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04/26/2005 10:01 #33557

Great, I'm getting sick right when school has come to a boil.

04/23/2005 13:24 #33556

doing pageseven's job
last night a certain epeep became offended when I took off my bra and tried to hand it to him. We were at the old pink. I only did it in reaction to his comments on some other woman's nips sticking out too long a time. I wanted to show him that nips have amazing endurance and it's not all that remarkable. Nips ain't like dick, it take a lot less blood to make nips stand erect.
Then he gets into how everything I do offends. He asking for it though. His comments about this [inlink]robin,346[/inlink] led to this [inlink]robin,347[/inlink] I told him he's boring. that's my solution to life. Commenting on the boring things.
I took vitamin b last night.

04/22/2005 16:27 #33555

Wreck at the Crossroads
This was outside my window a minute age.




04/22/2005 12:14 #33554

i like it when
people write like they talk. I guess it's hard to do that unless you're recording the words of someone else.
catalepsy is my word of the day.

04/19/2005 02:06 #33553

"She'll not belong their."
"I'll be here four you"
"I shurly did when I took the first bite"
"For this place is fore the insane"

Those quotes are the highlights of the poetry I just found under the bed. I wrote it in the still of night in 1995, when I was 13. I was looking for old syllabi, when I came across this good and solid writing. I had to read it all. OK, back to paper fishing.

I'll give you one more fantastic quote

"One day I'll find a special place,
a place where you can see anyone you won'ts face,
a place where there is no pain inside,
a place where only unicorns ride"

hmmm, that is so good. that last line really makes you ponder deep thoughts, i bet.