Does anyone have a truck? I need help today or tonight, if possible.
but speaking of the kindness of strangers...
last night while checking out at Walgreen's, I came up short on cash. The guy behind me bought my ciggs for me. The same thing at the same place happened a week ago. Those men sure were kind. Goes to defy the ol' rude Yankee stereotype. and that my friends goes to show you can't buy into that stereotype shit. I've been saying it for years but my home place down yonder still gets knocked on all the time with stereotypes.
Whoever you are, I have always depended on the kindness of strangers.
-A Streetcar Named Desire
Robin's Journal
My Podcast Link
05/31/2006 09:55 #33702
The Kindness of Strangers05/30/2006 14:12 #33700
want a bed?Does anyone want a mattress and box spring? A double size bed?
also I have a lil ugly couch and chair that have to go. let me know cause tomorrow they go on the sidewalk.
also I have a lil ugly couch and chair that have to go. let me know cause tomorrow they go on the sidewalk.
05/30/2006 13:01 #33699

and so... after getting drunk and then drinking an entire bottle of Jägermeister at 5 in the morning, I didn't make the truck ride to Georgia. Now I'm laying in my stark apartment necked. I'm sure my family hates me right now. I think Buffalo loves me though.

chaibiscoot - 06/01/06 11:54
did u leave buffalo for good????? i did not know. i feel so bad. awwww. you must come back soon. where are you now? awwww, i feel so bad about not meeting before you left.
did u leave buffalo for good????? i did not know. i feel so bad. awwww. you must come back soon. where are you now? awwww, i feel so bad about not meeting before you left.
05/28/2006 22:31 #33698
final good-byetonight
the pink
the pink
metalpeter - 05/29/06 12:02
Sorry I missed it, I didn't even know about it I was sleeping during the game. I should have gone out to watch the game oh well. At least I finaly met ya at the party.
Sorry I missed it, I didn't even know about it I was sleeping during the game. I should have gone out to watch the game oh well. At least I finaly met ya at the party.
terry - 05/29/06 11:52
oh man, i missed it. We went hiking and then I came home and konked out. I didn't even know you were having a thing at the Pink. I feel especially bad since when you came to the party I said hi and promptly passed out in the stairwell. Well good travels and happy trails. I'm sure I'll be seeing you somewhere along the line. Keep posting here to keep us updated of your thrift store travails. Will miss you.
oh man, i missed it. We went hiking and then I came home and konked out. I didn't even know you were having a thing at the Pink. I feel especially bad since when you came to the party I said hi and promptly passed out in the stairwell. Well good travels and happy trails. I'm sure I'll be seeing you somewhere along the line. Keep posting here to keep us updated of your thrift store travails. Will miss you.
libertad - 05/29/06 08:16
Wish I could have came to say goodbye! Good luck! Please keep up with the films. The nastier and raunchier the better for me. I love raunch. Must have more raunchiness in this world.
Wish I could have came to say goodbye! Good luck! Please keep up with the films. The nastier and raunchier the better for me. I love raunch. Must have more raunchiness in this world.
mrdt - 05/29/06 02:02
hey do you still need a truck?