Oh shoot and galdarnit! The books are late! The way it works at the library with renewing is you get an additional 3 weeks from the date you renew. So, in order to get maximum lending time, you wait until the day the books are due before renewing. I missed it! It was yesterday, and now I am stuck with a 75 cent fine and I may not be able to renew the two books I haven't read yet, one of which I'm in the middle of. Now I must off to the library to finagle with a hopefully nice librarian to please let me keep the books (usually they make some attempt at chastisement but then do it on a "only this one time" basis). Gotta go. I'll tell you what I'm reading next time.
Terry's Journal
My Podcast Link
07/16/2004 15:17 #35570
My books are late!07/15/2004 19:41 #35569
Funny Cow Song07/14/2004 19:29 #35568
Fun e:gamesso my movie is also Fight Club, go figure.
And my Genuinely Divine Goddess Name is: Truly Empowered Realist who Reasons Youthfully (yes, like Holly I end youthfully, thank goddess). I think my favorite god to be would be Loki, the Norse god of change and mischief. Here's a quote from some random website about him:
"Loki... is the creature who transgresses all boundaries; even more significant, Loki represents the boundary itself... Loki may most properly be seen as representative of more than either the boundary or the boundary crosser; in the character and role of Loki, the boundary, difference itself, has collapsed. But to say that it 'has collapsed' implies its prior existence, and this does not adequately describe Loki. In Loki that opposition has never been created; what is elsewhere two is one in Loki." -- Karen Swenson
He's always switching sides and creating havoc. He births two monsters who play major roles in the destrucion of the world. Super-duper fun right?
As far as outing aides of congressmen, I don't think that is quite necessary. I mean, if you're black and you wanna work for the KKK that's your (albeit horridly fucked up) perogative. Mary Cheney
is the perfect example of this specific case. Her father is the evil partner of Bush, and yet she is an out lesbian. How does she live with herself? You don't necessarily need to campaign to make gay marriage legal but you at least shouldn't endorse the idea of a federal amendment banning it. Sheesh. But, I agree that it is awfully hard to find work that is going to be 100% aligned with all of your particular values. Scuttlebucket!
But! The amendment hasn't been passed anyway
YAY! Though it's kinda saddening that 48% of senators wanted to write discrminination into our founding document (though according to polls that figure roughly represents the number of Americans with similar views-yuk).
And my Genuinely Divine Goddess Name is: Truly Empowered Realist who Reasons Youthfully (yes, like Holly I end youthfully, thank goddess). I think my favorite god to be would be Loki, the Norse god of change and mischief. Here's a quote from some random website about him:
"Loki... is the creature who transgresses all boundaries; even more significant, Loki represents the boundary itself... Loki may most properly be seen as representative of more than either the boundary or the boundary crosser; in the character and role of Loki, the boundary, difference itself, has collapsed. But to say that it 'has collapsed' implies its prior existence, and this does not adequately describe Loki. In Loki that opposition has never been created; what is elsewhere two is one in Loki." -- Karen Swenson
He's always switching sides and creating havoc. He births two monsters who play major roles in the destrucion of the world. Super-duper fun right?
As far as outing aides of congressmen, I don't think that is quite necessary. I mean, if you're black and you wanna work for the KKK that's your (albeit horridly fucked up) perogative. Mary Cheney

But! The amendment hasn't been passed anyway

07/13/2004 01:30 #35567
Oh emotionWhy must reason succumb?
Is there something beyond?
Or just synapses gone haywire.
Which to trust,
which to deny?
Is there compromise?
I am distracted.
I turned onto a freeway offramp today.
You've got to try it at least once,
or so I told myself.
Can't you wait for more opportune moments
to instigate confusion?
My friend's mother died recently.
She had a dream about icy tunnels
and choices she had no control over.
It played into my frenzy;
coinciding irrationality.
It's hard ro concentrate.
I feel like a teenager again,
raging hormones inspired by traumatic whirls of unreasonable thought.
Does it stop?
Do I want it to?
What is life without chaotic foibles?
Is the pain worth feeling,
even for eventual release?
It must be, else I'd turn it off.
Let myself slide into apathy.
Unfeeling hate.
Yet I linger,
savoring my agony?
So oft I discourage my own emotions.
Turn it off.
Only the facts matter.
Put it in context!
There is no universal suffering.
But, again, why?
Why god(s) why?
I don't need to ask.
It's all here.
I feel the release already.
Thank you muses,
for restoring my equlibrium.
I had but to tell it to the pen.
sidenote: I'm feeling the blues in the night, just click on my userpic and hear.
Is there something beyond?
Or just synapses gone haywire.
Which to trust,
which to deny?
Is there compromise?
I am distracted.
I turned onto a freeway offramp today.
You've got to try it at least once,
or so I told myself.
Can't you wait for more opportune moments
to instigate confusion?
My friend's mother died recently.
She had a dream about icy tunnels
and choices she had no control over.
It played into my frenzy;
coinciding irrationality.
It's hard ro concentrate.
I feel like a teenager again,
raging hormones inspired by traumatic whirls of unreasonable thought.
Does it stop?
Do I want it to?
What is life without chaotic foibles?
Is the pain worth feeling,
even for eventual release?
It must be, else I'd turn it off.
Let myself slide into apathy.
Unfeeling hate.
Yet I linger,
savoring my agony?
So oft I discourage my own emotions.
Turn it off.
Only the facts matter.
Put it in context!
There is no universal suffering.
But, again, why?
Why god(s) why?
I don't need to ask.
It's all here.
I feel the release already.
Thank you muses,
for restoring my equlibrium.
I had but to tell it to the pen.
sidenote: I'm feeling the blues in the night, just click on my userpic and hear.
07/12/2004 14:50 #35566
US may delay electionIn the event of a terrorist attack, US authorities are coming up with plans to possibly postpone the November presidential election.
(Democracy Now reports on todays show as well
) That darned al-Qaeda network might try to disrupt our elections, or so some "intelligence sources" are claiming. So the plan is that if this happens we ought to be able to stop the elections, maybe in the hopes of preventing a Spain-like "panic vote" for the non-incumbant? I wonder though, just who would benefit (politically speaking) from such an attack. Would it make Bush look weak? Would it make us stand behind the leader? Who knows. I suppose the plan about postponing the elections will hinge on which way the public reaction is leaning: outrage=no postponment, fear=postponemet. I think it's kinda baloney. Let's get this shit over with ASAP. I wanna focus on the Olympics.
sidenote: new video by Moveon
comparing Edwards to Cheney 

sidenote: new video by Moveon