04/03/2005 08:53 #33534
who's got the horses?I want to ride a horse. I want to just run in circles in a big pasture but I've been looking at these horse renting places and it's like a dollar a minute to ride a horse. When I was a kid in the country it was easy. We had a couple horses but even if we didn't I had some buddies with horses. Some of y'all buffalo people have to know some country people around here don't ya?
I want to fly.
Ok maybe I can come up with 30 bucks. Anybody else want to drive to Warsaw

to ride a horse?
04/02/2005 22:20 #33533
i need foodI'm getting cranky because I haven't had any food today. I told my friend I'd go to her party tonight but now i feel like staying home... but my superego is totally tripping. I'm poor, that's another excuse, How could I participate in a potluck when all I have is rotten fruit in the fridge and 14 bucks to last till pay day. Fuck the rent! Why are landlords so fucking money grubbing?
I was thinking oh, my landlord is so nice because he put a washer and drying in the basement but of course he had to put the kind that require coins to be operated. As if two months of my freaking rent isn't enough to cover the expense of the machines. Then there are the other 3 tenants in the building. Don't get me wrong my landlord is a friendly and understanding guy but Jesus. My fucking Dad rent's a house. He's just as bad I guess. Why in the hell are people so dead set on making g money off of people who have less money? Fucking Marx, he should have don e a better job coming up with a solution.
I'm going to the damn party
04/02/2005 17:51 #33532
sleep!all i do is sleep. all i want is sleep. i dreamed of keys and mice, murderers and flying, suicide and warehouses, crossroads and soldiers. the flying happens so often in my dreams that i always remember, in the dream, doing it before, having the ability. It starts out like jumping but a jump i can hold until it turns to flying, like a video game or something.
03/31/2005 07:45 #33531
diggin up bones03/27/2005 18:22 #33530
metal peterI'd be more upset if people didn't check out my package.