Carl (my ex's brother, and my first roommate when I moved out here) wanted a fake fur vest with flashing buttons, matching hat and thong. I couldn't get him to model the thong for the picture so you'll just have to use your imagination. Final fitting on left, ensemble variation on right. I wish I could take credit for the pink vinyl pants, but I had nothing to do with that.
I have a weird habit of making abstract costumes inspired by some material. One time before my ex was my ex, I had carte blanche designing the Halloween costumes because he had a last minute trip to Germany. So I find these blue glow sticks in bulk and, well, the result is below.

Anyway, despite his jet lag or perhaps because of it, Mark went along with this. Although he did make an interesting point I hadn't thought of. He said he doesn't like wearing costumes where people have to ask you what you are. Hmm. I never thought about it like that. I guess I like to leave some room for interpretation. But that's just me.
Not that I remember the before pictures to well but it looks like so far a lot of work has been done. I admit I don't know how many other pictures and posters you have to hang but to me it looks like you will have room for the murals it is just a matter of where you want them to go.
i never thought about where homeless people pooped before. My friend was I was like 4 used to come over in the morning and poop in our driveway sometimes.
That ceiling medaillion will look awesome.