(e:ladycroft) 's post was the thesis to feeling good about the position you are in, then my post is the antithesis. I had to take a play on her post title, as this accurately summarizes the my thoughts as of late.
I read her post via cellphone while on my lunch. It made me smile to see that one of my friends is in a good spot right now. I am sooo thrilled! I am excited for you- it sounds like you are exactly where you should be. The whole universe is conspiring for you. I look forward to hearing all about it one day soon! YAY!! :)
I take an almost perverse delight in experiencing something uncomfortable. It makes me confront the situation and the reasons behind it. There is some excitement in this process despite the dissonance, aggrivation and annoyances.
I am not unhappy. I look for everyday experiences to contribute to my sense of happiness. This has more to do with the effects on my core-being. I have to dig deep to uncover the source of my dissonance and know that there is validity to it.
My job is fine. I am good at it and I can only get better. I am part of something big. I am paid a respectable salary. It is a management position and is dynamic. I am surrounded by old friends (from old department I worked in prior to this new position). I have loads of paid time off and great benefits. And I am grateful for all of this.
So why am I not where I should be?
especially when others would give anything to be in my position?
I have put a lot of thought into this- a thought that has been building for quite some time now. However, it was using the last two weekends -- weekend #1 to quietly think it through and weekend #2 to verbally express/share my thoughts (thats not easy for me) and then to begin acting on thoughts/ shared information. This week and into the weekend- weekend #3, will be a culmunation of doing/saying things to validate those thoughts, perceptions and actions. --sorry I havent been around/available much- -but I feel something big-bigger, is in my future and I need to figure some of this stuff out NOW. and I am conscientious enough to get a really good understanding of all of what is going on.
I think out side the box, I question the status qou, I scoff at mundane details. I get bored easily. I have so much mental energy, that it is hard to restrain it. Yet in this position, it is on a tight leash. This is better suited for someone who feels comfortable operating within predetermined constaints. Parameters are set- you must operate within boundaries. No risks allowed. I was fooled into thinking I had the freedom to think. Instead, I liken it to a dog on a farm with an 'invisable fence'. You can see what is in the distance, but you aren't allowed to get to it.
Now, standardization and procedures have their place- we need some regulation and conformity, however, when I feel like I should check to see if there is a Standard Operating Procedure for wiping my ass, I know that I am very close to creative amputation.
I thought I could salvage my creativity, energy and passion into some life-work balancing activity/project-- but I found myself not able to switch gears. It is as though my mental flexibility turned rigid- only capable of thinking in the same neural pathway as set forth by the work environment.
and that scared (scares) me. Yay, I am beginning to talk past-tense. Hence my need for the multi-weekend mental sabbaticals.
It doesn't look as bad as it sounds. It is hectic, chaotic, multi dimensional and even interesting (things that I love)-- but I feel like my wings got clipped. And thats more a reflection on my personal attributes and strengths than anything. I could proffessionally grow into this job, but I would be personally stunted.
again, I am good at it, I get things done, I have areas to tweak, but soon even that will be taken care of.
Fortunately and gratefully, I have the freedom to decide that "this is not where I should be". I do not have any major responsibilities other than those that pertain to maintaining an apartment(s) and paying back student loans. I do not have outstanding credit of any kind. I do not have kids and the financial mess that comes with that, I do not have car payments or needy family/friends. Everything is cool.
I could do this job for a long as I had to. But since I don't Have to, why not take the risk to pursue something that is me. Companies need people like me-- companies also need people who aren't me. I just need to pair myself with somehtig more suitable. I like the unknown, I like trying something new, I am not afraid of failing by doing, I am afraid of failing by not doing- not trying something- by accppting the notion that, 'this is as good as it gets'.
It takes a strong person to go after what you want, to figure out what it is, and to take off in that direction especially if there is resistance. You learn to behave, think and act in a certain manner. Well, I always encourage that you unlearn. I also scoff at societal expectations. I don't label myself a non-conformist, but some of my thoughts/behaviors are in line with that. heh, I don't conform to non conformity-- but I digress.
I wouldnt put as much thought and effort into any of this if I felt that I am where I should be at. It is through all of my thought and discussions that I have come to realize that these past few months aren't a "growing pain" of learning a new job, its simply not me.
The best parts of me on this job are the parts that require decisive action, picking though the mess, inspiring others, questioning authority and rebuilding a part of the company that has been a total mess.
Abused employees have been warming up and trusting me. I do not want to leave them hanging-- they need to know that this rollercoaster ride is going somewhere great. And so, I work to empower them to have the voice and behaviors needed to go in the direction that they want that part of the company to go. Let me guide and then let go..
ofcourse I could list off all of the mundane and ridiculous elements- but I do not want to perseverate on the negative. I want to focus on the future and finding the place that I should be. Finding myself again, "in my element" and thats an awesome place to be.
so with my greatest affection, I am very pleased with
(e:ladycroft) s post. Finding a part of you that fits really well somewhere is part of the excavation of life and personal contentment.
(deja vous--- been having that a lot lately.)
and so, although I am quite certain that I know that I am not where I should be..
I am quite uncertain of where I should be heading..
guess that is what weekend #4 is for?
and continued bits if thoughts, experience and advice from family-friends...
good night
(Little Serious and a little bit joking around with my point). I like some christmas music like Trans-siberain Ochestra and the chipmunks and other varrious songs but some of it is so fucking bad. But don't blame the christmas music or the radio stations that play it super early. You need to blame the artists who make music. There arn't any Halloween or Thanksgiving songs Except about 7 slightly differant versions of the Turkey song by Adam Sandler. I have a fealling I said something similur to this last year around this time. You have to be carefull listening to christmas songs If you do it all day it can get depressing verry quiclkly within about 2 days.
drunk? ummmmmmm......nope.
(e:jasoninbuffalo) , too many words and too many of those words spelled correctly to make for an adequate "drunk" post.
haha, (e:uncutsaniflush) - I agree with you. Actually I love to sing- especially christmas music! Now that I have heard a bit of it on the radio and tv, I want to start belting out the tunes- but would prefer to refrain until after Thanksgiving. Let me enjoy one holiday at a time :)
Too funny and I agree with you. Too much xmas too soon
I like Christmas music but not muzak of any sort.
Actually, some stuff by the Muzak Corp. isn't that bad. But that is another subject entirely.
To me, it's either good music or it's not.
Why is it ok to listen to "Oh, Bondage, Up Yours" the year round but it isn't ok to listen to "God Rest Ye Merry"??
But that is just me. As always I could be wrong.
Perhaps bondage is more interesting than happiness.
ha ha!!!!! Yeah, I caught my first horrific clip of X-mas music in the car a few days ago and totally forgot to post about it!
I thought I was safe, but then I walked into my office this morning and "the blondes" had been busy little bees all day...transforming our wall of windows into a wall of snow and santa.
I'm sure you can imagine my delight. *rolls eyes*