03/29/2006 23:55 #37080
BoredYea read a post in which someone mentioned the Pop Godess Britney Spears, this may be of interest
Wanted to head out tonight, but just ended up cleaning.
A bit of a waste given I don't have to work until 2:45 in the afternoon.
03/28/2006 20:29 #37079
Yea I am a bad boyCalling into work tomorrow. Not to do anything fun, just for the purpose of going on a few interviews. I need to do something else. The same players and the lifestyle is just mentally exhausting. It was really fun in the beginning, but as everything else what you see on TV is nothing compared to the things they leave on the cutting room floor.
On top of that I just have been very tired lately. I really have not done much except avoid my "dark" friends. What the future holds for me in that regard is a bit sketchy. I have been friends for decade + with some of them, but their Goth lifestyle is a real drain. It has gotten to the point where I do not even want to go that place on Washington St given the choice of staying home on a Friday night or going there.
My social life has become dull and complicated at the same time. Staying at home has become more of an option since I have returned from my mini vacation. At the same time old friends have been attempting to get my attention. If someone blows me off for months at a time I just get to a point where I basically write them off. Then all of a sudden a surprise text message appears and I act as if I saw Lazarus. Weird.
Well I going to make the call to work now. I am a devious boy or just basically acting out in self preservation.
03/26/2006 23:05 #37078
a small poker outingSo I basically spent my day over in Canada playing Poker @ Casino Niagara. Started out playing 1-2 No Limit but the guy next to me smelled really bad so I ended up going to 3-6 Limit. A nice friendly game but there was this one rock that just could not do anything wrong. By the time I left he was up about 400. I was down for most of the 6+ hours I was there. All I was doing was playing good quality hands. By the end around 9:30 ish or so my Italian buddy engineer guy that I had a good time playing with had to run to his wife or else she was going to kill him. A good time to leave. The only thing I am afraid of is this guy was coughing quite a bit and I'm a bit paranoid of such things.
So on the way out I became a bit hungry. Harvey's was something I was craving but by the time I arrived at the location on Montrose & Thorld Stone it was closed. The next stop was Quizno's on Lundy's Lane. Fortunantly I found a good substitute for my Canadian Cravings. A Montreal Smoked Meat Sub!!1 Good times, plus the music they had playing was descent and I was glad that they stayed open for me. So I tipped them $1
I have a pretty crazy week lined up for me. I just hope I can get through it in one piece without too much stress, well bad stress anyway. The lesson I have to lean is not to get too frazled and worried. Today's session was a nice small exercise.
03/26/2006 23:05 #37077
a small poker outingSo I basically spent my day over in Canada playing Poker @ Casino Niagara. Started out playing 1-2 No Limit but the guy next to me smelled really bad so I ended up going to 3-6 Limit. A nice friendly game but there was this one rock that just could not do anything wrong. By the time I left he was up about 400. I was down for most of the 6+ hours I was there. All I was doing was playing good quality hands. By the end around 9:30 ish or so my Italian buddy engineer guy that I had a good time playing with had to run to his wife or else she was going to kill him. A good time to leave. The only thing I am afraid of is this guy was coughing quite a bit and I'm a bit paranoid of such things.
So on the way out I became a bit hungry. Harvey's was something I was craving but by the time I arrived at the location on Montrose & Thorld Stone it was closed. The next stop was Quizno's on Lundy's Lane. Fortunantly I found a good substitute for my Canadian Cravings. A Montreal Smoked Meat Sub!!1 Good times, plus the music they had playing was descent and I was glad that they stayed open for me. So I tipped them $1
I have a pretty crazy week lined up for me. I just hope I can get through it in one piece without too much stress, well bad stress anyway. The lesson I have to lean is not to get too frazled and worried. Today's session was a nice small exercise.
03/25/2006 22:09 #37076
Mickey's Fine Malt LiquorFriday's always kick my butt. After working late on Thursday and coming in early the next morning I am exhausted. So when you wake up at 10 at night your options are a bit limited. After getting a bit nostalgic for some Maple Road chain restaurant cuisine after hearing about the demise of Bennigan's and Tony Roma's I went to T.G.I. Friday's with my Ex. It is so strange as we get along better after we broke up.
When we finished our late night dinner, I didn't want the evening to end. So as I always did when we were dating I challenged her a bit. I suggested that we hit Allen St, for some reason she was always afraid to go down there. Hardware actually made a great impression for her as she immediately enjoyed the atmosphere.
The highlight of the night: Hardware now served MICKEYs Fine Malt Liquor. I have been waiting to drink that stuff for 8 years now ever since the movie SLC Punk!
Yes I am weird. That place has a good selection of liquor and wines and when I go there all I drink is Pabst Blue Ribbon and now Mickey's.
Talk about mentally & physically exhausting I've been on a six month hiatus from the food and beverage industry. and I'm loving every god damn precious minute of it.
OK I FOLD!!!!!
yah, i'll meet you on the physical exhaustion and i'll raise you on mental exhaustion.