Whoa. my friends just called me on their way back from the beach. They said I left too soon - they got to participate in the rescue of one of the sea lions that were frolicking with us. It was really amazing (the frolicking, that is). All of a sudden this sea lion's head popped up not 15' from me. He was just checking us out. Then he went and got his buddy and came back. My friends were giving me a hard time about having to experience the moment first hand instead of through the lens of a camera, so of course then I had to go get my freakin' camera and try to get a picture of him. I probably spent two hours trying to get a good shot of him and his (by then) two buddies. Not easy to do with my camera because of the shutter lag time.
Anyway, they got to name him so we can now track him. They named him Kolby since it has the initials for all our names (Kathy, Lisa, Brenda). Great, now I have a sea lion named for me and my homies. ;-)
I don't know when he'll show up, but look for Kolby here:

Here's the best pic I got of him. Maybe he was trying to communicate telepathically with me and I was too busy playing Nat'l Geographic photographer to notice. Damn!
p.s. - I know, I know -- I've seen more convincing pictures of the Loch Ness sea monster. But take my word for it, that's a sea lion.