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11/13/2006 22:26 #33741

Passion Flower
This flower (Passiflora incarnata)


produces a fruit. I found one of these fruits in the woods yesterday, kind of strange finding fruit in November. I'd never seen this fruit before so I thought it was an exciting find. I thought it could have been lepracaun stool ( ).
My Mama called it a maypop. Apparently this plant helps with all kilnd of ailments, including sleeplessness and PMS .
I made my find into a video. It's a boring video, I guess. Kiah didn't like it. here's the link anyway

It strange that I get so excited from finding food in the woods. It makes me realize how capitalism commodifies the most basic things and makes naturally occurring things seem untrustworthy. Yes, I was afraid to eat the fruit but I did save the seeds. The pod was full of seeds. The fruit had a lime outside and a pumpkin inside.

11/03/2006 05:30 #33740

along a loner
I got fed up and walked out of the house. I wanted to go down a grown up path in the woods but Kiah followed me, a five-year-old in flip-flips. I told her to go back in the house but what is television compared with tagging along after your "crazy aunt Robin?" I worried about the briars and brambles finding their way into the open parts of the Kiah's shoes but I was determined to continue my original pursuit despite being shadowed by a child. She asked me, "Do you even know where you're going?" I looked down at my house shoe clad feet and I realized that indeed I did not. I asked her "Do you know where you are going?" She said, "Yes, I'm following you."

11/03/2006 01:53 #33739

some old school N. carolinians
Category: fucking epics
My Dad and Grandpa.

Grandpa with a fatter man
Welcome to the Gothic South
A picture of Grandpa's grave taken in May 1956

Same grave... with Granny added. I found this picture on my Lil cousin Taryn's myspace page.

My Granny looking younger than I've ever seen her look. She may be holding my Aunt Wink.

Wink and Dash with other mill town kids.

My Aunt Wink and Aunt Dash in 1948 I think.

Wink and Dash, my Granny made the white dress.

Mabye McGee? my Granny's brother who died on the beaches in 1944.

Aunt Wink with my Daddy, I think. Wink was in her 2nd year at Duke when her Dad died. Wink's Mom (my Granny) had a nervous breakdown and Wink moved home to help... I think. All this shit happened before me, you know?

I want to work with these images but some of them are so strong on their own, like the one of Wink and my Dad. I would really like to make this family history into a documentary but a documentary that wouldn't alienate people who arn't so affected by the stories as , oh lets say... the filmmaker. hehe
I'm not sure how old stories and old pictures affect my life but I know they have. I feel like it's something that needs to be shared in a throughtful orignal way. It's going to take work... lots of work. My two Aunts, Wink and Dash, are in poor health these days. Wink is about 80 and Dash is a little younger.

It was weird finding a box of my Granny's things. I found her old costume jewelry and it brought up a memory sharp as a knife. When I was a child I loved more than anything, to ramble. I would get in trouble with my Mama for going through every cupboard and drawer I could reach.
Now one day I was going through my Granny's costume Jewelry. My Granny doted on me an my sister so it wasn't a big deal, until... I came across this necklace.


I decided that the locket was one of the most beautiful things I'd ever seen so I promptly went into the living room and asked my Granny if I could have it after she died. This was good logic on my part because I figured no one would want to part with such a lovely trinket while they were living. My dear old Granny didn't see it that way. I can't remember what she said I just know she was pissed off. I learned that is is not considerate to remind elderly people of their impending death, no matter how much you crave a certain commodity.

The moral delima now is... do I take the locket?
look here how my Granny adored me.


lilho - 12/06/06 09:35
robin, i must've missed this journal. those pictures are amazing! i love old photos. your two aunts were very pretty and i swear ive seen recent designs of the same outfits they are wearing, on the runway. the necklace is pretty too.

11/02/2006 22:09 #33738

Do I make a Difference?
I was just reading a job call for someone to teach Transformative Language Arts at Goddard College. I've VERY interested in the job, more so than any other post I've read about but I'm not sure if I'm what they're looking for.
Thanks to all of you for the job advice. the site made me feel a bit better about my situation. but Vincent I can't really borrow a book when I'm in Georgia!
back to Transformative Language Arts, I wonder if my involvement in this site could count toward that. I've been participating in this Transformative Language Arts project for quite a while. I hope some of the things I write are at least a little insightful. I do enjoy oral history and I've tried to make use of it with this video and this one I don't think they help to change society much... more so they reflect on it. Guess I'm not there yet.
I'm planning on scanning tonight. I found my long departed Granny's old photo album. I'd like to work with the images by incorporating them in with modern day video of her old mill town. I was looking at the pictures of my nieces from Halloween the other night and thinking about how much documentation has changed since the first half of the 20th century. maybe I'll post a few images later tonight.
rzoo - 11/03/06 15:15
you make a difference everywhere you go.
kookcity2000 - 11/02/06 23:46
my mom bought me a book about quarter life crisis but I refused to take it.

I told her it was more likely to cause than to cure such an event

10/31/2006 00:30 #33737

help me, awwwwww
I'm starting to go insane. I need a job. I need a job. I need a job. I don't want to work! ahhhemmm, Labor!

fuck it!
anything is better than living in my parent's house. Jesus give me the strength! offff god damn like I'm a christian. I'm freaking out. Yeah, I look pretty god damn calm sure but inside I'm freaking!

I need to know. How do y'all go about getting jobs?
The university has ruined me! ruined ruined ruined. You would think that a 25 yr old with an MFA may have a bright future but out of the 100+ places I've sent my resume to I've had three interviews (all in Brooklyn) and gotten one job (at a coffee shop) but by then I was on the way to Portland.

If I hear my brother give me the being an artist is like being a professional bass fisher (his dream) analogy one more time I'm going to shoot myself in the fucking head.
If you were a good fisher you could live off your fucking fish. Who cares about the millions won in tournaments? is that what makes one a successful fisher? Idiot!

anyway.... any tips that you peeps have for me, as in, how I can get a fucking job. What is the right attitude, what is the right way to go about it, what should I do to this good damn web site to make it commercially viable and so on, some alternative career solution,please let me know.
(e:Jenks), I have a fascination for medical imaging, can you tell me more about that? I would really just like to do my own brain scanning experiments in my (imaginary thus far) studio but maybe there is a job that would make that goal more practical. It's interesting how the brain reacts to different stimuli, images and other sensory shit.

so don't get me wrong. I love my family but it's to much for me living with them. to high stress makes me depressed.

vincent - 10/31/06 20:57
Actually when I was reading your post I was thinking back fondly on my days not too long ago of being a "bum." I think in some ways I was very content during that time, in others well that's a different story, but I can see those ways in your post.

Working and making OK $ is not a gurantee to happiness.

Check out the book "Quarter Life Crisis" by Alexandra Robbins or check out the site You could borrow my copy if you want.
ajay - 10/31/06 10:40
I hear the Internet is hot again these days.
Look at YouTube, Metacafe, Revver, etc.

Since you have some experience with digital media, might I suggest looking at some Internet-related company? Added bonus: you'll be around virgin nerds who haven't even been in the same room as a woman.... ;)
joshua - 10/31/06 09:00
Have you thought about applying at an art gallery or something similar? People need creative people for all kinds of reasons.

Don't freak out Robin - maintaining a positive attitude is very important.
jason - 10/31/06 06:38
Robin, I'm not out of the woods yet moneywise, even though I'm finally employed. I'll be more helpful later but right now I have to clean up and shiz.
jenks - 10/31/06 05:36
My sister's an artist (sort of) (no MFA yet) but she does mostly jewelry and sculpture- is very afraid of "selling out" and "going commerical" and has to balance that with wanting to "eat" and "have shelter" but I know one way she makes some cash is stringing pearls for a local jewelry place. ???
Is there a gallery or a framing shop or anything even semi-arty that you can at least just get some hours at?
No idea about medical imaging, sorry... but I will say I lot of my textbooks could use some some artistic flair...