I still like the concept, and it was kind of fun throwing a curveball at the volunteers manning the voting booths, but in practice I've found I have to be very careful to check what it really means in my state

All right, one last point, this time applying the logic I thought was inherent in the "unaffiliated" political label to sexual preference. Now that I live in the land of "pansexuals" and "heteroflexibles" et. al,

Crazy, I know. And the distinctions/labels do make it easier to communicate. But I still like the idea. Anything that widens the field for me right now sounds good.
<disclaimer> the above content is not in response to opinions contained in any other journals. just random musings. if I've offended anybody for any reason, believe me that was not my intention. </disclaimer>
Oh, and to top it all off, instead of politically "unaffiliated" they now label it "decline to state," like you're hiding something. ("La-la-la happy-happy-place...." Damn.) Anyway, I won't be doing that any more.