Well, I'm back from my extended stay at the beach. My friends seem to think my presence keeps their relationship on stable ground. I think it just gives them a reason to avoid getting into it, which isn't necessarily a good thing. It's kind of weird to be the third wheel in a lesbian relationship, but it seems to work. We're all getting something out of it for now anyway.
So what I really should be doing now is picking which online traffic school to "attend" so I can avoid getting a point on my driving record and having my insurance skyrocket. Yeah, I was bad. I actually ran a red light - my first moving violation ever! Not counting those two speeding tickets of course, which I had perfectly legitimate excuses for. Anyway, I was just pointing out Japantown to my out-of-town friends when the damn light changed and I didn't see it. I know that's not a legitimate excuse, but I was hoping for a little leniency seeing as I'm not a chronic offender. In Boston, three cars would have gone through right behind me. I know that doesn't make it right either, but it would be nice if that could be factored in. No such luck.
Anyway, the first four "approved online traffic schools" for San Francisco Superior Court are:
Just wanted to share that.
Twisted's Journal
My Podcast Link
10/14/2004 18:46 #36389
back to reality / traffic school10/11/2004 22:22 #36388
NoCalSorry (e:Ajay) [inlink]ajay,154[/inlink] . I'll go easy on the pix. Or, come out and visit!
I'm off.
I'm off.
10/11/2004 21:22 #36387
Postcard from the beachNo, I didn't bring my laptop. Just a quick pitstop at home, then I'm driving back up to Stinson after a thing in SF tonight.

Looking left toward SF from the beach house.

Looking right toward Bolinas from the beach house.

On the lagoon side of the other house. A blue heron was standing on the neighbor's dock, and there are a ton of snowy egrets in the trees across the lagoon (also some cormerants, but you can't really see them in this pic.) Also saw lots of pelicans, but no great shots. Maybe later in the week.

Me this morning from the beach house. 11 October 2004.

Oh yeah - (e:paul) I stuck my toe in for ya.
Couldn't resist getting the scoop on the wedding while I'm here. Looks like a great time! Best wishes to the happy couple!

Looking left toward SF from the beach house.

Looking right toward Bolinas from the beach house.

On the lagoon side of the other house. A blue heron was standing on the neighbor's dock, and there are a ton of snowy egrets in the trees across the lagoon (also some cormerants, but you can't really see them in this pic.) Also saw lots of pelicans, but no great shots. Maybe later in the week.

Me this morning from the beach house. 11 October 2004.

Oh yeah - (e:paul) I stuck my toe in for ya.
Couldn't resist getting the scoop on the wedding while I'm here. Looks like a great time! Best wishes to the happy couple!
10/08/2004 20:42 #36386
Stinson BeachTime to get the hell out of Dodge and clear my mind. My friends are trying to convince me to stay for the whole week, and I just might do that.
The northern California coast is really beautiful and accessible. Just jump on Hwy 1 and you're hugging the narrow curves cut into the cliffs of the coastline with no barriers between you and the Pacific. It's just incredible. The beaches (near me at least) aren't built-up at all. And there are plenty of secluded spots along the miles of CA coastline where you can just pull over and claim your own private refuge.
Anyway, I can't wait. ;-)

Stinson Beach from Mt. Tam, October 2003
The northern California coast is really beautiful and accessible. Just jump on Hwy 1 and you're hugging the narrow curves cut into the cliffs of the coastline with no barriers between you and the Pacific. It's just incredible. The beaches (near me at least) aren't built-up at all. And there are plenty of secluded spots along the miles of CA coastline where you can just pull over and claim your own private refuge.
Anyway, I can't wait. ;-)

Stinson Beach from Mt. Tam, October 2003
10/08/2004 18:33 #36385
unaffiliatedCategory: politics
My mother always registered as "unaffiliated," saying she voted for the person not the party. Anyway, I liked the premise enough to start doing that too, although it's a pain in the ass and I can't imagine I could ever vote any way but Democratic. So why the frick did I do it? I don't know. Because I liked the fact that the option is there, I guess.
I still like the concept, and it was kind of fun throwing a curveball at the volunteers manning the voting booths, but in practice I've found I have to be very careful to check what it really means in my state
every time I vote. Just when I thought I knew how screwed up the election process was, I find yet another way. (damn! didn't want to turn this into a rant. "La-la-la happy-place la-la-la...." Not working.)
All right, one last point, this time applying the logic I thought was inherent in the "unaffiliated" political label to sexual preference. Now that I live in the land of "pansexuals" and "heteroflexibles" et. al,
it occurred to me: wouldn't it be refreshing just to be sexually "unaffiliated?" Fall in love with the person, not the gender? The rest is just logistics.
Crazy, I know. And the distinctions/labels do make it easier to communicate. But I still like the idea. Anything that widens the field for me right now sounds good.
<disclaimer> the above content is not in response to opinions contained in any other journals. just random musings. if I've offended anybody for any reason, believe me that was not my intention. </disclaimer>
Oh, and to top it all off, instead of politically "unaffiliated" they now label it "decline to state," like you're hiding something. ("La-la-la happy-happy-place...." Damn.) Anyway, I won't be doing that any more.
I still like the concept, and it was kind of fun throwing a curveball at the volunteers manning the voting booths, but in practice I've found I have to be very careful to check what it really means in my state

All right, one last point, this time applying the logic I thought was inherent in the "unaffiliated" political label to sexual preference. Now that I live in the land of "pansexuals" and "heteroflexibles" et. al,

Crazy, I know. And the distinctions/labels do make it easier to communicate. But I still like the idea. Anything that widens the field for me right now sounds good.
<disclaimer> the above content is not in response to opinions contained in any other journals. just random musings. if I've offended anybody for any reason, believe me that was not my intention. </disclaimer>
Oh, and to top it all off, instead of politically "unaffiliated" they now label it "decline to state," like you're hiding something. ("La-la-la happy-happy-place...." Damn.) Anyway, I won't be doing that any more.