About camping: It was mucho fun (see matt's journal for some pics [inlink]matthew,303[/inlink]). The highlight for me at least was when we tackled the tree. There used to be a swing rope attached to this gigantic tree which hung out from a 15 ft embankment over the swimhole. The rope snapped (and I feel very sorry indeed for the poor fool who snapped it, most likely midswing) a while back, and I guess someone became very angry at the tree. They sawed through half of it (a feat in itself as the tree is about 2 ft in diameter) and then graviy took over, propelling the tree into the exact middle of the swimhole. We arrived after all this, to find our nice little swimhole not very swimable. The task became to somehow remove the tree.
At first I despaired; our attempts to even budge the tree proved to be of very little effect. It was about 20 ft long and the half that was completely submerged was heavily waterlogged. The attempt was put off till Sunday. Luckily, reinforcements arrived in the shape of Pat and Terri (some of you may remember them as the folks who tarried till well after dark on a cross country ski trail, eventually leading us to call the rangers to haul them out), who came rambling into out campsite at like 11PM Saturday night. As soon as Pat saw the tree in the hole he became obsessed. Soon he had found a 30 foot sapling which we used as a lever to lift the tree while the rest of us pushed/pulled/groaned. After about an hour or so we had managed to move the offending tree to the far side of the pool where hopefully nature will take over with the next heavy rain. Who said that half-drunk potheads never get anything done!? The next part was slight overkill. Dave suggested that the pile of broken tree parts littering the island (refuse from said tree) should be put to final rest. A lighter and some dilligence resulted in a pretty big blaze (with accompanying explosions from moist riverstone shale), there's a pic on matt's journal showing the fire being lit. Who needs a gym to work out? Just find youself a 1000 lb. tree and start shoving!
sidenote: The Progressive has a great new section called McCarthyism Watch

sidenote2: Beast, if you've read this far, I think letterboxing sounds superduper fun, reminds me of Artbomb [inlink]terry,168[/inlink]! If you wanna start looking call me up and we'll have an adventure night. Looks like Sqb has some experience too, maybe he'll help us?