(Identification)Title of project, field of work Name of the natural person or of the institution submitting the application Person responsible for the project (in case the applicant is an institution): name, title,Address
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Brief summary of the project Duration of implementation of the project
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Detailed description of the project:Activities, goals, aims, approach, methods, multiplier effects, foreseen tangible results and indicators
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Timeline, precise schedule comprising a complete list of activities foreseen
Page 5-6
Detailed provisional budget of the whole of the project (in Euro)Financial partners (financial sources other than the Fund) and detailed description of their contribution
I'm not sure about this. My group conceives a project for a group residency in Leipzig but it's to imaginary to be defined. I think I'll sleep a few hours and then think about that. I put together a links page on my web sight

I made a presentation on my soul project today. I feel a bit outcast in this group. I was trying to think of how to make art about the holocaust but I really see no way for me right now. Sure everyone has a story which could somehow link them [inlink]robin,81[/inlink] but really everything is just a small nuisance. I'm trying not to survive here in Weimar but actually live the best way I know how. This, unfortunately is a bizarre way of living and as a result, lonely. Even with my four super gau flatmates I can't find a dinner partner for Pano's in the middle of the night, or even a Pano's. It is good to switch commodities for a while but where are the sweet potatoes?
Thanksgiving was cool. My friend Naomi made us a chicken feast. Sam made potatoes, dusica made carrot salad. I showed up late with a few spliffs and a bottle of white wine from the pub down the street.
So the temporal question is how to fill up my time? This moment is sleep but when I wake? Read, read, read things that I never have the opportunity to discuss.
This Sunday at the crossroads I spied a spy on tape.

good song - glad to hear you like it!
Happy Thanksgiving Robin, i'l looking for naked traces of you as we speak!