fuck it!
anything is better than living in my parent's house. Jesus give me the strength! offff god damn like I'm a christian. I'm freaking out. Yeah, I look pretty god damn calm sure but inside I'm freaking!
I need to know. How do y'all go about getting jobs?
The university has ruined me! ruined ruined ruined. You would think that a 25 yr old with an MFA may have a bright future but out of the 100+ places I've sent my resume to I've had three interviews (all in Brooklyn) and gotten one job (at a coffee shop) but by then I was on the way to Portland.
If I hear my brother give me the being an artist is like being a professional bass fisher (his dream) analogy one more time I'm going to shoot myself in the fucking head.
If you were a good fisher you could live off your fucking fish. Who cares about the millions won in tournaments? is that what makes one a successful fisher? Idiot!
anyway.... any tips that you peeps have for me, as in, how I can get a fucking job. What is the right attitude, what is the right way to go about it, what should I do to this good damn web site

(e:Jenks), I have a fascination for medical imaging, can you tell me more about that? I would really just like to do my own brain scanning experiments in my (imaginary thus far) studio but maybe there is a job that would make that goal more practical. It's interesting how the brain reacts to different stimuli, images and other sensory shit.
so don't get me wrong. I love my family but it's to much for me living with them. to high stress makes me depressed.
Actually when I was reading your post I was thinking back fondly on my days not too long ago of being a "bum." I think in some ways I was very content during that time, in others well that's a different story, but I can see those ways in your post.
Working and making OK $ is not a gurantee to happiness.
Check out the book "Quarter Life Crisis" by Alexandra Robbins or check out the site quarterlifecrisis.com You could borrow my copy if you want.
I hear the Internet is hot again these days.
Look at YouTube, Metacafe, Revver, etc.
Since you have some experience with digital media, might I suggest looking at some Internet-related company? Added bonus: you'll be around virgin nerds who haven't even been in the same room as a woman.... ;)
Have you thought about applying at an art gallery or something similar? People need creative people for all kinds of reasons.
Don't freak out Robin - maintaining a positive attitude is very important.
Robin, I'm not out of the woods yet moneywise, even though I'm finally employed. I'll be more helpful later but right now I have to clean up and shiz.
My sister's an artist (sort of) (no MFA yet) but she does mostly jewelry and sculpture- is very afraid of "selling out" and "going commerical" and has to balance that with wanting to "eat" and "have shelter" but I know one way she makes some cash is stringing pearls for a local jewelry place. ???
Is there a gallery or a framing shop or anything even semi-arty that you can at least just get some hours at?
No idea about medical imaging, sorry... but I will say I lot of my textbooks could use some some artistic flair...