Time to get motivated for Halloween again. That week at the beach threw off my seasonal time clock. I really do miss having a full-fledged Fall season. At some point, in the spirit of balanced reporting, I'll write up a list of all the things that suck about being in the Bay area, and that'll be on it. For now I'll have to be satisfied with
(e:Matthew)'s [inlink]matthew,412[/inlink]glorious pix.
My local Halloween party hosts for the past 2 years aren't going to have a party this year, and the host from the year before that moved out of state. So we're having a Halloween party crisis here. I should just have one myself, but now I'm sorely tempted to go back to Boston/Rhinebeck NY where I know my friend Steve will be pulling out all the stops for his party, which defies description. Here are some stills from the video Steve made one of the years his party was at my house.

That's my ex-boyfriend, Mark (before he was my boyfriend) attaching the dinosaur head to my front porch. (Once a guy has screwed a dinosaur head into your front porch you might as well give it all up to him, right?)

Steve checking the angle.

View from the neighbors.

Steve & me. You can't tell from this still, but here's another of my infamous conceptual costumes. Silver base with a bunch of junk computer parts/media (resisters, hunks of motherboard, optical tape, etc. scavenged during my system manager days) attached to a clear vinyl overlay. People kept asking me if I was supposed to be Barbarella. You'd think I would have learned my lesson then, but no.
I was pondering the Boston vs. self-hosted party options with my music buddy last night (R.E.M. concert was great, BTW) and he asked me if I've been to Halloween in the Castro. I've wanted to do that since moving here. This might be the year.
Halloween in the Castro
Hey, will the Bot be able to give Site Status Updates during the [inlink]news,510[/inlink]outage? I'm going into withdrawal already.