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04/11/2005 20:29 #33545

close enough?


04/11/2005 03:43 #33544

never mind
the cleaning thing will wait. Maybe once school is out...

04/11/2005 01:00 #33543

All Right, That's the Last Straw.
I just encountered a bug in my apartment that was over an inch long and I don't even know where it went. It had moves like something out of Star Wars. I was trying to kill it but it went by the door so I thought "oh, I should just let it out and not kill it" but then the door has this stopper thing along the bottom and it pushed the bug further in the house.
I'm cleaning up, for Real this time! I'm on a mission, by morning time this place is going to be spick and span, God Damn It! Chris Barr tried to come help me the other day and we got the air mattress put away at least but I have a long way to go. If i'm successful I'll post update pictures and they next time any of you people see me you'll have to either give me a high 5 or shake your head in pity and shame.

at least stuff is not actually in the sink this time(well, a lot of stuff).
but there is some period juice for sitting on











04/10/2005 18:39 #33542

I was up until 7AM and just wOKe up. I checked my e-mail to see what time Alan's film was showing at Market Arcade and it showed at 4PM. I missed it! I feel so bad. I really wanted to go. I though it would start at night. I'm a bad friend.
I guess I should watch more Fassbinder. The first two were ok if you average them out. One, Beware of the Holy Whore was kind of boring and one, Satan's Brew, was fucking fantastic. Also I need to go down to main street and tape the beautiful old church with the for sale sign on it.
Maybe Alan will forgive me if I buy a
DVD. I'd really like to see his finished film.

04/09/2005 21:13 #33541

bored with my work
I can only keep it up so long... music music music. Now it's Cat Power later who knows? I have to watch some movies by this guy Rainer Werner Fassbinder. Trebor is always saying I need to so finally I am. I rented a few, we'll see how the are., come see if you're curious, yeah... Exciting.