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03/21/2005 12:46 #33522

NY trip
I was good. The loss of my cell phone on the train into Brooklyn was sad at first but the next morning the coolest guy ever called Ho and she called me and I called the guy and he said "Come and get your phone," so me and my friend Nate hopped on a bus and went further down into Brooklyn to the guys house. When the guy answered the door he radiated coolness. I had to restrain myself from crying out "I love you"! That guy was fucking cool.
I made a picture inspired by the trip and also by Raoul Vaneigem's book that I'm reading The Revolution of Everyday Life Click to see the pic.

03/19/2005 10:35 #33521

words of the day

self-abnegation ,

my question, how can these words ever possibly exist together?

03/18/2005 22:43 #33520

have past
the other day i was walking to my car at night
in the cfa parking lot
and the car i walked by just started up running
on it's on
with no one at the wheel
it was like night rider
i thought the car was going to run me over
so i got into my car fast
then a minute or two later some guy walked up and got in the car
fancy shit
fucking machine junkies


03/18/2005 20:32 #33519

pretty pretty
This is for David.


Did I ever mention that I am eternally fond of Keith?

03/14/2005 06:56 #33518

breakfast at soy's
Soyeon just cooked us the best rice omelet. I'm Lucky to have a friend who keeps odd hours like me. I'm going to make us some chocolate chip cookies next. In the gas station we heard a song that reminds me of something funny.
A few weeks ago my mama called up and told me that she wanted to listen to one of her old snow springs Baptist church tapes but when she put the tape in instead of hearing her gospel music she heard the ugliest song. My sister ran in the room and tried to stop the tape before my my mom heard the chorus of the song but as soon as lori got in the room "I wanna fuck you like an animal" came belting out of the speakers. Ah, my middle school antics are still coming back to haunt me. One funny thing, Closer is one of Soy's new favorite songs.