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05/01/2005 15:28 #33561

When are they going to make a law against ignorance and complicity?

"Anybody who knows their American history knows that in the mid-1800's South a lot of white girls who had sex with black boys got away scott-free while the black boys went ahead and got murdered."[inlink]joshua,7[/inlink]

To Joshua, anybody who knows his or her American history knows that lynching went on well into the 1950's long after the civil war was over. The south was devastated and lawless after the war and that's how fucked up organizations like the kkk came into existence. If you know your film history, "Birth of a Nation" lets you see through the eyes of a southern white male of that era. White women were treated as trophies without their own agency and black men were treated as moronic rapist who should be killed by mobs. Black women had the most raw deal of all, you can read Zoral Neale Hurston and Toni Morrison to feel that.
If you know your American history you know that whites and blacks spent more time with each other before slavery was ended, you know that when blacks were free to earn wages they became a threat to the poor whites, often former friends or slaves, because now the poor blacks would be taking their jobs because whoever the pay check came from would go for the cheapest labor they could get. This created jim crow laws. If you know anything about current racism toward migrant workers from Central America, you know that these same economic fears are behind the racism. "Why should an illegal immigrants be allowed here when there are plenty of people already here who are unemployed?" Do I support that view, hell no, but I'm making the point that it is there. What this has to do with a basket case woman in Gwinnett, I'm still trying to figure out.

All women who line themselves up to marry Jesus freaks are giving themselves a life sentence. They should all go to jail forever and waste more of the taxpayer's money. Not only is this woman racist against Latinos she's also racist and sexist against white women AND she age discriminates. I've selected a few quotes with links; unfortunately I was unable to find any links about Puerto Ricans. Perhaps Ajay can provide us with a source for that. [inlink]ajay,340[/inlink]

"In her 911 call, Wilbanks sounds frantic and confused, telling an operator she was kidnapped from Atlanta by a man and a woman in their 40s who were driving a blue van"

"Wilbanks gave detailed descriptions of her kidnappers, whom she described as a Hispanic man and a white woman."

"Wilbanks claimed she had been abducted by a Hispanic man and white woman who cut her hair and forced her into a light blue conversion van"

It is not likely that the story would have attracted national attention 10 years ago, said Robert Thompson of the Center for the Study of Popular Television at Syracuse University, but the news business has changed with 24-hour cable coverage and intense competition.

"This is no more a national story than Scott Peterson was an important national story," Thompson said, "but it's the kind of programming that cable news stations want now."

I love this one
"So many girls really are abducted, and she's eating up all the manpower."

04/30/2005 15:27 #33559

the value of love objects
Duluth Police Chief Randy Belcher acknowledges: "It's a very real possibility she did get cold feet. I mean, how many husbands have gone out for a pack of cigarettes and not come back?"

I would say that women are more valuable only in the fact that they are more controllable. That's why a woman breaking the cycle of predictability is so threatening to our overly masculine and heterosexual epeeps.

04/26/2005 10:12 #33558

to snip it or not to snip it
Shawn [inlink]shawnr,78[/inlink] I agree that male circumcision is silly but I really do think female circumcision has to be worse. I'd hate to imagine life without my clit I already have a harder time achieving orgasm than the many circumcised men I've fucked. Maybe if men kept their foreskin their dicks would be less sensitive and they'd be more on track with their partners. I have no fucking clue. I think male circumcision is good for lazy parents who don't want to spend any extra time washing of their babies wee wee.

04/26/2005 10:01 #33557

Great, I'm getting sick right when school has come to a boil.

05/01/2005 07:01 #33560

mayfuckinday, y'all!
If SHE were a man there never would have been all the commotion anyway! That's my point. If a WASP man disappeared do you think we'd have seen "MISSING GROOM!" posted all over the news? Would they be giving the abandoned bride a polygraph test?
Yeah right.
We all know a woman's place is in the home.
I feel comforted knowing that as a white southern woman with a debit card and a mother who loves me, I fit many of the stereotypes that define this runaway bride. All I can say is thank the fucking gods I don't have some stupid man around who is going to flip out the moment I decide to take off on the spur of the moment. I sure as hell don't call my family every time I go out of town. I don't think that I'll be doing that when I'm in my 30's (like the woman in question) either.
Granted what this woman did was kind of crazy but the media is crazier. Getting married in the first place is a crazy thing to do, a weak person's way to temporarily ease the fear of dying alone. A business person's way of figuring out how to save time and tax money.
It's sad that a person can't just disappear for a while without informing all of the people that they want to disappear from that they're going to disappear for a while. I must have a different view of privilege than ajay. I would have thought a privileged class person would be able to take off when they want without seeking permission.
I know that to me living in a subdivision, being white with my ugly, white, stocky, aging and male fiancé, jogging everyday, is not my vision of the ideal life. I actually applaud this run-away-bride for realizing what a boring line up of stereotypes her life consists of and doing something radical about it. Yeah, when her 200 bucks ran out and she couldn't buy more bus tickets (it's a wonder she just didn't take a private jet to Madrid in the first place, what ever was she thinking?) She pulled the coward's move and called the fiancé, rather than lets say, turning tricks at truck stops.
Now she's going to settle into the life, marry the guy, maybe have a kid, maybe not, eventually she'll divorce the guy and marry a guy named Butch, and they'll go out to the honkytonks together, maybe some out-of-luck female friend will move in with them and they'll start having threesomes and wearing matching lingerie.
But in the mean time this person and companion should suffer fines and community service, why? Because there are not yet enough laws. We always need more. Is lying to the F.B.I. a crime? If I walk up to an agent and say "that's a very attractive suit and tie you're wearing" when In fact it's a hideously boring combination in my subjective view, should I be pressed with charges in a court of law? No.
If I walk up to an officer of the law and say "A short black man snatched my purse" and they go out looking and pick up some guy but it's not the right guy but I say "yeah that's him" and they put the guy in jail for a year, should I be pressed with charges in a court of law? Yes
Who did this runaway woman hurt in her actions? Who's civil liberties did she infringe upon? As far as I can tell it's the counties pocketbook that suffered the most damage and in this country capital is the new god. Money makes the world go round. I say we kill the woman and sell her skin to the highest bidder on e-bay. Then we can donate to funds to the county and they can donate the funds to the public library, that's only going to be replaced with the web in 15 years anyways, and then 5 years after that the books will all burn by the hands of a teenage pyromaniac.