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10/20/2006 09:06 #33734

Lice and Punkmen
Kiah is home from school today because my Mama discovered lice in her hair last night. This caused a commotion and made us all itch and wash the beddings. I fell asleep early so I had to do the lice shampoo this morning.


Kiah keeps mispronouncing pumpkin as punkmen. It's funny.
libertad - 10/20/06 23:44
that sucks. I hope you don't get them again.

10/18/2006 08:38 #33733

Today is picture day for Kiah at kindergarten. I took extra care getting her ready for school, a red and white polka dotted dress, black Maryjanes, white bobby socks, white cardigan, and two braided pigtails. She looked as cute as she could be.
Here is a flashback to my kindergarten photo in 1986.


I'm going to go have lunch with one of my old professors form the Atlanta college of art, Mr. Nolan. Here's an interview with him I found online He retired this year after ACA was sold to SCAD. It's the end of an era in Atlanta.
I became friends with Nolan after I asked him if he was a warlock. ACA was a small school, only 500 students and rumors were plentiful. I'm one of those people who always has to go to the source and ask about it. Sometimes that's a terrible idea but sometimes it works out.

paul - 10/18/06 11:24
Is that really an innocent robin or an inncoent robin look?
libertad - 10/18/06 10:04
Robin, cute photo. It looks like you probably got into lots of trouble. Must be those eyes of yours!

10/16/2006 09:36 #33732

Georgia Sunrise
Category: fucking nature
When I stepped onto the porch this morning I was overwhelmed by the sunset. I got my camera and filmed it . Nice mellow footage (very different from a snow storm). I'm having trouble writing right now because school was cancelled for my niece, Kiah. She is here beside me. I've been trying to remove a splinter from her foot but she keeps on wiggling and screaming like a banshee so I can't get it. I've taught her the word cyborg so she keeps getting wires wrapped around her and saying "look Robin I'm a cyborg."
I guess the day is better. I was melancholy this morning after I got Kiah ready for school and her and Daddy left. That's when I went out and filmed the sunset. I was logging the footage when they came back saying it's presidents day or some shit. Looks like an easy day. I reckon I'll get to looking for a job tomorrow. Today Kiah and me are going to paint.

Ok, so I've just read this entry again and I fucked up twice. It was in fact a sunrise. That is why the vivid colors were so freaky, usually we only get that neon pink during sunsets. Those of you who know how I generally keep a fucked up schedule may have a better understanding of my confusion with sunset/sunrise. Paul, since that IM session last night I've been awake. I hope you enjoy the replica of my animals in the video. I assure you can't be allergic from such a distance.


Kiah looks a lot like her Daddy's side of the family but she has eyes just like my Mama.

10/12/2006 02:58 #33730

God Damn Southerners
When I spent a month in North Carolina last June I had the pleasure of meeting a young lady who pleaded with me to stay in the south. Her argument was that the south always loses the best southerners. Reading Ih8gates little commentary seems to make her argument valid. If Ih8gates is concerned about racism in the south without actually living there anymore how is he helping to solve the problem? Is the best solution to leave the "racist" south for the "socially stratified" north?

My plan for the next couple of weeks... get a shit job in Atlanta... waiting tables or whatever... get an apartment there... apply for some jobs i'd actually like to do and wait forever to hear about them. Yeah, I miss Buffalo...

Here is a nice link to an essay on southern identity

10/08/2006 05:29 #33729

Great God Yawl!
Category: decapitated while r
I couldn't resist. I've put my dog on puppy war. This will be her link if they approve her . I've realized that I should never become a parent becuase my children may end up like this . Tragedy for all.

Now I'm safe on the couch at Mama and Daddy's. I went out to a joint called "Run around Sue's" earlier tonight. This wasn't the wisest decision when you consider I've had a terrible cold for 2 days and I've been sleeping all the time and drinking poison cherry medicine but I got antsy and needed to go out. I was in the company of my sister and yes... she chose the venue.
I was the DD so I agreed to minimized my drinks.
On the way there my sister, Lori Anne, told me I would have to pay the valet. considering it's been well over a month since I've actually "made money," this prospect fazed me enough to ask "why don't we just park on the street?" at which point Lori Anne related to me the following story.

Run Around Sue's became a little strict about their parking after an accident a few years ago. Some man got into the car with his friend and drove them home. Both men were wasted and the passenger had to lean out thee window and vomit. They happened to drive by one those big wires that hold up telephone poles. At that point the passenger was decapitated while ralphing. The driver was to drunk to notice and went on home. He went into his house and passed out. The following morning his neighbors found his friend's decapitated corpse in his car.

That story is how the evening started. It was probably the most interesting part. Running into some other adairsvillians was the other interesting part. My sisters spotting, hunting, and gathering a young handsome north african guy was amusing for her drunk ass but kind of boring for me.
rzoo - 10/09/06 21:36
glad to read you're doing good. still not coming to visit me, ha? i hate what they do to those children.