PJ Harvey show was pretty great. The crowd really loved it. Didn't turn me into a fan, although I definitely have a better feel for her sound now. Reminded me most of Siousxie, although that could be because I just saw her in the same venue last month. I can also see the comparisons to Patti Smith. PJ's music just doesn't resonate with me the same way. That's just me, though.
On a good note, the Warfield started giving out free posters again. Somebody's already selling theirs from the Thursday show

(note: CL link won't last long). Ha! That's funny. Maybe I'll sell mine - I can use the money for my next concert ticket.
On a not-so-good note, between meeting at the bar, quick/cheap/good dinner at Naan 'n' Curry, and strolling through the oh-so-scenic Tenderloin neighborhood

to the Warfield, I got to sidestep guys peeing in the corner on two separate occasions. What a treat! I'll take a virtual trip to the men's room with
(e:Paul) over that any day.
Which reminds me, congrats on replacing the dubious (at best) remnants of crap code with
100% authentic Paul Visco code. Maybe you should copyright that for your code library.
It's volcano costume do-or-die weekend, so only expect occasional bursts from me while I recaffeinate.