Damn, those Halloween pictures[inlink]matthew,422[/inlink]are cute. Why couldn't my nephew want to be a fairy princess for Halloween?
I'm supposed to meet my friend at the local sports bar (you won't hear that from me often) to watch the Red Sox, then possibly go see her friend's band play locally. I think I'd rather stay home and work on this costume. On the other hand, I'm supposed to be keeping her out of trouble while her spouse is out of town. Which means she'll be buying to keep me quiet. Hmmmmm...
Twisted's Journal
My Podcast Link
10/23/2004 19:13 #36402
Costume envyCategory: holiday
10/23/2004 13:29 #36401
brief concert reportCategory: music
PJ Harvey show was pretty great. The crowd really loved it. Didn't turn me into a fan, although I definitely have a better feel for her sound now. Reminded me most of Siousxie, although that could be because I just saw her in the same venue last month. I can also see the comparisons to Patti Smith. PJ's music just doesn't resonate with me the same way. That's just me, though.
On a good note, the Warfield started giving out free posters again. Somebody's already selling theirs from the Thursday show
(note: CL link won't last long). Ha! That's funny. Maybe I'll sell mine - I can use the money for my next concert ticket.
On a not-so-good note, between meeting at the bar, quick/cheap/good dinner at Naan 'n' Curry, and strolling through the oh-so-scenic Tenderloin neighborhood
to the Warfield, I got to sidestep guys peeing in the corner on two separate occasions. What a treat! I'll take a virtual trip to the men's room with (e:Paul) over that any day.
Which reminds me, congrats on replacing the dubious (at best) remnants of crap code with 100% authentic Paul Visco code. Maybe you should copyright that for your code library.
It's volcano costume do-or-die weekend, so only expect occasional bursts from me while I recaffeinate.
On a good note, the Warfield started giving out free posters again. Somebody's already selling theirs from the Thursday show

On a not-so-good note, between meeting at the bar, quick/cheap/good dinner at Naan 'n' Curry, and strolling through the oh-so-scenic Tenderloin neighborhood

Which reminds me, congrats on replacing the dubious (at best) remnants of crap code with 100% authentic Paul Visco code. Maybe you should copyright that for your code library.
It's volcano costume do-or-die weekend, so only expect occasional bursts from me while I recaffeinate.
10/22/2004 13:10 #36400
I want my e:TVWinamp TV[inlink]radio,68[/inlink] is seriously fun. Thanks (e:radio). Just what I needed - another way to waste time on my computer. Thank goodness they don't have a Golden Girls channel. Now if I just had that 23" cinema display monitor... ;)
My friend Steve (Halloween guy and videophile) made a cooking show spoof all about using your garbage disposal to prepare a meal. It was pretty funny. Kind of like the SNL bass-o-matic sketch
except no fish were harmed. (Note to vegans and fish lovers - link just goes to a transcript. I don't recommend watching the skit. I had to avert my eyes myself.)
The bass-o-matic does share one of my core tenets of cooking - using the fewest possible utensils, appliances, dishes, pots, pans, etc. Now there's a cooking show concept for you. If I could prepare, cook and eat an entire meal off the same plate, I would so totally do that.
PJ Harvey tonight. I've never gotten into her for some reason. It'll be interesting to see how I like her after shelling out $30 to see her live.
My friend Steve (Halloween guy and videophile) made a cooking show spoof all about using your garbage disposal to prepare a meal. It was pretty funny. Kind of like the SNL bass-o-matic sketch

The bass-o-matic does share one of my core tenets of cooking - using the fewest possible utensils, appliances, dishes, pots, pans, etc. Now there's a cooking show concept for you. If I could prepare, cook and eat an entire meal off the same plate, I would so totally do that.
PJ Harvey tonight. I've never gotten into her for some reason. It'll be interesting to see how I like her after shelling out $30 to see her live.
10/20/2004 12:00 #36398
slow waveCategory: dreams
Hey, estrip dream journalists -
Check out
www.slowwave.com, a collective diary of dreams submitted by different people from around the world and drawn as a comic strip by Jesse Reklaw. You can submit your dreams there and they may end up in his weekly comic strip, although neither of mine did. Oh well.
The strips are archived
going back to 2002.
I even bought some of his self-published dream comic books
This article
will give you some insight into how he chooses which dreams to draw.
Check out

The strips are archived

I even bought some of his self-published dream comic books

This article

10/19/2004 20:16 #36397
this journal entry brought to you by...Pre-movie commercials don't go over well in the Bay area. I saw F9/11 at the Grand Lake (which publicized on the marquee they would not enforce the "R" rating), so I didn't have to sit through commercials myself. But I thought it was pretty funny when I read the F9/11 audience at the Sony Metreon hissed during the commercials there. They really picked the wrong test audience for that.

Hot Tip: last time I went to a Landmark Theatre, if you spent $18 at the concession stand, you got two free movie passes. That was in Berkeley. LA and NYC contingent might want to keep an eye out for the same deal there.
p.s. - I love the new superfreakin'cool spellcheck. Maybe you should trademark that.

Hot Tip: last time I went to a Landmark Theatre, if you spent $18 at the concession stand, you got two free movie passes. That was in Berkeley. LA and NYC contingent might want to keep an eye out for the same deal there.
p.s. - I love the new superfreakin'cool spellcheck. Maybe you should trademark that.