number just watch that one scene in that movie.
The highlight of the night was actually towards then end. After we decided to leave I just had to get a jumbo dog from Louies. As we were waiting for our late night fuel I noticed a mid-ninties town car pull up and a distinguished gentleman make his way inside Louies. It was Lance Diamond and he ended up sitting next to up up front in the row of stools in the front window. Naturally he was in good spirits, and we had quite a good conversation about his gigs. Since I work with his sister we discussed the casino and the shows that he plays there on Friday's. The sore subject on how screwed up that place is and how they set him up for failure in those Wednesday shows @ Hush came into being. I did laugh at his smooth talk at my ex L* in trying to get us back together, but Lance it is not happening for a reason! Still it was the best part of the night was to hang out with him. Now if I knew he was playing last night I would have hit the Elmwood Lounge instead of Faherty's when I was exploring thing to do.
When I DRVed Jimmy Kimmel the other night I ended up recording the new show "In Case of Emergency"

12/30/2006 20:06 #37204
I'm backCategory: vegas
I'm back in town. I feel half dead right about now. My ride told me tha the weather was fine until I arrived back here this morning. So she is basically saying that it's my fault for the dreary conditions :-/
I have the same amount of money on me that I left with less the things that I bought @ the Fashion Show Mall. The trip was a great exercise in online socialization as I hung with 2 friends of mine that I originally met on LJ. Hopefully the next time I'm out there I'll hang with (e:deeglam) as well.
It's just that when I was out there usually I think of things that I usually subconsciously ignore. I guess this trip was sex versus the concept of being in love. When I use the term sex it is used in the context of just settling with someone that you can get along with and do what people need to do naturally.
To be honest I have no clue in when was the last time I felt the passionate romance, the concept that I stumbled up on out the In LV of all places. I've just had people that I think I get along with great, but just it just never really made me queazy in the stomach or filled with fire like (e:lilho) is experiencing the flip side of right about now :-/ I guess I'm coming to the point of thinking it is better to feel pain than nothing at all. It's just that the people are the of that potential pool of possibilities in that department just don't ignite that fire in me. Then when I travel to some city something within me gets stired up that never crosses my mind when I'm back here.
Well unfortunantely off to work right now :-( and New Years eve as well ::--(( unless you guys are kicking it until 5am..yea right
I think for the first time I am going to make a few NYE resolutions, seriously
I have the same amount of money on me that I left with less the things that I bought @ the Fashion Show Mall. The trip was a great exercise in online socialization as I hung with 2 friends of mine that I originally met on LJ. Hopefully the next time I'm out there I'll hang with (e:deeglam) as well.
It's just that when I was out there usually I think of things that I usually subconsciously ignore. I guess this trip was sex versus the concept of being in love. When I use the term sex it is used in the context of just settling with someone that you can get along with and do what people need to do naturally.
To be honest I have no clue in when was the last time I felt the passionate romance, the concept that I stumbled up on out the In LV of all places. I've just had people that I think I get along with great, but just it just never really made me queazy in the stomach or filled with fire like (e:lilho) is experiencing the flip side of right about now :-/ I guess I'm coming to the point of thinking it is better to feel pain than nothing at all. It's just that the people are the of that potential pool of possibilities in that department just don't ignite that fire in me. Then when I travel to some city something within me gets stired up that never crosses my mind when I'm back here.
Well unfortunantely off to work right now :-( and New Years eve as well ::--(( unless you guys are kicking it until 5am..yea right
I think for the first time I am going to make a few NYE resolutions, seriously
01/03/2007 22:35 #37532
my start to a new year :-/Category: work
After getting back from Vegas I immediately went to work on that 9PM-5AM shift missing NYE @ PMT's. I was grateful for my getting the time off to sneak out to Vegas for one interesting time and to come back with the same amount of $ as I did when I left.
Tuesday, we were short handed and actually more so since the guy I was working with was still hungover from NYE. He seemed a bit more out of it then just being hungover but after working my ase off I just came home and crashed. I woke up this morning all thirsty, then my nose started to run...Great I'm sick.
Went into work again today and was again shorthanded and sick. The person that I filled in for NYE calls in and asks to speak with the head boss, she's going on disability due to some accident that she had 3 months ago. Her back was fine when I heard that she went out to the Chip Strip for NYE. Also keep in mind that she also called off on X-Mas. The whole reason why she's working in my department is for the hope that one day she will become a poker dealer. You have to realize that these guys bring home $60K which if the individual did GROSS $100K a year, is roughtly what they would take home after taxes. There really isn't any movement for that job. Making that kind of $ is just insane in Western New York for someone without a bachlors let alone a Masters or Two of them. We had about 5 or 6 quit and head out to Vegas for the W.S.O.P. and the one's that did get jobs out there all applied for their jobs back here. I suppose that out there there is a glut of dealers and two the cost of living was just unbalanced as compared to here. Basicaly what I'm saying if that is what you want you have a better shot of getting that job while being inside the organisation than walking from outside. She just has said that it is, "taking too long." Well Duh!
A pretty uneventful blah bad day until I go out to my car. A ticket is there but I just can't figure out what it's for at all. I parked my car after 6am so that couldn't be it and I was within the boundries of any posted sign. Then a further inspection of the ticket, EXPIRED REGISTRATION!!! and the best part is I let it lapse since August! So I call my Dad to figure out if it came in the mail and I just forgot to fix it on my car. He told me to go to the DMV, Nope, nothing and no. So knowning how this town works I go immediately to the Public Safety building and pay the thing a $50 fine a.s.a.p. Niagara Falls is notorious for throwing people in jail for outstanding tickets. The D.M.V is open late until 6:30 PM so I head down there and with little fanfare I renew my registration, cost $52.50. So I'm out $102.50 but to be honest it is my fault for letting all of that slide for so long.
Where I am now. I'm sick with my head stuffed up and just a bit annoyed that my schedule may be totally screwed up due to this individual playing the system. So I may have to do something drastic but the positive side is I have a nice rainy day fund and this may give me the reason to pick up more classes and get myself in a better position sooner than I imagined. The word was they were going to change my schedule around anways [not in a good way mind you] but this gives me a bit of a justified reason to pull the cord. That is what you get for having a descent work ethic where I am currently. Others just have that entitlement mentality right from the week that they are hired, despite the fact that you were there since day 1.
OK time to hopefully get some rest and clear my head.
On more intriguing note there was this show on Sundance tonight. It's called One Punk Under God. It's a documentary about Jay Baker
the son on Jim and Tammy Faye-Baker of the PTL and Heritage USA scandal back in the 80's. It's quite interesting to say the least and has me hooked already on the piolt. Pretty wild stuff.
On another note my favorite Band The Twilight Singers are going to be on Jimmy Kimmel tonight. Too bad my body is not agreeing with my, so I'm just going to DVR it.
Tuesday, we were short handed and actually more so since the guy I was working with was still hungover from NYE. He seemed a bit more out of it then just being hungover but after working my ase off I just came home and crashed. I woke up this morning all thirsty, then my nose started to run...Great I'm sick.
Went into work again today and was again shorthanded and sick. The person that I filled in for NYE calls in and asks to speak with the head boss, she's going on disability due to some accident that she had 3 months ago. Her back was fine when I heard that she went out to the Chip Strip for NYE. Also keep in mind that she also called off on X-Mas. The whole reason why she's working in my department is for the hope that one day she will become a poker dealer. You have to realize that these guys bring home $60K which if the individual did GROSS $100K a year, is roughtly what they would take home after taxes. There really isn't any movement for that job. Making that kind of $ is just insane in Western New York for someone without a bachlors let alone a Masters or Two of them. We had about 5 or 6 quit and head out to Vegas for the W.S.O.P. and the one's that did get jobs out there all applied for their jobs back here. I suppose that out there there is a glut of dealers and two the cost of living was just unbalanced as compared to here. Basicaly what I'm saying if that is what you want you have a better shot of getting that job while being inside the organisation than walking from outside. She just has said that it is, "taking too long." Well Duh!
A pretty uneventful blah bad day until I go out to my car. A ticket is there but I just can't figure out what it's for at all. I parked my car after 6am so that couldn't be it and I was within the boundries of any posted sign. Then a further inspection of the ticket, EXPIRED REGISTRATION!!! and the best part is I let it lapse since August! So I call my Dad to figure out if it came in the mail and I just forgot to fix it on my car. He told me to go to the DMV, Nope, nothing and no. So knowning how this town works I go immediately to the Public Safety building and pay the thing a $50 fine a.s.a.p. Niagara Falls is notorious for throwing people in jail for outstanding tickets. The D.M.V is open late until 6:30 PM so I head down there and with little fanfare I renew my registration, cost $52.50. So I'm out $102.50 but to be honest it is my fault for letting all of that slide for so long.
Where I am now. I'm sick with my head stuffed up and just a bit annoyed that my schedule may be totally screwed up due to this individual playing the system. So I may have to do something drastic but the positive side is I have a nice rainy day fund and this may give me the reason to pick up more classes and get myself in a better position sooner than I imagined. The word was they were going to change my schedule around anways [not in a good way mind you] but this gives me a bit of a justified reason to pull the cord. That is what you get for having a descent work ethic where I am currently. Others just have that entitlement mentality right from the week that they are hired, despite the fact that you were there since day 1.
OK time to hopefully get some rest and clear my head.
On more intriguing note there was this show on Sundance tonight. It's called One Punk Under God. It's a documentary about Jay Baker

On another note my favorite Band The Twilight Singers are going to be on Jimmy Kimmel tonight. Too bad my body is not agreeing with my, so I'm just going to DVR it.
metalpeter - 01/05/07 18:25
I want to see that "one punk under god" I thought it might be interesting but havn't yet.
I want to see that "one punk under god" I thought it might be interesting but havn't yet.
12/27/2006 22:36 #37202
Vegas 2Category: vegas
I went over to the Hard Rock last night. Well it was Tuesday in Vegas and most things were dead. Then I remembered that there was this place right around the corner called the Double Down Saloon. I was pretty impressed, since it was the closest thing a dive bar like the Old Pink in this town. Although the Jukebox was pretty much heavier music and Punk. The scariest and most fascinating drinks that I have seen are in this place. The speciality "Ass Juice" is a mixture of all the leftover bottles and they feature a "Bacon Martini" seeing the bacon in a bottle was quite a site. I just drank my mainstay Pabst Blue Ribbon. I was seeling like I merged Hardware and the Pink into one weird place. I ended up having some strange conversations with a couple of airline piolts and the bartender. Then again the place was pretty slow.
Then these people from California took me next door to a place called the Buffalo. It was jumping pretty good. I don't know if I should go into more details, but the theme was a Bear night! Pretty exhuasted I made it back to my room @ The HR after my Cali people left.
I have just cooled it on playing table games and slots. The slots have been chewing me up. The one sucessful aspect of this trip has been betting Hockey with my college buddy giving me games. So far we're 4-0 with my laying a lot of lumber yesterday with the Sabres. I don't want to say how much I bet but even though I won, it gave me some good fuel to go out as I did last night just due to the relief.
Tonight I'm off to placed downtown, the first being the Art Bar. Another LJ friend is taking me out and she's probally one of the most fascinating people that I know. I haven't hung out with her since the last couple of times I have been out here. It is never boring that is for sure.
Hopefully tomorrow I'll end up going to the new local casino Red Rock 30 minutes off the strip with my other LJ friend Chad.

Then these people from California took me next door to a place called the Buffalo. It was jumping pretty good. I don't know if I should go into more details, but the theme was a Bear night! Pretty exhuasted I made it back to my room @ The HR after my Cali people left.
I have just cooled it on playing table games and slots. The slots have been chewing me up. The one sucessful aspect of this trip has been betting Hockey with my college buddy giving me games. So far we're 4-0 with my laying a lot of lumber yesterday with the Sabres. I don't want to say how much I bet but even though I won, it gave me some good fuel to go out as I did last night just due to the relief.
Tonight I'm off to placed downtown, the first being the Art Bar. Another LJ friend is taking me out and she's probally one of the most fascinating people that I know. I haven't hung out with her since the last couple of times I have been out here. It is never boring that is for sure.
Hopefully tomorrow I'll end up going to the new local casino Red Rock 30 minutes off the strip with my other LJ friend Chad.

carolinian - 12/28/06 02:54
Wow. It sounds like a weeklong bachelor party.
So what's your scorecard so far (i.e. you vs. the house)?
Wow. It sounds like a weeklong bachelor party.
So what's your scorecard so far (i.e. you vs. the house)?
That is a great Lyric by Good Charlotte yes they barrowed the music but that is still a good song. it sounds like only guys propostioned you but I could be miss reading that. I hope you have a great time at the game. I got lucky and went to a few last year but this year I don't see it happening, but that is ok. That is more money I will have for other things.