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01/11/2006 19:23 #34621

long time no see under the apple tree..
Category: skiing
so it's January. time for skiing, tubing!!!
i miss my buddies. :( The ones from the Original Terror Mtn.
i need a vacation through hell or high water, I am going to have a freakin' good time!
temps are too high for skiing - 60 degrees... time to break out the bikini & shades!!!

i think today is a happier day despite the 1 hour and 40 minute traffic infested commute this morning. at least this evening is better than the previous. I seriously must learn not to get all worked up about crap that I can't change or things that are so insignificant in the grand scheme of things. Seriously, "Yay for Getaways"

It's funny how everytime I plan to be out of the office for a few days I am presented with opportunities/choices... what shall I do? No rest for the weary trying to climb that federal ladder.

random insert, yet interesting...

paul - 01/11/06 19:34
That's awesome

12/25/2005 07:26 #34620

Holiday Cheer!!!
Category: christmas
I hope the spirit of season cheer greets you all this Holiday!!! Merry Christmas!!! [bgcolor]#cd0000[/bgcolor]
ladycroft - 12/26/05 12:13
Happy Christmas to you as well! I'll be in D.C. in a few months, we so have to meet up!

12/17/2005 19:36 #34619

soapy bubbles & fragrance
Category: life maintenance
seriously L - O - N - G freakin' week...
Holiday parties, Work, Birthday Party, Traffic, Lostness in MD, Commuting, Lateness, Oversleeping, Not sleeping, can I say $$$, unfriendly bitchy ass people you can't seem to ditch!, Self Evaluations, Moodiness, Shopping, Lack of Holiday Shopping, Dirty Apartment, way...too much planning of crap to do, grocery shopping to do for holiday dinner yet to be planned, and the list could go on and on & 10 times out of 10 - I might just ignore it!!!

Where the Freak is My Calgon????

Wish I were going to the party tonight... Have Fun!

12/04/2005 09:40 #34618

Category: blogs


Who's watching
Tell me, who's watching
Who's watching me ?(T)

I'm just an average man
With an average life
I work from nine to five
Hey, hell, I pay the price
All I want is to be left alone
In my average home
But why do I always feel
Like I'm in the twilight zone

And (I always feel like)
(Somebody's watching me)
And I have no privacy
(I always feel like)
(Somebody's watching me)
Tell me, is it just a dream

When I come home at night
I bolt the door real tight
People call me on the phone
I'm trying to avoid
But can the people on TV see me
Or am I just paranoid

When I'm in the shower
I'm afraid to wash my hair
'Cause I might open my eyes
And find someone standing there
People say I'm crazy
Just a little touched
But maybe showers remind me
Of Psycho too much
That's why

(I always feel like)
(Somebody's watching me)
And I have no privacy
Whooooa, oh-oh
(I always feel like)
(Somebody's watching me)
Who's playin' tricks on me

(Who's watching me)
I don't know anymore
Are the neighbors watching me
(Who's watching)
Well, is the mailman watching me
(Tell me, who's watching)
And I don't feel safe anymore
Oh, what a mess
I wonder who's watching me now

(I always feel like)
(Somebody's watching me)
And I have no privacy
Whooooa, oh-oh
(I always feel like)
(Somebody's watching me)
Tell me, is it just a dream

(I always feel like)
(Somebody's watching me)
And I have no privacy
Whooooa, oh-oh
(I always feel like)
(Somebody's watching me)
Who's playin' tricks on me
(Who's watching me)
(I always feel like)
(Somebody's watching me)
(I always feel like)
(Somebody's watching me)
So ? who can it be
(Who's watching me)
(I always feel like)
(Somebody's watching me)
(I always feel like)
(Somebody's watching me)
Who's playing tricks on me
(Who's watching me)
(I always feel like)
(Somebody's watching me)
Can I have my privacy
(I always feel like)
(Somebody's watching me)
Who's playing tricks on me

Quoted from: ROCKWELL lyrics - Somebody's Watching Me

11/27/2005 15:58 #34617

'twas the night before thanksgiving...
Category: holiday
"I like a good martini, one or two at the most...
after one I'm under the table,
after two, I'm under the host." - Dorothy Parker

Courtesy of: [bgcolor]#b50300[/bgcolor]
alison - 11/28/05 01:53
i love you for posting dorothy parker. she's freaking ace.
james - 11/27/05 22:06
Dorothy Parker is one of the most enjoyable poets to read. She may not push the art in a new direction, but god damn, so much fun.