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01/09/2006 23:04 #33624

an hour of procrastination
Category: last in weimar entry
So here
the famous,

The sleep of reason produces monsters


Here is a further description of this plate.

Perhaps isolation has caused a slight alternation of my reason currently. I'm not so isolated in physical space as I am in mental. Soon that will be switched around. I will once again be able to comprehend the signs that signify mundane dinner conversation.

and here is a link to Goya's Black Painting series

I'm not a huge fan of old paintings but Goya is where I make an exception. When I was a child flipping through my daddy's art history book, "Art Throughout the Ages" a 1960's version; the one painting that always stood out to me was "Saturn Devouring His Children." I misread the title in my youth at thought it was titled "Satan Devouring His Children" and it frightened me so much because I was a child and I couldn't think of why anyone would want to eat me. I wonder why I didn't identify myself as a child of Jesus? I was saved and baptised after all. I knew. I already knew. God Damn

01/09/2006 21:58 #33623

sleeping and dreaming
Category: in weimar
I have a more strange than usual sleeping pattern at the moment. last night I slept from 1am to 5am then from 3pm to 9pm then from midnight to 3am. Every sleep I've had a mediocre dream about everyday life. Here is the one I just had. I had taken my flatmate, Albrecht to Adairsville (my hometown) and we were walking through st. elmo (getto but nice) on our way back from the store. It was night time. The moon was a projection. It was really pissing me off, that moon. I was so angry that some person had the nerve to fuck with my moon, your moon, every body's moon, ya know? Even what they were projecting wasn't complete. It was only random titles that said things like "sample text."

Ok, Other than that I have a presentation in 7 hours. Another informal presentation at the local watering hole on Wednesday night. I need to get a train ticket for berlin on thursday and I have a flight to atlanta friday(13th hahaha) morning. Then after a night or two of coddling Kiah and incessant nagging from my dear mama I will once again be in Buffalo. Oh Buffalo.

01/05/2006 20:58 #33622

user pic
Category: still... in weimar
back to one of my oldest user pics...
I think I was around 8 or 9 years old in that pic. The bathing suit in the picture brings up a funny memory for me. That was my sisters bathing suit. One day I got mad at her so I cut the crotch out of that suit, hahaha. Like she wouldn't notice. God, I'm so stupidly vindictive sometimes.
I'll be back in Buffalo in 10 days or so, see y'all then

01/05/2006 20:58 #33621

user pic
Category: still... in weimar
back to one of my oldest user pics...
I think I was around 8 or 9 years old in that pic. The bathing suit in the picture brings up a funny memory for me. That was my sisters bathing suit. One day I got mad at her so I cut the crotch out of that suit, hahaha. Like she wouldn't notice. God, I'm so stupidly vindictive sometimes.
I'll be back in Buffalo in 10 days or so, see y'all then

12/19/2005 12:56 #33620

things i miss
Gracie turned three yesterday. My sister sent me this picture from her cell phone. Gracie is the littlest one. She is a darling.

hodown - 12/19/05 13:12
Could those little girls be any cuter?