So I am back in town. If you asked me last night about 23 hours ago I would not have been able to give you an honest answer. When we landed in Pittsburgh we surprisingly found out that our flight was cancelled. SO I WAS PISSED. I could have stayed another night out in Las Vegas since I am not going into work until Tuesday. Things surprisingly worked out for the greater good. While we standing in line a nice couple from Amherst offered the back seat of their rental car. My Dad jumped on the offer.
Their story is that they have moved around the country and are now back here in WNY. Apparently he owned a bunch of companies through the years. The most notable being the one source for microscope slides. Sixty Million he mad a year selling those things for $.03 a piece a profit of a penny on each one. The secret was a unique and secret process in which the glass was tempered to obviously allow for water to be placed on it, negatively charge the slides so things will be able to cling to it easily and creating an area to write on it. Very interesting to hear him talk about his business ventures and other aspects of his life. The creepy part of the experience was his wife did an internship down here in Youngstown at the First Presbyterian Church. She is into early childcare and from what she told me this was the only place in the area with a private toddler school. So she drove down here for a year to fulfill her requirements for an internship. Just yea, I had to sit and listen to 3 hours of this kind of stuff. In the end we only arrived home only 2.5 hours late. Better than the day if we would have been shipped around the US Air grid for a day. I would have been getting home now after being shipped to Philly for 6 hours, plus no hotel reimbursement. I can see why people dread traveling for their job.
I did a LJ voice post when I came home and hit my bed. It captures the moment pretty well and I did get a kick out of it when I listened to it today.
So Vegas was a great time. The highlight was my Spa visit in which I received a deep tissue massage. In a weird way I did feel semi-violated. I had a middle-aged woman of about 50 years old. She barked at me, Ok, Get on the table and take off everything? Now I have had massages before and usually they have bed sheets, all I had in this instance was a thin medium sized towel. Another thing that was a bit odd was I started out face down. Usually I have had started off on my back and turned face down in the horseshoe at the end. When the time came for Mike to flip over on his back and turn face up I rolled with my back towards her thinking that it would cover certain things. Well after I did that I noticed that she did not lay the towel on me for a good 10 seconds. So I was just laying there exposed, but I did have my eyes closed. So after this she asks what I do to keep in good form and how she likes my body. I'll take the ego boost as it is always good to hear from someone that you look great naked. It was just a little weird for me to be in that position, but not to be conceited but I did feel as if I made her day of so
On Saturday we went to the Busch race at Las Vegas Motor Speedway. It was defiantly an interesting time. Yea it was the diehard NASCAR fans there, as you would imagine but there were about 125,000 fans at this place all spending great amounts of Cash. I am a casual face fan, mostly into open wheel (F1, Indy car) but it was a good experience. The one ironic thing was it was much colder than any Bills game I have been to. The temp was about 35 and windy. When the race was over we ran to the casino bus as fast as we could.
So Saturday was the best day of the trip. After getting back I texted an old friend Holly. It just so happened that she was in town. So I ended up meeting her and her family at O'Shea's. Apparently it was her father's birthday and the entire family came out to celebrate. It was good to hang with someone form back home, even it was for 2 hours.
I then went next door to Flamingo and messed around on their machines for a bit with no results. The main focus on what I wanted to do was head over to Caesarâ??s Palace. I went won some $ playing slots, messed around in the beautiful poker room playing some 3-6, walked around the forum bar and checked out the line for Pure. It is just so much different in that place that it was when I first started going to Vegas. Caesar's isn't for the Old Italian grandfather. It is a place for the skinny beautiful people to masquerade around in their pointy shoes and such. I just really like how it took a turn for the Palms as opposed to being Salvatore's Italian Garden's in the past.
So yea back home. Trying to readjust to life back here and trying to figure out my next move of which I need to do soon.
So here is a pic of me taking the walk from Caesar's Palace back to the Rio. I posted on my LJ during this walk and dodged a bunch of hooker's trying to pick me up.
Did they play "she sells sanctuary"??? To bad I couldn't get tickets because I too am a fan of the Cult.
I was born in Hamilton, Ontario too. At St Joe's downtown. Grew up on the west mountain, Upper Paradise and Stone Church; my 'rents still live there. I went to R.A. Riddell, then Sir Alan McNabb, then Westdale...
Nice to meet a fellow Hamiltonian. :O)