I walked along the tree lined edge that overlooks the Niagara river. Aroma of dirt, leaves and twigs permeated the cooling air. I inhaled deeply as I kicked through the brown crispy deteriorating remnants of fall, and mused to myself, "this is January?"
As the sun settled into a sky of pink and purple, I paused to sit on a bench facing the calm river. I never get bored looking at this. There is so much to see if you open your eyes and use your senses. Different times of the year bring a whole new view. Growing up, it was all taken for granted. Not anymore.
A golden retriever stopped for some attention. I obliged with a quick rub down. Satisfied, the dog ran to catch up with his jogging owner.
I got up to continue my walk and found myself in front of a maple tree. What I did next felt surprisingly normal, which in my realm of behavior, I guess it is. I touched the tree. I ran my finger tips then the length of my fingers horizontally along the bark. Instead of stopping as I began to walk past this gigantic tree, I continued around the trunk and closed my eyes all the while maintaining contact. What I first saw, smelled and felt was intensified when I closed my eyes. I went around the truck once like this then opened my eyes.
Then I looked at the tree, really looked at it. Have you ever done that?
I have a thing for wood.. yeh, I have pictures somewhere..
I eventually made it back to my car. Walking briskly sometimes jogging and whenever I could, jumped into a pile of leaves or jumped up onto anything that I could find. Feeling spunky and always feisty.. I enjoyed the dwindling sunshine and fresh air.
I spent the remaining daylight in the parking lot at Fort Niagara cleaning out my car, checking fluids and assessing car care supplies. I pulled out three bags of garbage, yikes! Then returned home to a dinner of steak, salad and lima beans. Yeh, I cook once in awhile.
Good night, sleep well..
Theecarey's Journal
My Podcast Link
01/30/2006 20:56 #35866
Stroking the trunkCategory: nature
01/29/2006 21:13 #35865
Don't be Evil (updated)Category: privacy
I think I updated this entry four times.. trying to get rid of weird characters surrounding apostrophes. I wrote in Word first, so maybe it was something to do with that. Anyway, I realized a part of my post didn't make it in, hence another update.
A quick summary of my weekend:
Friday: Did not go to Happy Hour with work chums. I think I might need to next time around, whenever that is. I keep declining lately. That evening, (e:ladycroft) and I went to chill with friends.. Avantica, Manish and Bernard (a little birthday celebration). Awesome people.
Saturday: went for a super long walk, played outside, hiked around the Fort, walked along the beach. I elected to stay in that evening, for school reasons. Never again, haha. But I guess it was good, as I knew if I went out, I was going to be out all night. I just got over a cold, I didn't want to push it and screw myself for getting school work done.
Sunday: made my way to Spot. Enjoyed the company of (e:joshua) and (e:jason).. followed by (e:ladycroft) and (e:jenks). I left to stretch my legs.. took a walk down elmwood, stopped at Sahara Grill for Falafel and grape leaves to go. What a warmish night.. I could have kept on going.
I am not ready for this weekend to be over. Not at all.
I am ready for some new fun. Any ideas? Any takers?
The depth and degree of my interests have barely been touched upon here. I consider all topics open territory for consideration and discussion. I will research and write about anything and have many areas that I have either written an essay or a small blurb. However, I note that there is some, but not much evidence of that here.
I recall when I first joined (e:strip), that I was not sure if I would bring writing from other sites to this one. Primarily, politics, social issues and random life observations are the basis to my writing. On (e:strip) there has been some variation, but nothing like I have in the recent past. No reason really. Timing, efforts placed on course work and exploration of topics (yeh, the emo stuff-only recently explored) may have led me astray.
I get the itch to write on or add to the topics that float around here, especially recently, but I just haven't. Shame shame.
Tonight I will. (e:paul) made a post about Google's privacy policy. [inlink]paul,4152[/inlink] At other times as well. Not always Google, but other site privacy policies. Privacy rights and more specifically, the privacy policy of sites intrigue me. As with other topics, I have written nothing of privacy rights here, yet it is a source of endless fascination for me. Note that is a theme in my list of links.
Google's privacy policy is one that I have been following. The controversy surrounding privacy policies seemed to escalate with the introduction of Gmail. I became a beta tester two years ago, when just a select group of people were provided an invite (that people were selling on ebay, if I recall correctly-that I would have done if I had known that the invites were in demand-easy moola, dammit). Eventually the invites were provided to more and more people, although still not available to the public without Google initiating the invite. I believe that within the past six months it has become fully available to anyone. In the past year or so, I have kept articles on the ever growing Google and the organizational changes. making mental notes, joting down thoughts. As Gmail became bigger, Google began to get greedy.. and a bit nefarious, ironically.
See, I take pleasure in dissecting a topic and see where it leads me. I am open to the information I find and the story that I uncover. I seek no absolutes. As I always lead my discussions, the purpose is to challenge myself: learn and unlearn. That may be the only thing I hold strongly to. The following is written in a more typical Carey fashion and focuses on Google's Gmail. (Carey fashion = research, citation and verbage)
This report considers privacy issues faced by Googles email service, Gmail, a summary of assigned articles supplemented with additional relevant research and a brief write up of this writers opinion and experience with Gmail.
Google released its email product, Gmail in April 2004 to a select number of users. Gmail is a free web-based e-mail service that began by offering one-gigabyte (1000 megabytes) of e-mail storage to users, now, well over two-gigabytes. This is a significant amount of storage space considering that at the time of induction, most email services provide just 100-500 megabytes of storage. Due to this enormous amount of storage capacity and therefore increased competitive pressure, other web-based e-mail services have (or plan to) increase their storage offerings. For example, banner advertising supported Yahoo! has increased it storage capacity from 100 megabytes to 250 megabytes to 1000 megabytes.
Accessible through any browser, the user can send and retrieve email anywhere. Gmail provides the ability to search for specific messages. Messages do not need to be deleted to keep within storage boundaries; instead they can be archived for later retrieval. Using the same technology that Google uses as a search engine, Gmail provides quick retrieval of old incoming and outgoing email. The program automatically organizes successively related messages into conversational threads. This promotes easy following of content. As long as the account is maintained (used at least once every nine months) Google will store data indefinitely. Gmail's other distinctive features include a labeling system, a spam reporter and a system for filtering your mail as it comes into the users inbox.
To make Gmail profitable, Google will sell advertising and deliver it to targeted users. Gmail will often place a few highly relevant, text ads next to the message in an email. The company's software will analyze users' messages to determine advertising matches and will insert complimentary ads in email messages. Some have raised concerns about privacy issues, and the intrusiveness of the ads. Google founder, Larry Page insisted that there would "be strict safeguards in place to protect user information, and that the ads would not be annoying. Google founders claim that "although there will be some advertising within messages, the program will be free of more traditional advertising, such as banners or pop up ads".
Besides advertisement links, links to related web pages that the user may find of interest are also included in the Gmail format. These ads and links are displayed automatically using the same technology that powers Googles AdSense system. This system delivers targeted ads to thousands of sites across the web. Computers scan the text on a given page, perform a mathematical analysis on it and match it to ads in Googles extensive database. Only computers "read" the content of the users email. Google believes they are providing a great service to people and that the issues surrounding privacy are overblown.
Google initially came up with the Gmail concept to address the growing problem of email overload. E-mail overload is caused in part by the inability to search through email quickly and efficiently. Although there are other programs that tackle email overload with email client add-ons but, according to Google, they do not have the market presence to promote themselves in the same way that Google can.
"Gmail provides Google with an opportunity to enter a fresh market, currently dominated by other Internet companies. However even as the benefits of personalization were widely advocated, Web e-mail vendors have considered such a step to be very risky. Many operate under the assumption that highly targeted personalization based on e-mail content has the potential to infuriate users, who may not believe assurances that the automated ads do not violate their privacy"
It is the issue of privacy that has the public and multiple civil liberty groups actively concerned. Some of these issues and recommendations are outlined below:
"Don't be evil"
Google's mission is to "organize the world's information and make it universally useful and accessible. For many people, email contains valuable information that can be difficult to retrieve. Google created Gmail to help with that".
The privacy issues surrounding Googles Gmail is only a small part of the bigger worldwide picture. The same patent that Google uses for its Gmail, other sources could use the same. Advertisers are permitted to put targeted ads on emails based on content (patent 20040059712)! Technology and how people decide to use it and the errors that will occur cannot be controlled strictly through laws and governance. Responsibility, accountability and best practices of the user and inventor combine to uphold privacy. People can choose not to use a service if they feel their privacy is at risk. In regards to Googles Gmail, where the buy in factor is the large information storage capacity, there are alternatives; one just has to be able to find them. In this writers research, email services were found that had a comparable storage allotment, free of charge and did not employ content scanning. Three are provided as follows:
www.walla.com free, offers 1GB and no content scanning
www.spymac.com free or variable price range, 3+ GB, no content scanning
www.adventuremail.com free (after $2.00 activation fee), 2GB, no content scanning
www.yahoo.com free, 1GB
In the initial stages of research complilation, Gmail was available through invitation only. As a long term user of the Google search engine, this writer was targeted for beta testing and signed up for Gmail (initially for the purpose of research and now for some personal use). The layout of the system is easy to manipulate and the "Gmail notifye" allows messages to be viewed without opening a browser. With the questionable content scanning, this writer sent test messages to and from myself using Gmail and other email systems. Ads and related links did appear in some of the email. This writer forwarded a computer related web subscription from a yahoo account to the Gmail account, in which various links pertaining to computers were included. Personal test messages with a variety of "key words" were included to determine what text would be targeted. The last line had words related to trucks and cars. Ads and related links to car dealerships and SUV information were included. This writer went further into sending various levels of "inappropriate" messages, in which no ads or related links were included. This was a concern of mine and further research into Google provided information that the ads and links are "family friendly".
I have continued to use Gmail for personal use, although primarily for electronic subscriptions. It is disturbing to see the continued ad targets within the emails. I am currently using and am pleased with Yahoo! email system and its search engine. Although somewhat concerned about the privacy issues surrounding Gmail, I am more concerned with privacy issues that surround the use of intentional acts of breach of privacy (spy software used in business or personal use). Currently I do not provide anything of concern in my online use. However, as that changes, I will have to reconsider the free email platform. In the meantime, as more information becomes available, Gmail attains a critical mass, and updates its privacy policy, this writer will continue to evaluate the information.
What do you think, is Google Gmail as evil as the civil liberty groups are making it out to be?
Sources of research:


A quick summary of my weekend:
Friday: Did not go to Happy Hour with work chums. I think I might need to next time around, whenever that is. I keep declining lately. That evening, (e:ladycroft) and I went to chill with friends.. Avantica, Manish and Bernard (a little birthday celebration). Awesome people.
Saturday: went for a super long walk, played outside, hiked around the Fort, walked along the beach. I elected to stay in that evening, for school reasons. Never again, haha. But I guess it was good, as I knew if I went out, I was going to be out all night. I just got over a cold, I didn't want to push it and screw myself for getting school work done.
Sunday: made my way to Spot. Enjoyed the company of (e:joshua) and (e:jason).. followed by (e:ladycroft) and (e:jenks). I left to stretch my legs.. took a walk down elmwood, stopped at Sahara Grill for Falafel and grape leaves to go. What a warmish night.. I could have kept on going.
I am not ready for this weekend to be over. Not at all.
I am ready for some new fun. Any ideas? Any takers?
The depth and degree of my interests have barely been touched upon here. I consider all topics open territory for consideration and discussion. I will research and write about anything and have many areas that I have either written an essay or a small blurb. However, I note that there is some, but not much evidence of that here.
I recall when I first joined (e:strip), that I was not sure if I would bring writing from other sites to this one. Primarily, politics, social issues and random life observations are the basis to my writing. On (e:strip) there has been some variation, but nothing like I have in the recent past. No reason really. Timing, efforts placed on course work and exploration of topics (yeh, the emo stuff-only recently explored) may have led me astray.
I get the itch to write on or add to the topics that float around here, especially recently, but I just haven't. Shame shame.
Tonight I will. (e:paul) made a post about Google's privacy policy. [inlink]paul,4152[/inlink] At other times as well. Not always Google, but other site privacy policies. Privacy rights and more specifically, the privacy policy of sites intrigue me. As with other topics, I have written nothing of privacy rights here, yet it is a source of endless fascination for me. Note that is a theme in my list of links.
Google's privacy policy is one that I have been following. The controversy surrounding privacy policies seemed to escalate with the introduction of Gmail. I became a beta tester two years ago, when just a select group of people were provided an invite (that people were selling on ebay, if I recall correctly-that I would have done if I had known that the invites were in demand-easy moola, dammit). Eventually the invites were provided to more and more people, although still not available to the public without Google initiating the invite. I believe that within the past six months it has become fully available to anyone. In the past year or so, I have kept articles on the ever growing Google and the organizational changes. making mental notes, joting down thoughts. As Gmail became bigger, Google began to get greedy.. and a bit nefarious, ironically.
See, I take pleasure in dissecting a topic and see where it leads me. I am open to the information I find and the story that I uncover. I seek no absolutes. As I always lead my discussions, the purpose is to challenge myself: learn and unlearn. That may be the only thing I hold strongly to. The following is written in a more typical Carey fashion and focuses on Google's Gmail. (Carey fashion = research, citation and verbage)
This report considers privacy issues faced by Googles email service, Gmail, a summary of assigned articles supplemented with additional relevant research and a brief write up of this writers opinion and experience with Gmail.
Google released its email product, Gmail in April 2004 to a select number of users. Gmail is a free web-based e-mail service that began by offering one-gigabyte (1000 megabytes) of e-mail storage to users, now, well over two-gigabytes. This is a significant amount of storage space considering that at the time of induction, most email services provide just 100-500 megabytes of storage. Due to this enormous amount of storage capacity and therefore increased competitive pressure, other web-based e-mail services have (or plan to) increase their storage offerings. For example, banner advertising supported Yahoo! has increased it storage capacity from 100 megabytes to 250 megabytes to 1000 megabytes.
Accessible through any browser, the user can send and retrieve email anywhere. Gmail provides the ability to search for specific messages. Messages do not need to be deleted to keep within storage boundaries; instead they can be archived for later retrieval. Using the same technology that Google uses as a search engine, Gmail provides quick retrieval of old incoming and outgoing email. The program automatically organizes successively related messages into conversational threads. This promotes easy following of content. As long as the account is maintained (used at least once every nine months) Google will store data indefinitely. Gmail's other distinctive features include a labeling system, a spam reporter and a system for filtering your mail as it comes into the users inbox.
To make Gmail profitable, Google will sell advertising and deliver it to targeted users. Gmail will often place a few highly relevant, text ads next to the message in an email. The company's software will analyze users' messages to determine advertising matches and will insert complimentary ads in email messages. Some have raised concerns about privacy issues, and the intrusiveness of the ads. Google founder, Larry Page insisted that there would "be strict safeguards in place to protect user information, and that the ads would not be annoying. Google founders claim that "although there will be some advertising within messages, the program will be free of more traditional advertising, such as banners or pop up ads".
Besides advertisement links, links to related web pages that the user may find of interest are also included in the Gmail format. These ads and links are displayed automatically using the same technology that powers Googles AdSense system. This system delivers targeted ads to thousands of sites across the web. Computers scan the text on a given page, perform a mathematical analysis on it and match it to ads in Googles extensive database. Only computers "read" the content of the users email. Google believes they are providing a great service to people and that the issues surrounding privacy are overblown.
Google initially came up with the Gmail concept to address the growing problem of email overload. E-mail overload is caused in part by the inability to search through email quickly and efficiently. Although there are other programs that tackle email overload with email client add-ons but, according to Google, they do not have the market presence to promote themselves in the same way that Google can.
"Gmail provides Google with an opportunity to enter a fresh market, currently dominated by other Internet companies. However even as the benefits of personalization were widely advocated, Web e-mail vendors have considered such a step to be very risky. Many operate under the assumption that highly targeted personalization based on e-mail content has the potential to infuriate users, who may not believe assurances that the automated ads do not violate their privacy"
It is the issue of privacy that has the public and multiple civil liberty groups actively concerned. Some of these issues and recommendations are outlined below:
- Gmail violates the privacy rights of non-subscribers. First, subscribers consent to "content extraction" and analysis of their email. Non-subscribers who email a Gmail user have "content extraction" performed on their email even though they have not consented to have their communications monitored, nor may they even be aware that their communications are being analyzed or that a profile is being compiled on them. Because the non-subscribers do not have the same knowledge and information provided to them as subscribers do, subsequently their privacy is at risk. Subscribers to Gmail also face risks to their privacy.
- According to the privacy policy, "We serve highly relevant ads and other information as part of the service using our unique content-targeting technology". While the advertisements and related links are relatively innocuous, it is the idea that it is the computerized scanning of email content that decides what links will be incorporated.
- Google Gmail maintains a back up system of all data. The privacy policy warns that messages, even if deleted, may still be stored in the system long after users have closed their account. It is unknown if this information would ever be retrieved, intentionally or unintentionally, and what harm could ensue.
- The unlimited period for data retention poses unnecessary risks of accidental information leakage and purposeful misuse. Google's policies on retaining data and correlating it between business units are problematic, lack clarity and are too broad in scope. Google should set clear limits on how long it will retain user account, e-mail and transactional data, and provide clear written policies about data sharing. Due to the nature of information that businesses send by email, ie; financial dealings, intellectual property, legal documentation etc, it is recommended that businesses do not use any free email service. It is not necessarily secure and may be vulnerable to hack intrusion.
"Don't be evil"
Google's mission is to "organize the world's information and make it universally useful and accessible. For many people, email contains valuable information that can be difficult to retrieve. Google created Gmail to help with that".
The privacy issues surrounding Googles Gmail is only a small part of the bigger worldwide picture. The same patent that Google uses for its Gmail, other sources could use the same. Advertisers are permitted to put targeted ads on emails based on content (patent 20040059712)! Technology and how people decide to use it and the errors that will occur cannot be controlled strictly through laws and governance. Responsibility, accountability and best practices of the user and inventor combine to uphold privacy. People can choose not to use a service if they feel their privacy is at risk. In regards to Googles Gmail, where the buy in factor is the large information storage capacity, there are alternatives; one just has to be able to find them. In this writers research, email services were found that had a comparable storage allotment, free of charge and did not employ content scanning. Three are provided as follows:
www.walla.com free, offers 1GB and no content scanning
www.spymac.com free or variable price range, 3+ GB, no content scanning
www.adventuremail.com free (after $2.00 activation fee), 2GB, no content scanning
www.yahoo.com free, 1GB
In the initial stages of research complilation, Gmail was available through invitation only. As a long term user of the Google search engine, this writer was targeted for beta testing and signed up for Gmail (initially for the purpose of research and now for some personal use). The layout of the system is easy to manipulate and the "Gmail notifye" allows messages to be viewed without opening a browser. With the questionable content scanning, this writer sent test messages to and from myself using Gmail and other email systems. Ads and related links did appear in some of the email. This writer forwarded a computer related web subscription from a yahoo account to the Gmail account, in which various links pertaining to computers were included. Personal test messages with a variety of "key words" were included to determine what text would be targeted. The last line had words related to trucks and cars. Ads and related links to car dealerships and SUV information were included. This writer went further into sending various levels of "inappropriate" messages, in which no ads or related links were included. This was a concern of mine and further research into Google provided information that the ads and links are "family friendly".
I have continued to use Gmail for personal use, although primarily for electronic subscriptions. It is disturbing to see the continued ad targets within the emails. I am currently using and am pleased with Yahoo! email system and its search engine. Although somewhat concerned about the privacy issues surrounding Gmail, I am more concerned with privacy issues that surround the use of intentional acts of breach of privacy (spy software used in business or personal use). Currently I do not provide anything of concern in my online use. However, as that changes, I will have to reconsider the free email platform. In the meantime, as more information becomes available, Gmail attains a critical mass, and updates its privacy policy, this writer will continue to evaluate the information.
What do you think, is Google Gmail as evil as the civil liberty groups are making it out to be?
Sources of research:


01/27/2006 00:19 #35864
I,I, I , its all about Me..Category: potpourri
It is officially Friday!
I should be in bed..
I am always pumped up after a night of class. Difficult to fall asleep. 7am will arrive shortly.
I never had a chance to study or review for my final exam that I just took. OY!
I wrote a quick paper on the fly. Not my best work, but I hammered it out.
I forgot to eat dinner.
I had begun a process of negotiation a couple of weeks ago. It began diplomatically, as a good class representative would do.. then I had to press a little, to aquire some feedback. Once that started, a rush of information, concern and questions arose. This is when I thought it best to create an open forum and discuss the issue collectively, as it affects everyone. It worked out well. I am in a cohort of amazingly bright-high caliber individuals. Good stuff. I am always learning from them.
I am feeling pretty damn good. I just have some sniffles. I could use sleep (I went to bed late last night and again tonight) but otherwise feel good. In a great mood today.. work was nice as well as class.. even though for the majority of the day I didn't feel well and that there is bad stuff going on at work.
I had a really odd dream last night.. ok, nothing new there.. but this one I took the time to jot a few things down this morning. I was barely awake as I scribbled a few words. It is a mess.. I really was still asleep while I wrote. What I can make out should be enough to jog the details from my brain. I'll work on that over the weekend.
I am delerious tired now.. my toes are frozen.. my tummy is grumbling, but I am too tired to care.
Good night.. sweet dreams.. be nice..
I hope you a fabulous Friday...
I should be in bed..
I am always pumped up after a night of class. Difficult to fall asleep. 7am will arrive shortly.
I never had a chance to study or review for my final exam that I just took. OY!
I wrote a quick paper on the fly. Not my best work, but I hammered it out.
I forgot to eat dinner.
I had begun a process of negotiation a couple of weeks ago. It began diplomatically, as a good class representative would do.. then I had to press a little, to aquire some feedback. Once that started, a rush of information, concern and questions arose. This is when I thought it best to create an open forum and discuss the issue collectively, as it affects everyone. It worked out well. I am in a cohort of amazingly bright-high caliber individuals. Good stuff. I am always learning from them.
I am feeling pretty damn good. I just have some sniffles. I could use sleep (I went to bed late last night and again tonight) but otherwise feel good. In a great mood today.. work was nice as well as class.. even though for the majority of the day I didn't feel well and that there is bad stuff going on at work.
I had a really odd dream last night.. ok, nothing new there.. but this one I took the time to jot a few things down this morning. I was barely awake as I scribbled a few words. It is a mess.. I really was still asleep while I wrote. What I can make out should be enough to jog the details from my brain. I'll work on that over the weekend.
I am delerious tired now.. my toes are frozen.. my tummy is grumbling, but I am too tired to care.
Good night.. sweet dreams.. be nice..
I hope you a fabulous Friday...
01/24/2006 23:37 #35862
Sucking on..Category: silliness
- Ricola cough drops, various flavors. Check.
- Orange juice. Check
- NyQuil, gel tabs. Check.
- Puffs tissue, extra big box. Check
- Large mug of Rooibos (red) tea. Check
- Bob, this 30yr olds beloved stuffed turtle, which is sad and endearing at the same time. Check
- And a dish of Cookies and Cream ice cream, whipped to a thick milkshake consistency. Check.
Ahhhh, the cool creamy texture is a retreat against my hot, sore throat.
With sleep and happy thoughts, all should be well.
Anything should be better than last night. Barely any sleep as I coughed most of the night. I tried sitting up, but the coughing continued. When I did doze, get this, I dreamt of [search]typeHere[/search]I dreamt of the chat and posts. I don't recall any detail now, but had I taken the notion to jot down some of it, I am sure it would have been entertaining.
No more [search]typeHere[/search]before bed. Yet, I know this isn't likely...
Again, my brain cell depletion due to constant hacking leads me to thinking about: toilet seats.
I am looking to replace my toilet seat.. duct tape just isn't working anymore..Its soo last season. ;)
Here are some possibilities I am entertaining:
Can you imagine walking into the bathroom and pulling up on the toilet seat? Hopefully you will manage to piss in the toilet before pissing yourself..

Groovy. When I flush, I want "You spin me right round baby right round" to sound..

Don't take my toilet. I hate it went people steal my toilet..That shit ain't going nowhere, beotch! ;)

ha, to replace that picture with just about anyone.. That would be fun. Who would you like to fling poo at? tell me..

Gasp! They stole my idea..

And this is just tacky.. har har! --I don't have the bad pun skills that (e:josh) has :)

My delerium leads me to bed.. and dreams of, "PBS"...
theecarey - 01/25/06 19:24
(e:jenks): I love your dad already, can I adopt him?
I have heard of the jack w/ lemon.. I never tried it though..
But I think I will give (e:ajays) suggestion a try... milk and brandy. Not sure if it will be gross, but some concoctions taste pretty good.
(e:jenks): I love your dad already, can I adopt him?
I have heard of the jack w/ lemon.. I never tried it though..
But I think I will give (e:ajays) suggestion a try... milk and brandy. Not sure if it will be gross, but some concoctions taste pretty good.
metalpeter - 01/25/06 18:41
Hope you feal better soon. That last toliet seat would stop me from sitting down.
Hope you feal better soon. That last toliet seat would stop me from sitting down.
jenks - 01/25/06 18:37
last time i was home i was sick (big surprise, lately) and my mom made me tea with lemon, then dad came tiptoeing in when she wasn't looking to add "doctor's secret ingredient"- jack daniels. just a drop. like it really was his big special secret.
my dad is freaking adorable.
last time i was home i was sick (big surprise, lately) and my mom made me tea with lemon, then dad came tiptoeing in when she wasn't looking to add "doctor's secret ingredient"- jack daniels. just a drop. like it really was his big special secret.
my dad is freaking adorable.
boxerboi - 01/25/06 18:01
sweet seats. haha
sweet seats. haha
ladycroft - 01/25/06 17:10
I like the glowing seat best.
I like the glowing seat best.
theecarey - 01/25/06 15:04
thanks (e:ajay) and (e:leetee)! I have never tried, brandy and warm milk, ajay. I am sure it will knock me out. Which is just what I need..hmm.. sleep.
I am always up for trying a new tea, so a trip to Wegmans is in order. Echinacea and throat comfort tea.. oh and popsicles. My throat feels much better today, but I can always make room for popsicles. Thanks again :)
thanks (e:ajay) and (e:leetee)! I have never tried, brandy and warm milk, ajay. I am sure it will knock me out. Which is just what I need..hmm.. sleep.
I am always up for trying a new tea, so a trip to Wegmans is in order. Echinacea and throat comfort tea.. oh and popsicles. My throat feels much better today, but I can always make room for popsicles. Thanks again :)
leetee - 01/25/06 01:32
oh, and i forgot to mention...
for me, i find that ice cream soothes a sore throat but makes me cough more. The mucus thing and dairy products. Popsicles can do the same thing, with less dairy. :O)
oh, and i forgot to mention...
for me, i find that ice cream soothes a sore throat but makes me cough more. The mucus thing and dairy products. Popsicles can do the same thing, with less dairy. :O)
leetee - 01/25/06 01:29
Feel better soon. May i suggest some echinacea tea? Helped me a lot the last time i was sick. That and throad comfort tea. Got them both at Wegmans...
Feel better soon. May i suggest some echinacea tea? Helped me a lot the last time i was sick. That and throad comfort tea. Got them both at Wegmans...
pyrcedgrrl - 01/25/06 01:17
Darn it!
Okay, trying again w/o direct links...
Hot Rod:
Your fave:
Darn it!
Okay, trying again w/o direct links...
Hot Rod:
- 2:
Your fave:
- crosses fingers*
pyrcedgrrl - 01/25/06 01:14
I found some alternatives for you...
(hope these work!)
Hot Rod Toilet:
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v712/pyrcedgrrl/hotrod.jpg" alt="Image hosting by Photobucket">
This is just terrible...
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v712/pyrcedgrrl/toilet.jpg" alt="Image hosting by Photobucket">
And, what I am sure will be your favorite:
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v712/pyrcedgrrl/jdtoilet.jpg" alt="Image hosting by Photobucket">
I found some alternatives for you...
(hope these work!)
Hot Rod Toilet:
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v712/pyrcedgrrl/hotrod.jpg" alt="Image hosting by Photobucket">
This is just terrible...
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v712/pyrcedgrrl/toilet.jpg" alt="Image hosting by Photobucket">
And, what I am sure will be your favorite:
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v712/pyrcedgrrl/jdtoilet.jpg" alt="Image hosting by Photobucket">
01/25/2006 22:19 #35863
What were you thinking?Category: joke
- Not as sick as yesterday.
- Slept a good 10-11 hours. No fits of coughing, yay!
- Ony major fits of coughing was when someone made me laugh really hard. The most recent, would be from (e:kara), with her links to some Hasselhoff Hotness. [inlink]kara,17[/inlink]. Go there.. too funny.
- still mucusy. Did not eat icecream as per (e:leetee). Darn, I never made it to Wegmans today!
- exam and paper due tomorrow. Have not prepared or done jack. Bad timing for sickness. I will manage though.. I think. Yikes.
- spent all day on computer/(e:strip)-- just what the doctor ordered.
- No appetite, forgot to eat.. I am not worried about wasting away :) But I did eventually eat a bog bowl of cereal.. Cin. Toast Crunch and some Kellogs Smart Start cereal. mixed. I love mixing my cereal.
- (e:salvitore), this is for you "COOKIES!", because it had to be done. And I will have a cookie when my taste buds are functioning again. Yum.
- I really like small gestures, politeness, thoughtfullness.. little things that will gaurantee a call back or a "round two"..
- can't spell or think well with germs..
- Nice winter we are having, eh? More like fall or even spring-like at times. However, I wouldn't mind some snow before the season ends.. I have some serious XC skiing to do. I have only gone out six times, and that was all in one week.
- bah.. the coughing is starting.. hopefully night time NyQuil kicks it.
- I am delerious.
- oh, and I received this in an email. I must share..
A first-grade teacher, Ms. Brooks, was having trouble with one of her students. The teacher asked, "Harry, what's your problem?"
Harry answered, "I'm too smart for the 1st grade. My sister is in the 3rd grade and I'm smarter than she is! I think I should be in the 3r d grade too!"
Ms. Brooks had had enough. She took Harry to the principal's office.
While Harry waited in the outer office, the teacher explained to the principal what the situation was. The principal told Ms. Brooks he would give the boy a test. If he failed to answer any of his questions he was to go back to the 1st grade and behave. She agreed.
Harry was brought in and the conditions were explained to him and he agreed to take the test.
Principal: "What is 3 x 3?"
Harry: "9."
Principal: "What is 6 x 6?"
Harry: "36."
And so it went with every question the principal thought a 3rd grader should know.
The principal looks at Ms. Brooks and tells her, "I think Harry can go to the 3rd grade."
Ms. Brooks says to the principal, "Let me ask him some questions."
The principal and Harry both agreed.
Ms. Brooks asks, "What does a cow have four of that I have only two of?"
Harry, after a moment: "Legs."
Ms. Brooks: "What is in your pants that you have but I do not have?"
The principal wondered why would she ask such a question!
Harry replied: "Pockets."
Ms. Brooks: "What does a dog do that a man steps into?"
Harry: "Pants."
Ms. Brooks: What starts with a C, ends with a T, is hairy, oval, delicious and contains thin, whitish liquid?"
Harry: "Coconut."
The principal sat forward with his mouth hanging open.
Ms. Brooks: "What goes in hard and pink then comes out soft and sticky?"
The principal's eyes opened really wide and before he could stop the answer, Harry replied, "Bubble gum."
Ms. Brooks: "What does a man do standing up, a woman does sitting down and a dog does on three legs?"
Harry: "Shake hands."
The principal was trembling.
Ms. Brooks: "What word starts with an 'F' and ends in 'K' that means a lot of heat and excitement?"
Harry: "Firetruck."
The principal breathed a sigh of relief and told the teacher, "Put Harry in the fifth-grade, I got the last seven questions wrong
theecarey - 01/25/06 22:53
(e:leetee) yeh, makes me think of that commercial w/ that little green mucus blob who moves into the guys chest.. "Mucinex in, mucus out", I think is the ad line.
(e:leetee) yeh, makes me think of that commercial w/ that little green mucus blob who moves into the guys chest.. "Mucinex in, mucus out", I think is the ad line.
leetee - 01/25/06 22:51
Sorry the lack of ice cream didn't help with the mucus.. it's stubborn stuff, that mucus...
Sorry the lack of ice cream didn't help with the mucus.. it's stubborn stuff, that mucus...
Just wanted to say I'm glad you enjoyed your weekend. I wish I had some suggestions on thing to do or new things to try.
personally, I don't think there is such a thing as privacy on the 'net. But that is just me. I'm weird like that. Some connections may be more secure than otehrs; but in the end every encryption can be broken.
As to emails and privacy, emails can intercepted. To me it really doesn't matter if a machine reads it or a human. I'm a simple guy, if someone or something reads my email, it's not private.
And yet, I use gmail. Amazing isn't it? Yet not! Since I don't have an expectation of privacy at all from anything on the 'net, it doesn't really bother me to have Google's machines or even humans read my email.
I assume that everything I do on the 'net is available to someone or something for some period of time.
Some people encrypt emails but not me.
As to civil liberities, if my memory serves me correctly and I think it does, Google is the only one who is fighting the Dept of Justice. AOL, Yahoo, and MSN have complied with DOJ subpoenas. Why aren't people pissed off about that?
I think that Google is the Wal-Mart of the Internet. It's big and an attractive target (no pun intended).
I think people who don't like Google shouldn't use it. I think they should encourage their friends not to use it just like I think that people who don't like Wal-Mart should do the same.
A long long time ago, in another place and time, I was told that "there's no such thing as a FREE lunch."
And I believe that there is no such thing as free email, in the end when it is all said and done, someone pays for it.
No corporation provides millions of email accounts out of the goodness of it's heart.
But that's me.