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12/11/2006 18:03 #33746

quick post
sorry for taking off in a hurry Paul Matt and Terry. Our acclimated southern bones couldn't handle the buffalo chill... also our two fat asses in that twin bed was a tough squeeze. I'll come back and stay longer sometime cause it was good to see y'all for that brief period of time. I'll try coming on a weekend next time. The mansion is super. I think y'all should act out some role-playing S&M fantasies up in the attic cage.
I made a shitty video for the dysfunctional holiday show at Squeaky. I made it in two hours (edit, compress, burn) and it shows. Here is a link . I had to use footage already logged due to my lack of a firewire. My video was the worst in the show. The screening was short. Milbrand made an awesome sock puppet epic about the Christmas serpent. And the Kimberly person made one of her finest 3-d things that involved Santa getting a hooker with help from "a furry" the Easter bunny.
Here are a couple pics of me, Casey and the Milbrand Santa.



12/06/2006 01:19 #33745

wednesday night
Category: pinksters
I'm heading for Buffalo in a few hours. It's a 7 hour drive and I hope to see some of y'all peeps out at the pink tonight. Unfortunately I don't think we can stick around long egough for Enknot's Birthday party :(. I hope I can at least show Casey a little taste of Buffalo insanity. We're going to stay with the baby-bellied Soy bean, if the cat hair doesn't drive us out. So the old pink and Korea House, those are the things I need to show Casey, that and a shitload of fantastic people.
Dang. I'm too excited to sleep. That and my menstrual cramps. Damn the full moon. (note to Terry: please don't let my menstruation freak you out. I promise to be on typical robin behavior)

We had dinner with the Lavatelli sister's earlier and I realized how lucky I was they took me in last July. Buffalo breeds good people and good friends.
terry - 12/06/06 11:49
We are all excited about your coming (whether accompanied by red monster or not). I'll definately be there tonight (along with whichever of my housemates I can drag along). Also, you're welcome to sty with us if you want, we have a whole extra room, if it's like crowded at Soyeon's, I know unborn babies take lots of space. Cyas soon.

11/30/2006 03:06 #33744

the pink pony
Category: atl strip clubs
tonight I went to my first strip club (I've been to the claremont lounge but that place is in a league of its own) the pink pony is a real strip joint equipped with at least 20 fine looking women. I was suckered into a couple lap dances from a hot young Gypsy named Bianca. she was one of the few with real tits. i got to feel my first fake tits. they belonged to a tall and stacked woman named Mimi. all in all it was a good night, good food at Dante's (wasn't it the 2nd level of lustful hell I'm doomed to?) on the pirate ship then on to stripper hell/heaven whatever. I'm a bit inebriated so I'll sign off now.

11/16/2006 09:10 #33743

damn it y'all people
When I'm all down on myself you're there but when I ask bout sumptin kinda happy it's like.... where is everybody? Regardless I still miss you damn yankees, and who knows hodown, I may be coming your way... maybe. I'm about to make another video... one i promised an organization. It in memory of an action figure... Bruce. I lost him in Portland

did anybody watch the maypop video? look at the little title opener i made for it.


hodown - 11/16/06 15:20
yea! let me know if you head to nyc, we'll go have a drink :)
kookcity2000 - 11/16/06 11:44
I liked the way it was shot and put together.

More than your other stuff even.

The "story" (I don't know what you call it) didn't arc like your other stuff though.

I liked it.

11/14/2006 03:28 #33742

Opinion on a poem
by Casey McKinney

Hung almost 5 times before bothering
to get to know you. I tend to avoid
looking at the work of people I dig.
So often the shit sucks (then there you are).
But as I told Ben today, I'm perplexed,
because the mix you have is just too much:
Country yet modern. Weird yet not crazy.
Pretty, but thankfully are not perfect.
Spent a year trying hard to gigolo,
not get snagged, sucked in, or whipped as they say,
but damnit, think you've done it. Another
Georgian too. What's up with that? Peaches
of death will grab my one good testicle.
They'll squeeze too and laugh - that's what I figure.

Sounds about right... but I can't be objective. What do you (e:strip)pers think? Does this poem stand on its on? and what's up with the not perfect? hah, I've been watching Dr. 90210 so I know quests for physical perfection are serious concerns for many folks. Some of those folks are nuts. This woman on there today wanted to have a big old diamond placed right under her skin on her arm, this on account of the fact she'd become more active and couldn't wear it all the time. Reminds me of Egyptian Pharaohs gettin' buried with all their things when they die. Somehow the burial before death seems worse. The doctor wouldn't do it so the woman just had some cellulite dug up with metal sticks. crazy.
here's a link to more of Casey's poetry. I don't like poetry an awful lot but Casey knows that.