the pink
Robin's Journal
My Podcast Link
05/28/2006 22:31 #33698
final good-bye05/21/2006 19:36 #33697
freaked outMy sister called this morning and told me my Grandma , MawMaw, fell and broke her hip. When I was a young teen my Granny fell and broke her hip. Then Granny went to live with some relatives in NC. then they put her in a home so she came back to Georgia and stayed in a home there. Then she had a stroke and died when I was 16. So I'm all freaked out. My Mawmaw is only 78 and my Granny was 86 when she died. Whatever, I love Mawmaw. I'm all worried. My Dad says she's in good hands. I just don't know.
05/16/2006 00:18 #33696
"lackawanna five"I just got back from a screening at hallwalls. A filmmaker named Lynn Hershman is making a movie about Steve and his case. Somebody brought up the lackawanna five and that made me wonder. Who were the Lackawanna five? What exactly were they charged with? What was the evidence against them? When were they arrested? What was their economic stance and so on....
springfaerie - 05/20/06 17:25
It was the "Lackawanna 6", not the "Lackawanna 5". They were charged with joining a known terrorist organization- the Al Quada, and I know for a fact that two of them were definitely there during the time that they were accused of being there. They sent money to and helped to support this group, not just them but many that weren't named. And I went to school with them. Yasin, one of the accused, is married to a girl that I was on the cheerleading squad with and worked with. I went to their son's first birthday. Whether he went there just to "check it out" and left because he got spooked, as they claim, or if they were part of the training, I don't know.
It was the "Lackawanna 6", not the "Lackawanna 5". They were charged with joining a known terrorist organization- the Al Quada, and I know for a fact that two of them were definitely there during the time that they were accused of being there. They sent money to and helped to support this group, not just them but many that weren't named. And I went to school with them. Yasin, one of the accused, is married to a girl that I was on the cheerleading squad with and worked with. I went to their son's first birthday. Whether he went there just to "check it out" and left because he got spooked, as they claim, or if they were part of the training, I don't know.
metalpeter - 05/16/06 19:15
Some one I know as a temp Had a boyfriend with the same last name and lived in the same area as them and had A nice expensive car, we thought they may have been connected but no proff. Suposidly they where a non active sleeper support cell. Meaning they basicly did nothing active they suported other terrorists or maybe passed information. At some point they may have become active but you can't arreset people for future crimes they may commit. That is unless you have proff of planning and catch them in part of the planing stage.
Some one I know as a temp Had a boyfriend with the same last name and lived in the same area as them and had A nice expensive car, we thought they may have been connected but no proff. Suposidly they where a non active sleeper support cell. Meaning they basicly did nothing active they suported other terrorists or maybe passed information. At some point they may have become active but you can't arreset people for future crimes they may commit. That is unless you have proff of planning and catch them in part of the planing stage.
libertad - 05/16/06 01:15
All you need to know is they were terrorists. They have been taken care of. NO need to worry.
All you need to know is they were terrorists. They have been taken care of. NO need to worry.
paul - 05/16/06 00:43
I think trisha and springfaire went to highschool with them.
I think trisha and springfaire went to highschool with them.
05/13/2006 14:51 #33695
Tonightat big orbit Julie Perini is having an "Experiments in Immediacy" marathon
. Please join us at 8PM.
PS. Can I get a ride with somebody?

PS. Can I get a ride with somebody?
paul - 05/13/06 15:11
ssure, you can come with us
ssure, you can come with us
Sorry I missed it, I didn't even know about it I was sleeping during the game. I should have gone out to watch the game oh well. At least I finaly met ya at the party.
oh man, i missed it. We went hiking and then I came home and konked out. I didn't even know you were having a thing at the Pink. I feel especially bad since when you came to the party I said hi and promptly passed out in the stairwell. Well good travels and happy trails. I'm sure I'll be seeing you somewhere along the line. Keep posting here to keep us updated of your thrift store travails. Will miss you.
Wish I could have came to say goodbye! Good luck! Please keep up with the films. The nastier and raunchier the better for me. I love raunch. Must have more raunchiness in this world.