I need to hide under a rock for a while. I'm fearful of disappointment. I need the wind to switch up. I need to make toast. I really need to clean my fucking apartment. It's bad here, no clean dishes, no clean clothes, no clear paths to walk in bare feet, a filled up trash can, rotting fruit in the fridge, and cigarette butts overflowing in the ash treys. hmm...
well, I went to chris barr.com, maybe he can help me.
I need food. yes, hmmmm, food.
I miss being a fetus. life was good in those days. No light to bother you when your trying to sleep. Plenty of nourishment with no effort. Lots of crazy sounds. free transportation.
maybe I shoud just watch more T.V.
Robin's Journal
My Podcast Link
03/25/2005 14:02 #33527
bitching03/24/2005 22:57 #33526
porn search gone wrong03/24/2005 01:35 #33525
snow angelI did it, for the first time. Robin's first snow angel is right in front of the music hall. The snow was so pretty and pure walking home I could not help myself from wallering in it.
03/23/2005 20:32 #33524
but i reckonvaginas are a different story, maybe women have a more difficult time because their chest are considered more visually unacceptable than male chest. of course that's only because they're so damn hot. red hot in my case.
03/23/2005 20:25 #33523
hahahaha, necked, ha. oh that's funny. Paul, what's the big deal? Why does it matter what mr ? said or posted. I missed it so... crazy. yeah. Scroll down and look at that boob I posted a few weeks ago. It's still there. Should I put a big X over it? Nah, who gives a shit,really? I reckon women are allowed to appreciate their bodies because for some reason they're more socially acceptable. Thank goodness I'm a woman. My exhibitionism has free rein of expression in all forms. Well, not really.