So here
the famous,
The sleep of reason produces monsters

Here is a further description of this plate.

Perhaps isolation has caused a slight alternation of my reason currently. I'm not so isolated in physical space as I am in mental. Soon that will be switched around. I will once again be able to comprehend the signs that signify mundane dinner conversation.
and here is a link to Goya's Black Painting series

I'm not a huge fan of old paintings but Goya is where I make an exception. When I was a child flipping through my daddy's art history book, "Art Throughout the Ages" a 1960's version; the one painting that always stood out to me was "Saturn Devouring His Children." I misread the title in my youth at thought it was titled "Satan Devouring His Children" and it frightened me so much because I was a child and I couldn't think of why anyone would want to eat me. I wonder why I didn't identify myself as a child of Jesus? I was saved and baptised after all. I knew. I already knew. God Damn
Could those little girls be any cuter?